Ubuntu 安装STAR UML

ubuntu 上的UML工具实在是用不惯, 还是STAR UML 好用一点。 所以摸索了下安装步骤如下

1. Install wine "http://wiki.ubuntu.org.cn/Wine"
 sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa
 sudo apt-get update
 sudo apt-get install wine

2.Download winetricks
wget http://www.kegel.com/wine/winetricks
sudo chmod +x winetricks
$./winetricks mfc42

3. Install the startUML  

3.1 Copy the "staruml-5.0-with-cm.exe"  to wine C:/UML
root@:~# wine staruml-5.0-with-cm.exe

have the Pgmr101.ocx error

root@:~# wine cmd
C:\>cd Program Files
C:\Program Files\StarUML>regsvr32 Pgmr101.ocx
Successfully registered DLL Pgmr101.ocx

4. Install the startUML  again
root~# wine staruml-5.0-with-cm.exe

3. If have error "OLE error 80004001"
Install related soft
sh winetricks mfc42
sh winetricks -v vcrun6
sh winetricks -v msxml4

你可能感兴趣的:(Ubuntu 安装STAR UML)