简述FileNet P8下Process Engine中Workflow概念

        在File Net P8平台下的Process Engine中,存在一种概念 Workflow 来描述Business Object。

         1.  在其中,Workflow 需要区分Work Step 和Work Item:

          简述FileNet P8下Process Engine中Workflow概念_第1张图片

           2.  有关Process Engine中Queues的区别:

           User Queue、Work Queue(Public Queue) 、System Queue .


简述FileNet P8下Process Engine中Workflow概念_第2张图片

                  简述FileNet P8下Process Engine中Workflow概念_第3张图片


         3.  在 Workplace里的user preferences中配置email address 以使得user能够收到email当inbox中有workflow信息时。


简述FileNet P8下Process Engine中Workflow概念_第4张图片

        4. WorkMap

  简述FileNet P8下Process Engine中Workflow概念_第5张图片

       5.  Workflow Steps

简述FileNet P8下Process Engine中Workflow概念_第6张图片

简述FileNet P8下Process Engine中Workflow概念_第7张图片

       6. Submaps:

简述FileNet P8下Process Engine中Workflow概念_第8张图片




       区分Filenet P8平台下,最为重要的三个 root class:Document、Custom Object、Folder。

       document:An object saved in an object store or library. Documents have properties and security, and mayadditionally have content, versions, lifecycles, and subscriptions. Searches, publishing templates, workflow definitions, preferences files, and most documents added  by Workplace users are stored as versionable documents. Documents and searches saved in Content Services libraries can have versions; Image Services documents do not have versions.Documents are instances of the Document class or one of its subclasses.

       custom object:A generic business object that can be stored in a folder. Unlike document objects, a custom object cannot have versions, lifecycles, or content. Custom objects are not available in Workplace XT.

        folder:A container for documents and subfolders.

       folder class:A template for folders.



Glossary for IBM FileNet P8 Platform(p8平台下名词解析):



