





1:  SD Memory Card state diagram (card identification mode)

2:  SD Memory Card state diagram (data transfer mode)

按照S3C2410 datasheet上介绍:


GPE10 [21:20] 00 = Input 01 = Output 10 = SDDAT3 11 = Reserved

GPE9 [19:18] 00 = Input 01 = Output 10 = SDDAT2 11 = Reserved

GPE8 [17:16] 00 = Input 01 = Output 10 = SDDAT1 11 = Reserved

GPE7 [15:14] 00 = Input 01 = Output 10 = SDDAT0 11 = Reserved

GPE6 [13:12] 00 = Input 01 = Output 10 = SDCMD 11 = Reserved

GPE5 [11:10] 00 = Input 01 = Output 10 = SDCLK 11 = Reserved


1. Set SDICON to configure properly with clock and interrupt.

2. Set SDIPRE to configure with a proper value.

3. Wait 74 SDCLK clock cycle in order to initialize the card.


1. Write command argument (32-bit) to SDICARG register.

2. Determine command types and start command by setting SDICCON[8].

 3. Confirm the end of SDI command operation when the specific flag of SDICSTA is set. — If the type of command is no-response, the flag is SDICSTA[11]. — If the type of command is with-response, the flag is SDICSTA[9].

4. Clear the corresponding flag of the SDICSTA register by writing one to the flag bit.


1. Write timeout period to SDIDTIMER register.

2. Write block size (block length) to SDIBSIZE register (normally 0x200 byte).

3. Determine the mode of block, wide bus, DMA, etc. and start data transfer with setting SDIDCON register.

4. Write Tx-data to SDIDAT register while Tx FIFO is available by checking SDIFSTA (available, half or empty) register.

5. Read Rx-data from SDIDAT register while Rx FIFO is available by checking SDIFSTA (available, half or be last data) register.

6. Confirm the end of SDI data operation when the flag of data transfer finish (SDIDSTA[4]) is set.

7. Clear the corresponding flag of SDIDSTA register by writing one to the flag bit.


 原文地址 http://sniper167.bokee.com/6023408.html
