在virtualbox中安装Mac OS X Snow Leopard


windows 7 SP1
virtualbox 4.1.4 r74291

CPU:AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4000+ 2.1 GHz
RAM:2.00 GB

最近在玩各种UNIX系统,忽然间想玩玩Mac OS,于是在网上各种搜罗,几经波折,终于找到了一个靠谱的破解版和安装方法。

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安装方法来自 Install Mac OS X in VirtualBox [Snow Leopard]
还有一篇是 Windows 7+VirtualBox安装Mac OS X全教程。这一篇文图兼备,简单易懂。不过由于我按照该文章进行安装时出错且无法解决,后来参考 Install Mac OS X in VirtualBox [Snow Leopard],相对前者在安装中多了几项配置,便安装成功。因此建议先看 Windows 7+VirtualBox安装Mac OS X全教程,对Mac安装过程有大概的了解,再按照 Install Mac OS X in VirtualBox [Snow Leopard]的方法进行安装。

It’s been a while since we wrote the popular Tutorial on installing Snow Leopard on Virtualbox. Certail users had trouble with the guide due to lack of proper hardware support — Intel VT support. So here comes a tutorial with the help of tek411 which works without much hackery

There are several reasons why not to use Snow Leopard on VMWare and go for Virtualbox.

Who doesn’t love Open Source? And when a Open source product is better than a paid application, we adore it. So is the case with Virtualbox. Virtualbox 3.1 is an amazing platform for Virtualization, It’s not only free, but also much faster than VMware in Disk I/O, Network I/O, RAM optimization, CPU Usage, Hypervisor level operations. Hats off to Sun-Oracle.

Before you begin, make sure you have enough CPU, RAM, Disk resources to share for the virtual machine.

Hardware Requirements:

  • Processor: Any Intel Processor or AMD. if you still have a doubt:@geeknizer.
  • RAM: Anything above 1 GB, Recommended 2GB or higher
  • Disk space: 10GB (minimum)

Software Requirements:

  • Virtualbox 3.2.6 (Download)
  • Snow Leopard Osx86 distro
  • Bit of Patience 

How to Install Snow Leopard OSx86 on VirtualBox

Step 1. Create a new Virtual Machine with name “OSX”

On the next page Configure RAM you wish to allocate. We recommend anything near 1GB.

Step 2. Create Virtual harddisk

Anything near 20gb Dynamic should suffice most requirements but you are free to change it to something higher and click finish.

Step 3. Configure settings in the left pane and uncheck Enable EFI.

Next click on the Storage button on the left. From there click on Empty under the OSX.vdi, then click the folder with the green arrow on the right (next to “CD/DVD Device”).

At this window click the Add button at the top. Then find and add the OSX86 ISO you downloaded earlier. Then highlight it and click Select at the bottom. Then click OK, and hit the Start button on the left side of the main VirtualBox window.

Step 4. Starting up Mac OS firstboot

While it boots, click inside the window and hit F8. At the boot: prompt type –v(这里可能会失败,可重启虚拟机继续尝试。附:好像不输入-v,直接回车也可以).Next, Setup should boot into installation just fine. Run the Disk Utility by going to Utilities in the menu bar.


进入Utilities对虚拟硬盘进行格式化,参考Windows 7+VirtualBox安装Mac OS X全教程,不过格式化时,Volume Format使用默认选项Mac OS Extended (Journaled)即可。


Click the Erase tab, and click the Erase button on the bottom right of the window and then quit it.

Step 5: Proceeding with installation

Select the drive you just partitioned and continue

Step 6. Customizing the Installation


On next window, Click the Customize button and select checkboxes:

AMD Users:
Any Updates included at the top.
Drop down Kernels and choose Legacy kernel.
AMD option below System support.




Intel Users:
Any Updates included at the top.
Drop down bootloaders and check the newest Chameleon.
Drop down Kernels and choose Legacy kernel.

Then click Done and hit the Install button. You can skip Disc checking and speedup the installation. It should take anywhere between 15- 40 minutes.

Step 7. Setting the Chameleon Bootloader

When the installation completes, before restarting Click on Devices at the top of the VirtualBox window, hit CD/DVD Devices and click Unmount CD/DVD Device.(移除ISO文件) Next you’ll see the Chameleon loader and then OS X will begin to boot.

After it boots you will see the setup screens for OS X! You’re good to go.

What doesn’t work:

  • Audio
  • Custom resolutions. You can do this via the tips mentioned in snow leopard hackintosh guide.

Tip: In case you need quick assistance, you can do so on Twitter: @geeknizer.

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终于能玩弄下Mac OS了。


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