Boost.Asio在Linux下封装epoll这种同步接口是如何做到异步IO的呢?通过下面的分析,我们会发现,Boost.Asio在应用层上对epoll返回的就绪队列做了一层封装,实现数据拷贝,从而完成了异步IO操作。下面结合boost.Asio 1.55源码,进行分析。
// /asio/io_service.hpp namespace detail { #if defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_IOCP) typedef class win_iocp_io_service io_service_impl; class win_iocp_overlapped_ptr; #else typedef class task_io_service io_service_impl; #endif class service_registry; } // namespace detail
// /asio/io_service.hpp
class io_service: private noncopyable
typedef detail::io_service_impl impl_type;
// The service registry.
boost::asio::detail::service_registry* service_registry_;
// The implementation.
impl_type& impl_;
// Run the io_service object's event processing loop.
BOOST_ASIO_DECL std::size_t run();
// Run the io_service object's event processing loop to execute ready handlers.
BOOST_ASIO_DECL std::size_t poll();
std::size_t io_service::run()
boost::system::error_code ec;
std::size_t s = impl_.run(ec);
return s;
// /asio/detail/task_io_service.hpp class task_io_service : public boost::asio::detail::service_base<task_io_service> { public: ... typedef task_io_service_operation operation; // Run the event loop until interrupted or no more work. BOOST_ASIO_DECL std::size_t run(boost::system::error_code& ec); private: ... // The task to be run by this service. reactor* task_; // The count of unfinished work. atomic_count outstanding_work_; // The queue of handlers that are ready to be delivered. op_queue<operation> op_queue_; }
// asio/detail/reactor_fwd.hpp #if defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS_RUNTIME) typedef class null_reactor reactor; #elif defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_IOCP) typedef class select_reactor reactor; #elif defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_EPOLL) typedef class epoll_reactor reactor; #elif defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_KQUEUE) typedef class kqueue_reactor reactor; #elif defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_DEV_POLL) typedef class dev_poll_reactor reactor; #else typedef class select_reactor reactor; #endif
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <boost/asio.hpp> int main() { std::string output; #if defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_IOCP) output = "iocp" ; #elif defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_EPOLL) output = "epoll" ; #elif defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_KQUEUE) output = "kqueue" ; #elif defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_DEV_POLL) output = "/dev/poll" ; #else output = "select" ; #endif std::cout << output << std::endl; }
2. op_queue<operation>:回调函数对象列表,这里面的每一个operation都会在调用了run函数的用户线程里面执行,每个操作选择一个空闲的线程,关于这点可以看下面的程序:
#include <boost/asio.hpp> #include <boost/thread.hpp> #include <iostream> void handler1(const boost::system::error_code &ec) { std::cout << boost::this_thread::get_id() << " handler1." << std::endl; //sleep(3); } void handler2(const boost::system::error_code &ec) { std::cout << boost::this_thread::get_id() << " handler2." << std::endl; sleep(3); } boost::asio::io_service io_service; void run() { io_service.run(); } int main() { boost::asio::deadline_timer timer1(io_service, boost::posix_time::seconds(2)); timer1.async_wait(handler1); boost::asio::deadline_timer timer2(io_service, boost::posix_time::seconds(2)); timer2.async_wait(handler2); boost::thread thread1(run); boost::thread thread2(run); thread1.join(); thread2.join(); }
// asio/detail/impl/Task_io_service.ipp
std::size_t task_io_service::run(boost::system::error_code& ec)
mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_);
std::size_t n = 0;
for (; do_run_one(lock, this_thread, ec); lock.lock())
if (n != (std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max)())
return n;
// asio/detail/impl/Task_io_service.ipp
std::size_t task_io_service::do_run_one(mutex::scoped_lock& lock,
task_io_service::thread_info& this_thread,
const boost::system::error_code& ec)
while (!stopped_)
if (!op_queue_.empty())
// Prepare to execute first handler from queue.
operation* o = op_queue_.front();
bool more_handlers = (!op_queue_.empty());
if (o == &task_operation_)
task_->run(!more_handlers, this_thread.private_op_queue);
// Complete the operation. May throw an exception. Deletes the object.
o->complete(*this, ec, task_result);
return 1;
// Nothing to run right now, so just wait for work to do.
this_thread.next = first_idle_thread_;
first_idle_thread_ = &this_thread;
return 0;
//asio/detail/impl/epoll_reactor.ipp void epoll_reactor::run(bool block, op_queue<operation>& ops) { ... // Block on the epoll descriptor. epoll_event events[128]; int num_events = epoll_wait(epoll_fd_, events, 128, timeout); ... descriptor_state* descriptor_data = static_cast<descriptor_state*>(ptr); descriptor_data->set_ready_events(events[i].events); ops.push(descriptor_data); }
// detail/epoll_reactor.hpp class epoll_reactor : public boost::asio::detail::service_base<epoll_reactor> { ... private: ... BOOST_ASIO_DECL static int do_epoll_create(); ... // The epoll file descriptor. int epoll_fd_; // The io_service implementation used to post completions. io_service_impl& io_service_; ... };
//asio/ip/Tcp.hpp class tcp { public: /// The type of a TCP endpoint. typedef basic_endpoint<tcp> endpoint; /// Construct to represent the IPv4 TCP protocol. static tcp v4() { return tcp(BOOST_ASIO_OS_DEF(AF_INET)); } ... /// The TCP socket type. typedef basic_stream_socket<tcp> socket; /// The TCP acceptor type. typedef basic_socket_acceptor<tcp> acceptor; /// The TCP resolver type. typedef basic_resolver<tcp> resolver; #if !defined(BOOST_ASIO_NO_IOSTREAM) /// The TCP iostream type. typedef basic_socket_iostream<tcp> iostream; #endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_NO_IOSTREAM) ... private: // Construct with a specific family. explicit tcp(int protocol_family) : family_(protocol_family) { } int family_; };
// asio/Basic_stream_socket.hpp template <typename MutableBufferSequence, typename ReadHandler> BOOST_ASIO_INITFN_RESULT_TYPE(ReadHandler, void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t)) async_receive(const MutableBufferSequence& buffers, socket_base::message_flags flags, BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(ReadHandler) handler) { // If you get an error on the following line it means that your handler does // not meet the documented type requirements for a ReadHandler. BOOST_ASIO_READ_HANDLER_CHECK(ReadHandler, handler) type_check; return this->get_service().async_receive(this->get_implementation(), buffers, flags, BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(ReadHandler)(handler)); }
// boost/asio/stream_socket_service.hpp class stream_socket_service #if defined(GENERATING_DOCUMENTATION) : public boost::asio::io_service::service #else : public boost::asio::detail::service_base<stream_socket_service<Protocol> > #endif { public: #if defined(GENERATING_DOCUMENTATION) /// The unique service identifier. static boost::asio::io_service::id id; #endif /// The protocol type. typedef Protocol protocol_type; /// The endpoint type. typedef typename Protocol::endpoint endpoint_type; private: // The type of the platform-specific implementation. #if defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS_RUNTIME) typedef detail::winrt_ssocket_service<Protocol> service_impl_type; #elif defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_IOCP) typedef detail::win_iocp_socket_service<Protocol> service_impl_type; #else typedef detail::reactive_socket_service<Protocol> service_impl_type; #endif }
// boost/asio/detail/Reactive_socket_service_base.hpp class reactive_socket_service_base { public: // The native type of a socket. typedef socket_type native_handle_type; // The implementation type of the socket. struct base_implementation_type { // The native socket representation. socket_type socket_; // The current state of the socket. socket_ops::state_type state_; // Per-descriptor data used by the reactor. reactor::per_descriptor_data reactor_data_; }; protected: // The selector that performs event demultiplexing for the service. reactor& reactor_; }
// boost/asio/detail/impl/Reactive_socket_service_base.ipp // Start an asynchronous receive. The buffer for the data being received // must be valid for the lifetime of the asynchronous operation. template <typename MutableBufferSequence, typename Handler> void async_receive(base_implementation_type& impl, const MutableBufferSequence& buffers, socket_base::message_flags flags, Handler& handler) { bool is_continuation = boost_asio_handler_cont_helpers::is_continuation(handler); // Allocate and construct an operation to wrap the handler. typedef reactive_socket_recv_op<MutableBufferSequence, Handler> op; typename op::ptr p = { boost::asio::detail::addressof(handler), boost_asio_handler_alloc_helpers::allocate( sizeof(op), handler), 0 }; p.p = new (p.v) op(impl.socket_, impl.state_, buffers, flags, handler); BOOST_ASIO_HANDLER_CREATION((p.p, "socket", &impl, "async_receive")); start_op(impl, (flags & socket_base::message_out_of_band) ? reactor::except_op : reactor::read_op, p.p, is_continuation, (flags & socket_base::message_out_of_band) == 0, ((impl.state_ & socket_ops::stream_oriented) && buffer_sequence_adapter<boost::asio::mutable_buffer, MutableBufferSequence>::all_empty(buffers))); p.v = p.p = 0; }