struts+hibernate+spring 版本控制svn的URL地址


都采用subversion 进行版本控制,可以根据URL通过浏览器直接查看,也可以用svn客户端checkout下来,仔细研究源码还是不错呀。
=================== Struts =========================  ======= 
Apache 项目 svn 资源
svn co
Struts svn 资源
svn co

=================== Hibernate ========================= =======

Hibernate svn 资源

Source Control Repositories

Starting in March, 2006 Hibernate source is maintained in a Subversion repository hosted by the JBoss Labs project. For anonymous access, the root repository URL is . For developer access, the root repository URL is .

Also, the repository layout is expected to change to better align with the subproject structure. Currently, the layout essentially follows that found in the older CVS modules, with trunk, branches, and tags all at the root level of the repository. Thus to checkout the latest source for the Hibernate3 module, type

svn co

To checkout Hibernate Annotations and Hibernate EntityManager, type

svn co

or (for branch 3.2)

svn co

Then you'll find metadata which contains Hibernate Annotations, ejb which contains Hibernate EntityManager and ejb-api which contains the javax.persistence APIs of EJB3.

Note that some of the modules present in CVS were dropped after import into Subversion; namely Hibernate and Hibernate2 modules. If you need access to these source trees, they are still accessible from the SourceForge CVS repository. For anonymous access, use pserver:[email protected]:/cvsroot/hibernate as the CVSROOT.

NHibernate uses Subversion hosted on Sourceforge. The repository URL is . Using this URL directly will cause all branches and tags of the project to be checked out, transferring a large volume of data. To check out only the trunk (main development line), use as the repository URL.

The repositories are also browsable online via ViewCVS and Fisheye.

=================== Spring ========================= ======= 

Subversion Access

This project's Subversion repository can be checked out through SVN with the following instruction set:

svn co

===================== 一个spring demo ============================ 
1.svn co 
2.svn checkout

===============jakarta commom-lang svn ================================ 
svn co

=============== SpringSide使用新鲜的Subversion管理源码=============== == == == == ==
SpringSide以Spring Framework 为核心,提供一个 注重实效(Pragmatic)的企业应用KickStart 与Full-Stack 的开源构件库。
将Java社区众多优秀轻量级开源项目整军为一个黏合的框架,以构件式的开发架构,配合Ant与Eclipse plugin的生成工具,作为大家开发Java企业应用的方便起点.

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