VTune Basic Notes 1

1. VTune文档:

Getting Started Tutorial:http://software.intel.com/sites/products/documentation/hpc/amplifierxe/en-us/2011Update/lin/start/index.htm

VTune Help Document:http://software.intel.com/sites/products/documentation/hpc/amplifierxe/en-us/2011Update/lin/ug_docs/index.htm

2. Installation Information:

Installing Amplifier XE Command line interface component... done
Installing Amplifier XE Sampling driver kit component... done
Installing Amplifier XE Graphical user interface component... done

To get started using Intel(R) VTune(TM) Amplifier XE 2011 Update 7: 
  - To set your environment variables: source /opt/intel/vtune_amplifier_xe_2011/amplxe-vars.sh
  - To start the graphical user interface: amplxe-gui
  - To use the command-line interface: amplxe-cl
  - To view a table of getting started documents: /opt/intel/vtune_amplifier_xe_2011/documentation/en/documentation_amplifier.htm


3. 命令行运行amplxe-gui

You may run the VTune Amplifier XE (amplxe-gui) from the command line as follows:

> amplxe-gui PATH

where PATH is one of the following:

  • Full path to a result file (*.amplxe)

  • Full path to a project file (config.amplxeproj)

  • Full path to a project directory. If the project file does not exist in the directory, the New Project dialog box opens and prompts you to create a new project in the given directory).

4. 关于性能分析的编译:


1. 为系统下载安装系统库(system libraries)的debug information。关于如何安装debug信息,参考:http://software.intel.com/sites/products/documentation/hpc/amplifierxe/en-us/2011Update/lin/ug_docs/index.htm#olh/common/configuring_symbol_server.html
2. 使用-g选项编译代码。
3. 以Release模式编译目标。
4. 创建一个用于调优的一个基准,用于进行比较性能提升。(一般使用release模式作为基准就可以了)

5. VTune工作流程workflow

(1) Basic Analysis Workflow 调优和优化程序,提高性能。

VTune Basic Notes 1_第1张图片

(2) Remote Analysis Workflow 使用VTune命令行接口在远程机器上采集数据,在本地机器上查看数据。

VTune Basic Notes 1_第2张图片
