I can't add PPA repository behind the proxy


Actually it seems to be much easier than the answer posted previously. You just need "sudo" to know that you are behind a proxy and it will work effortlessly. To do this, you need to export your proxy for http and https the way you usually do:

export http_proxy=http://username:password@host:port/
export https_proxy=https://username:password@host:port/

and then add Defaults env_keep="https_proxy" to then end of /etc/sudoers file. After this you should be able to add the ppa using the command:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:the_ppa_you_want_to_add

or use

sudo -E add-apt-repository ppa:the_ppa_you_want_to_add

if you don't want to modify /etc/sudoers file. The -E option exports environment variables to the sudo user.

I have given a detailed description about this here on my blog.
