Icon.png(57x57) - Homescreen icon on iPhone/iPod touch
[email protected](114x114) - Homescreen icon on iPhone 4
Icon-72(72x72) - Homescreen icon on iPad
Icon-Small.png(29x29) - Icon in Spotlight and Settings app on iPhone/iPod touch and icon in Settings app on iPad
Icon-Small-50.png(50x50) - Icon in Spotlight on iPad
[email protected](59x59) - Icon in Spotlight and Settings app on iPhone 4
上面的的图标还需要加入到应用程序的info.plist文件的Icon files数组里。
iTunesArtwork(512x512) - Icon in iTunes for Ad Hoc distribution builds
推荐下载apple example code:Icons来研究下
iOS设备现在有三种不同的分辨率:iPhone 320x480、iPhone 4 640x960、iPad 768x1024。
以前程序的启动画面(图片)只要准备一个 Default.png 就可以了,但是现在变得复杂多了。
下面就是 CocoaChina 会员做得总结
如果一个程序,既支持iPhone又支持iPad,那么它需要包含下面几个图片:为了在iPad上使用上述的启动画面,你还需要在info.plist中加入key: UISupportedInterfaceOrientations。同时,加入值UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait, UIInterfacOrientationPortraitUpsideDown, UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft, UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight。
For iPhone and iPod touch:
About 20 x 20 pixels
About 40 x 40 pixels (high resolution)
For iPad:
About 20 x 20 pixels
对于tab bar icons,可以创建如下尺寸的图标:
For iPhone and iPod touch:
About 30 x 30 pixels
About 60 x 60 pixels (high resolution)
For iPad:
About 30 x 30 pixels