	rs0.teamname 所属团队, 
	rs0.agentid 座席号,
	rs0.agentname 座席名称,
	nvl(rs8.jieting,0) 呼入数,
	nvl(rs7.huchu,0) 呼出数,
	nvl(rs1.zhengli,0) 处理次数,
	nvl(rs6.refuse,0) 拒绝,
	nvl(rs5.zhulixi,0) 离席数,
	nvl(rs3.jianting,0) 监听,
	nvl(rs4.bangzhu,0) 帮助,
	nvl(rs2.zxjth,0) 坐席间通话,
	nvl(rs9.guaji,0) 振铃数秒未接起用户挂机  
	(select agentid ,agentname,ctiagentid,departname,teamname,dicvalue  from  s_view_userinfo where 1=1) rs0,
	(select count(*) zhengli,agtid 
	from sys2_log_agtst 
	where starttime >='20120301000000' and 
	starttime <='20120331235959' and agtstatus=13  and timespan>=20 and 
	agtid in (select ctiagentid  from s_view_userinfo where 1=1 ) 
	group by agtid) rs1,
	(select count(*) zxjth,agtid 
	from sys2_log_agtst 
	where (starttime >='20120301000000' and 
	starttime <='20120331235959' and agtstatus='10') and timespan>=20 and 
	agtid in (select ctiagentid  from s_view_userinfo where 1=1 ) 
	group by agtid) rs2,
	(select count(*) jianting,agtid 
	from sys2_log_agtst 
	where (starttime >='20120301000000' and 
	starttime <='20120331235959' and agtstatus='5') and timespan>=20 and 
	agtid in (select ctiagentid  from s_view_userinfo where 1=1 ) 
	group by agtid) rs3,
	(select count(*) bangzhu,agtid 
	from sys2_log_agtst 
	where (starttime >='20120301000000' and 
	starttime <='20120331235959' and agtstatus='6') and timespan>=20 and 
	agtid in (select ctiagentid  from s_view_userinfo where 1=1 ) 
	group by agtid) rs4,
	(select count(*) zhulixi ,agtid 
	from sys2_log_agtst 
	where (starttime >='20120301000000' and starttime <='20120331235959' and 
	agtstatus='4') and timespan>=20 and 
	agtid in (select ctiagentid  from s_view_userinfo where 1=1 ) 
	group by agtid) rs5,
	(select count(*) refuse,agtid 
	from sys2_log_agtst 
	where  (starttime >='20120301000000' and starttime <='20120331235959') and (agtstatus = '71' or agtstatus ='81') and timespan>=20 and 
	agtid in (select ctiagentid  from s_view_userinfo where 1=1 ) 
	group by agtid) rs6,
	(select count(agtid) huchu,agtid 
	from sys2_log_agtst 
	where (starttime >='20120301000000' and 
	starttime <='20120331235959') and agtstatus=18 and timespan>=20 and 
	agtid in (select ctiagentid  from s_view_userinfo where 1=1) 
	group by agtid) rs7,
	(select count(agtid) jieting,agtid 
	from sys2_log_agtst 
	where (starttime >='20120301000000' and 
	starttime <='20120331235959') and agtstatus=3 and timespan>=20 and 
	agtid in (select ctiagentid  from s_view_userinfo where 1=1) 
	group by agtid) rs8, 
	(select count(*) guaji,agtid 
	from sys2_log_agtst  
	where (starttime >='20120301000000' and 
	starttime <='20120331235959') and (agtstatus=73) and (timespan>=20) and 
	agtid in (select ctiagentid  from s_view_userinfo where 1=1 ) 
	group by agtid) rs9 
	rs0.ctiagentid=rs1.agtid(+) and 
	rs0.ctiagentid=rs2.agtid(+) and 
	rs0.ctiagentid=rs3.agtid(+) and 
	rs0.ctiagentid=rs4.agtid(+) and 
	rs0.ctiagentid=rs5.agtid(+) and 
	rs0.ctiagentid=rs6.agtid(+) and 
	rs0.ctiagentid=rs7.agtid(+) and 
	rs0.ctiagentid=rs8.agtid(+) and 
order by rs0.departname,rs0.teamname,rs0.agentid


  rs0.teamname 所属团队, 
  rs0.agentid 座席号,
  rs0.agentname 座席名称,
  nvl(rs1.jieting,0) 呼入数,
  nvl(rs1.huchu,0) 呼出数,
  nvl(rs1.zhengli,0) 处理次数,
  nvl(rs1.refuse,0) 拒绝,
  nvl(rs1.zhulixi,0) 离席数,
  nvl(rs1.jianting,0) 监听,
  nvl(rs1.bangzhu,0) 帮助,
  nvl(rs1.zxjth,0) 坐席间通话,
  nvl(rs1.guaji,0) 振铃数秒未接起用户挂机  
  (select agentid ,agentname,ctiagentid,departname,teamname,dicvalue  from  s_view_userinfo where 1=1) rs0,
  (select agtid ,
  sum(case when agtstatus = 13 then 1 else 0 end) zhengli,
  sum(case when agtstatus = 10 then 1 else 0 end) zxjth,
  sum(case when agtstatus = 5 then 1 else 0 end) jianting,
  sum(case when agtstatus = 6 then 1 else 0 end) bangzhu,
  sum(case when agtstatus = 4 then 1 else 0 end) zhulixi ,
  sum(case when (agtstatus = 71 or agtstatus =81) then 1 else 0 end) refuse,
  sum(case when agtstatus = 18 then 1 else 0 end) huchu,
  sum(case when agtstatus = 3 then 1 else 0 end) jieting,
  sum(case when (agtstatus=73) then 1 else 0 end) guaji
  from sys2_log_agtst t1
  where starttime >='20120301000000' and
  starttime <='20120331235959' and 
  timespan>=20 and 
   exists  (select 'x'  from s_view_userinfo t2 where t1.agtid=t2.ctiagentid ) 
  group by agtid) rs1

order by rs0.departname,rs0.teamname,rs0.agentid
