Artistic style is a console program that receives information from the command line. The format of the command line is:
astyle [options] SourceFile1 SourceFile2 SourceFile3 [ . . . ]
The block parens [ ] indicate that more than one option or more than one filename can be entered. They are NOT actually included in the command. For the options format see the following Options section.
Example to format a single file:
astyle --style=allman /home/user/project/foo.cpp
Example to format all .cpp and .h files recursively:
astyle --style=allman --recursive /home/user/project/*.cpp /home/user/project/*.h
Another option will format a single file and change the name:
astyle [options] < OriginalSourceFile > BeautifiedSourceFile
The < and > characters are used to redirect the files into standard input (cin) and out of standard output (cout) - don't forget them! With this option only one file at a time can be formatted. Wildcards are not recognized, there are no console messages, and a backup is not created. On Windows the output will always have Windows line ends.
Not specifying any option will result in 4 spaces per indent, no change in bracket placement, and no formatting changes.
Options may be written in two different ways.
Long options
These options start with '--', and must be written one at a time.
(Example: '--brackets=attach --indent=spaces=4
Short Options
These options start with a single '-', and may be concatenated together.
(Example: '-bps4
' is the same as writing '-b -p -s4
Bracket Style Options
default bracket style style=allman style=java style=kr style=stroustrup
style=whitesmith style=banner style=gnu style=linux style=horstmann
style=1tbs style=pico style=lisp
Tab Options
default indent indent=spaces indent=tab indent=force‑tab --indent=force‑tab‑x
Indentation Options
indent‑classes indent‑switches indent‑cases indent‑namespaces indent‑labels
indent‑preprocessor indent‑col1‑comments min‑conditional‑indent max‑instatement‑indent
Padding Options
break‑blocks break‑blocks=all pad‑oper pad‑paren pad‑paren‑out pad‑first‑paren‑out
pad‑paren‑in pad‑header unpad‑paren delete‑empty‑lines fill‑empty‑lines align‑pointer
Formatting Options
break‑closing‑brackets break‑elseifs add‑brackets add‑one‑line‑brackets keep‑one‑line‑blocks
keep‑one‑line‑statements convert‑tabs close‑templates max‑code‑length break‑after‑logical
Other Options
suffix suffix=none recursive exclude ignore‑exclude‑errors ignore‑exclude‑errors‑x
errors‑to‑stdout preserve‑date verbose formatted quiet lineend