环境:redhat 5.4 + oracle
一、HTMLDB 与HTTP server
注:如果机器上已经安装了oracle db,在选择路径时一定要创建一个新的路径,否则无法安装。
oracle 10R2的companion中HTMDB的版本是1.6, HTTP server 的版本是10.2。
如果选择先安装了oracle database 10g companion products ----> HTTP SERVER,再手动安装HTMLDB2.0的话,需要手动的创建 Apache/modplsql/conf/marvel.conf文件。文件的格式如下:
Alias /i/ /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/HTMLDB/htmldb/images/ <Location /pls/htmldb> Order deny,allow PlsqlDocumentPath docs AllowOverride None PlsqlDocumentProcedure wwv_flow_file_manager.process_download PlsqlDatabaseConnectString localhost.localdomain:1521:zzlhy ServiceNameFormat PlsqlNLSLanguage AMERICAN_AMERICA.ZHS16GBK PlsqlAuthenticationMode Basic SetHandler pls_handler PlsqlDocumentTablename wwv_flow_file_objects$ PlsqlDatabaseUsername HTMLDB_PUBLIC_USER PlsqlDefaultPage htmldb PlsqlDatabasePassword @BfsSgUiCUa0nzndZ+v4iHS8= Allow from all </Location>
问题一:在安装oracle companion 时会有三种类型选择:
在选择第一个和第三个时都会在打开 oracle http server 时出现以下错误:
opmnctl: starting opmn and all managed processes... opmnctl: opmn start failed Command = /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/companion/opmn/bin/opmnctl has failed INFO: Configuration assistant "Starting HTTP Server" failed
libgdm.so.2.0.0 和 libdb.so.2
ln -s /usr/lib/libgdbm.so.2.0.0 /usr/lib/libdb.so.2。
然后 在失败的界面点击 retry。
问题二、在安装过程中选择了上图中的第一项:oracle HTML DB的版本是1.6),在安装结束后。可以打开http://localhost:7782主页面,却无法打开http://localhost:7782/pls/htmldb 页面。(注:7782是在文件 %Apache_Home/Apache/conf/httpd.conf).
# Port: The port to which the standalone server listens. For # ports < 1024, you will need httpd to be run as root initially. # # This port is used when starting without SSL Port 7782 Listen 7782页面出现以下错误
Service Temporarily Unavailable
The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.
同时在$Apache_Home/Apache/log/error* 日志中出现了以下错误。
[Wed May 23 03:46:46 2012] [error] [client] [ecid: 1337716006:,0] mod_plsql: DAD '/pls/htmldb' is disabled because of misconfiguration. Please refer to the log entries during server startup for more information.
于是打开modplsql日志功能,需要对 $Apache_Home/Apache/modplsql/conf/plsql.conf文件进行配置
PlsqlLogEnable Off #如果需要查看日志将Off 改成 On PlsqlLogDirectory /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/OHS/Apache/modplsql/logs #此为日志的路径再次访问该页面,在$Apache_Home/modplsql/logs/_pls_htmldb/中产生两个日志文件 2707.log cid1_2707.log,其中2727.log文件内容如下:
<313794 ms>[ReqStartTime: 23/May/2012:17:05:06] <313794 ms>Request ID ReqID:2707_1337763906 <313794 ms>(wpx.c,393) Initialized successfully 1 <313794 ms>(wpx.c,690) Shutdown has been called <313794 ms>Maximum memory allocated by the request is 6721 bytes <313794 ms>[ReqEndtime: 23/May/2012:17:05:06] <313794 ms>[ReqExecTime: 0 ms] <313814 ms>[ReqStartTime: 23/May/2012:17:05:06] <313814 ms>Request ID ReqID:2707_1337763906 <313814 ms>(wpdenv.c,677) script_name='/pls/htmldb' path_info='/htmldb'script_prefix='/pls' dad_name='htmldb' <313814 ms>(wpdenv.c,790) User-Agent is Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; Embedded Web Browser from: http://bsalsa.com/; User-agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; http://bsalsa.com) ( Embedded Web Browser from: http://bsalsa.com/); User-agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; http://bsalsa.com) ( EmbeddedWB http://bsalsa.com/); .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648; .NET CLR 3.5.21022; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729) <313814 ms>(wpdenv.c,1410) dadname = 'htmldb', path_info = 'htmldb' <313814 ms>(wpdenv.c,1449) Service will NOT use dynamic auth <313814 ms>(wpx.c,393) Initialized successfully 0 <313814 ms>(wpx.c,315) SetRemoteUser : Remote User set to HTMLDB_PUBLIC_USER for this request. <313814 ms>(wpx.c,482) Auth info from .APP file is being used <313814 ms>(wpd.c,1728) Attempting to logon with '(unknown)' <314104 ms>(wpd.c,1734) Database LogoN olog failed 604 <314104 ms>(wpd.c,1761) Failed connect as (unknown) <314104 ms>/pls/htmldb/htmldb HTTP-503 ORA-604 <314104 ms>(wpx.c,595) Going to select... <314104 ms>(wpx.c,690) Shutdown has been called <314104 ms>Maximum memory allocated by the request is 12070 bytes <314104 ms>[ReqEndtime: 23/May/2012:17:05:07] <314104 ms>[ReqExecTime: 290 ms]
<313824 ms>[ReqStartTime: 23/May/2012:17:05:06] <313824 ms>Request ID ReqID:2707_1337763906 <313824 ms>Connecting to database with connect string : "(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=localhost.localdomain)(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=zzlhy)))" <314094 ms>ORA-604 LogOn ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1 ORA-01756: quoted string not properly terminated <314104 ms>Stale Connection due to Oracle error 604 <314104 ms>Logoff: Closing connection due to stale connection <314104 ms>[ReqEndtime: 23/May/2012:17:05:07] <314104 ms>[ReqExecTime: 280 ms]实际也出现过以下内容:
<5597054 ms>[ReqStartTime: 23/May/2012:04:08:19] <5597054 ms>Request ID ReqID:4687_1337717299 <5597054 ms>Connecting to database with connect string : "zzlhy" <5597054 ms>ORA-12154 LogOn ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified <5597054 ms>Stale Connection due to Oracle error 12154 <5597054 ms>Logoff: Closing connection due to stale connection <5597054 ms>[ReqEndtime: 23/May/2012:04:08:19] <5597054 ms>[ReqExecTime: 0 ms]在$Apache_Home/Apache/logs/error_log 文件中日志如下:
[Wed May 23 17:04:14 2012] [notice] FastCGI: process manager initialized (pid 2702) [Wed May 23 17:04:15 2012] [notice] Oracle-Application-Server-10g/ Oracle-HTTP-Server configured -- resuming normal operations [Wed May 23 17:04:15 2012] [notice] Accept mutex: fcntl (Default: sysvsem) [Wed May 23 17:05:07 2012] [notice] [client] [ecid: 1337763906:,0] mod_plsql: ORA-604 LogOn ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1\nORA-01756: quoted string not properly terminated [Wed May 23 17:05:07 2012] [error] [client] [ecid: 1337763906:,0] mod_plsql: /pls/htmldb/htmldb HTTP-503 ORA-604 [Wed May 23 17:05:07 2012] [error] [client] [ecid: 1337763907:,0] File does not exist: /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/HTMLDB/Apache/Apache/htdocs/favicon.ico [Wed May 23 17:05:07 2012] [error] [client] [ecid: 1337763907:,0] File does not exist: /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/HTMLDB/Apache/Apache/htdocs/favicon.ico按照OTN上的解决方法
unset LANG
在执行之前,先看一下 $echo $LANG,显示为 en_US.UTF-8。系统为英文操作系统,执行后该变量为空。
$Apache_Home/opmn/bin/opmnctl startall
然后再次访问 http://localhost:7782/pls/htmldb,正常显示。
<2188114 ms>[ReqStartTime: 23/May/2012:17:36:38] <2188124 ms>Request ID ReqID:2934_1337765798 <2188124 ms>Connecting to database with connect string : "(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=localhost.localdomain)(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=zzlhy)))" <2188254 ms>Doing alter session set nls_language= "AMERICAN" nls_territory= "AMERICA" <2188254 ms>OpenCursor <2188264 ms>Altered session to nls_language=AMERICAN nls_territory=AMERICA <2188264 ms>DeinitCursor <2188264 ms>OpenCursor <2188434 ms>Status 1 (rc=0) <2188434 ms>DeinitCursor <2188434 ms>OpenCursor <2188574 ms>DBCharSet is AMERICAN_AMERICA.ZHS16GBK, OWAVersion, 1001020000 (rc=0) <2188574 ms>DeinitCursor <2188574 ms>OpenCursor <2188574 ms>(wpd.c,1761) Logged in as (unknown) <2188574 ms>(wpx.c,595) Going to select... <2188574 ms>(wpx.c,649) Have been asked to execute a request <2188574 ms>(wppa.c,332) Building Arglist based on Parsed Content from WRB <2188574 ms>(wppa.c,1012) Enter ParseUrlData <2188574 ms>GET <2188574 ms>(wppa.c,1061) Getting Values from QUERY_STRING <2188574 ms>[headers begin] <2188574 ms>[headers end] <2188574 ms>(wppa.c,427) Arglist built, 0 unique entries <2188574 ms>(wpx.c,656) Going to wpprodb_OciDoBlock... <2188574 ms>(wpd.c,2746) Cache enabled. Gathering cache information. <2188574 ms>(wpd.c,2764) Language for this request is en-US,zh-cn;q=0.5 <2188574 ms>(wpd.c,2815) Using user HTMLDB_PUBLIC_USER for caching. <2188574 ms>cache: Checking for user level hit <2188574 ms>cache: Cache MISS user - /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/HTMLDB/Apache/modplsql/cache/plsql/411/1650 <2188574 ms>cache: Checking for system level hit <2188574 ms>cache: Cache MISS system - /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/HTMLDB/Apache/modplsql/cache/plsql/sys/400/1451 <2188574 ms>(wppr.c,459) start working with htmldb <2188574 ms>(wppr.c,1163) The CALL block: len=908, bind_count=8 declare rc__ number; start_time__ binary_integer; simple_list__ owa_util.vc_arr; complex_list__ owa_util.vc_arr; begin start_time__ := dbms_utility.get_time; owa.init_cgi_env(:n__,:nm__,:v__); htp.HTBUF_LEN := 63; null; null; simple_list__(1) := 'sys.%'; simple_list__(2) := 'dbms\_%'; simple_list__(3) := 'utl\_%'; simple_list__(4) := 'owa\_%'; simple_list__(5) := 'owa.%'; simple_list__(6) := 'htp.%'; simple_list__(7) := 'htf.%'; if ((owa_match.match_pattern('htmldb', simple_list__, complex_list__, true))) then rc__ := 2; else null; null; htmldb; if (wpg_docload.is_file_download) then rc__ := 1; wpg_docload.get_download_file(:doc_info); null; null; null; commit; else rc__ := 0; null; null; null; commit; owa.get_page(:data__,:ndata__); end if; end if; :rc__ := rc__; :db_proc_time__ := dbms_utility.get_time - start_time__; end; <2188574 ms>(wppr.c,519) Pl/sql block parsed... <2188574 ms>(wpdenv.c,1526) CGI Environment has 27 vars. Max name len 128, Max Value Len 512 <2188574 ms> PLSQL_GATEWAY(14)=(6)WebDb <2188574 ms> GATEWAY_IVERSION(17)=(2)2 <2188574 ms> SERVER_SOFTWARE(16)=(60)Oracle-Application-Server-10g/ Oracle-HTTP-Server <2188574 ms> GATEWAY_INTERFACE(18)=(8)CGI/1.1 <2188574 ms> SERVER_PORT(12)=(5)7782 <2188574 ms> SERVER_NAME(12)=(22)localhost.localdomain <2188574 ms> REQUEST_METHOD(15)=(4)GET <2188574 ms> PATH_INFO(10)=(8)/htmldb <2188574 ms> SCRIPT_NAME(12)=(12)/pls/htmldb <2188574 ms> REMOTE_ADDR(12)=(14) <2188574 ms> SERVER_PROTOCOL(16)=(9)HTTP/1.1 <2188574 ms> REQUEST_PROTOCOL(17)=(5)HTTP <2188574 ms> REMOTE_USER(12)=(19)HTMLDB_PUBLIC_USER <2188574 ms> HTTP_USER_AGENT(16)=(478)Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; Embedded Web Browser from: http://bsalsa.com/; User-agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; http://bsalsa.com) ( Embedded Web Browser from: http://bsalsa.com/); User-agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; http://bsalsa.com) ( EmbeddedWB http://bsalsa.com/); .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648; .NET CLR 3.5.21022; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729) <2188574 ms> HTTP_HOST(10)=(19) <2188574 ms> HTTP_ACCEPT(12)=(268)image/gif, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, image/pjpeg, application/x-shockwave-flash, application/vnd.ms-excel, application/vnd.ms-powerpoint, application/msword, application/x-ms-application, application/x-ms-xbap, application/vnd.ms-xpsdocument, application/xaml+xml, */* <2188574 ms> HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING(21)=(14)gzip, deflate <2188574 ms> HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE(21)=(18)en-US,zh-cn;q=0.5 <2188574 ms> HTTP_ORACLE_ECID(17)=(32)1337765798:,0 <2188574 ms> WEB_AUTHENT_PREFIX(19)=(1) <2188574 ms> DAD_NAME(9)=(7)htmldb <2188574 ms> DOC_ACCESS_PATH(16)=(5)docs <2188574 ms> DOCUMENT_TABLE(15)=(23)wwv_flow_file_objects$ <2188574 ms> PATH_ALIAS(11)=(1) <2188574 ms> REQUEST_CHARSET(16)=(9)AL32UTF8 <2188574 ms> REQUEST_IANA_CHARSET(21)=(6)UTF-8 <2188574 ms> SCRIPT_PREFIX(14)=(5)/pls <2188574 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 2 Charset Id : 873 <2188574 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 3 Charset Id : 873 <2188574 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 5 Charset Id : 873 <2190104 ms>(wpd.c,1958) Begin header parsing... <2190104 ms>(wpd.c,2007) Got a line (47 bytes): X-ORACLE-IGNORE: IGNORE <2190104 ms>(wpd.c,2025) X-ORACLE-IGNORE parsed <2190104 ms>(wpd.c,2007) Got a line (47 bytes): X-ORACLE-IGNORE: IGNORE <2190104 ms>(wpd.c,2025) X-ORACLE-IGNORE parsed <2190104 ms>(wpd.c,2007) Got a line (47 bytes): X-ORACLE-IGNORE: IGNORE <2190104 ms>(wpd.c,2025) X-ORACLE-IGNORE parsed <2190104 ms>(wpd.c,2007) Got a line (47 bytes): X-ORACLE-IGNORE: IGNORE <2190104 ms>(wpd.c,2025) X-ORACLE-IGNORE parsed <2190104 ms>(wpd.c,2007) Got a line (81 bytes): Location: f?p=4550:1:6827067964513493848 <2190104 ms>(wpd.c,2129) Parsed header - Location:f?p=4550:1:6827067964513493848 <2190104 ms>(wpd.c,2007) Got a line (35 bytes): Content-length: 0 <2190104 ms>(wpd.c,2080) Parsed header - Content-Length:0 <2190104 ms>(wpd.c,2007) Got a line (1 bytes): <2190104 ms>(wpd.c,2014) End of headers detected <2190114 ms>(wpcs.c, 76) Executed 'begin dbms_session.reset_package; end;' (rc=0) <2190114 ms>(wpd.c,1816) Going to close cursor <2190114 ms>DeinitCursor <2190114 ms>(wpx.c,662) Normal completion <2190114 ms>(wpx.c,690) Shutdown has been called <2190114 ms>(wpx.c,702) Going to logoff <2190114 ms>Logoff: Pooling this connection <2190114 ms>[ReqEndtime: 23/May/2012:17:36:40] <2190114 ms>[ReqExecTime: 1990 ms] <2190114 ms>[ReqStartTime: 23/May/2012:17:36:40] <2190114 ms>Request ID ReqID:2934_1337765800 <2190114 ms>Connecting to database with connect string : "(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=localhost.localdomain)(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=zzlhy)))" <2190114 ms>OpenCursor <2190114 ms>(wpd.c,1761) Logged in as (unknown) <2190114 ms>(wpx.c,595) Going to select... <2190114 ms>(wpx.c,649) Have been asked to execute a request <2190114 ms>(wppa.c,332) Building Arglist based on Parsed Content from WRB <2190114 ms>(wppa.c,1012) Enter ParseUrlData <2190114 ms>GET <2190114 ms>(wppa.c,1061) Getting Values from QUERY_STRING <2190114 ms>[headers begin] <2190114 ms>[headers end] <2190114 ms>p=4550:1:6827067964513493848 <2190114 ms>(wppa.c,1506) indx = 1, entryCnt = 1 <2190114 ms>(wppa.c,1827) Listing distinct actual names: <2190114 ms>(wppa.c,1829) p <2190114 ms>(wppa.c,1831) Listing actuals of array with large entries: <2190114 ms>(wppa.c,1836) Listing distinct actual names and values: <2190114 ms>(wppa.c,1868) p, type = 0, value (27) = 4550:1:6827067964513493848 <2190114 ms>(wppa.c,427) Arglist built, 1 unique entries <2190114 ms>(wpx.c,656) Going to wpprodb_OciDoBlock... <2190114 ms>(wpd.c,2746) Cache enabled. Gathering cache information. <2190114 ms>(wpd.c,2764) Language for this request is en-US,zh-cn;q=0.5 <2190114 ms>(wpd.c,2815) Using user HTMLDB_PUBLIC_USER for caching. <2190114 ms>cache: Checking for user level hit <2190114 ms>cache: Cache MISS user - /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/HTMLDB/Apache/modplsql/cache/plsql/776/7520 <2190114 ms>cache: Checking for system level hit <2190114 ms>cache: Cache MISS system - /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/HTMLDB/Apache/modplsql/cache/plsql/sys/058/0713 <2190114 ms>(wppr.c,459) start working with f <2190114 ms>(wppr.c,1163) The CALL block: len=905, bind_count=9 declare rc__ number; start_time__ binary_integer; simple_list__ owa_util.vc_arr; complex_list__ owa_util.vc_arr; begin start_time__ := dbms_utility.get_time; owa.init_cgi_env(:n__,:nm__,:v__); htp.HTBUF_LEN := 63; null; null; simple_list__(1) := 'sys.%'; simple_list__(2) := 'dbms\_%'; simple_list__(3) := 'utl\_%'; simple_list__(4) := 'owa\_%'; simple_list__(5) := 'owa.%'; simple_list__(6) := 'htp.%'; simple_list__(7) := 'htf.%'; if ((owa_match.match_pattern('f', simple_list__, complex_list__, true))) then rc__ := 2; else null; null; f(p=>:p); if (wpg_docload.is_file_download) then rc__ := 1; wpg_docload.get_download_file(:doc_info); null; null; null; commit; else rc__ := 0; null; null; null; commit; owa.get_page(:data__,:ndata__); end if; end if; :rc__ := rc__; :db_proc_time__ := dbms_utility.get_time - start_time__; end; <2190114 ms>(wppr.c,519) Pl/sql block parsed... <2190114 ms>(wpdenv.c,1526) CGI Environment has 28 vars. Max name len 128, Max Value Len 512 <2190114 ms> PLSQL_GATEWAY(14)=(6)WebDb <2190114 ms> GATEWAY_IVERSION(17)=(2)3 <2190114 ms> SERVER_SOFTWARE(16)=(60)Oracle-Application-Server-10g/ Oracle-HTTP-Server <2190114 ms> GATEWAY_INTERFACE(18)=(8)CGI/1.1 <2190114 ms> SERVER_PORT(12)=(5)7782 <2190114 ms> SERVER_NAME(12)=(22)localhost.localdomain <2190114 ms> REQUEST_METHOD(15)=(4)GET <2190114 ms> QUERY_STRING(13)=(29)p=4550:1:6827067964513493848 <2190114 ms> PATH_INFO(10)=(3)/f <2190114 ms> SCRIPT_NAME(12)=(12)/pls/htmldb <2190114 ms> REMOTE_ADDR(12)=(14) <2190114 ms> SERVER_PROTOCOL(16)=(9)HTTP/1.1 <2190114 ms> REQUEST_PROTOCOL(17)=(5)HTTP <2190114 ms> REMOTE_USER(12)=(19)HTMLDB_PUBLIC_USER <2190114 ms> HTTP_USER_AGENT(16)=(478)Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; Embedded Web Browser from: http://bsalsa.com/; User-agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; http://bsalsa.com) ( Embedded Web Browser from: http://bsalsa.com/); User-agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; http://bsalsa.com) ( EmbeddedWB http://bsalsa.com/); .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648; .NET CLR 3.5.21022; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729) <2190114 ms> HTTP_HOST(10)=(19) <2190114 ms> HTTP_ACCEPT(12)=(268)image/gif, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, image/pjpeg, application/x-shockwave-flash, application/vnd.ms-excel, application/vnd.ms-powerpoint, application/msword, application/x-ms-application, application/x-ms-xbap, application/vnd.ms-xpsdocument, application/xaml+xml, */* <2190114 ms> HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING(21)=(14)gzip, deflate <2190114 ms> HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE(21)=(18)en-US,zh-cn;q=0.5 <2190114 ms> HTTP_ORACLE_ECID(17)=(32)1337765800:,0 <2190114 ms> WEB_AUTHENT_PREFIX(19)=(1) <2190114 ms> DAD_NAME(9)=(7)htmldb <2190114 ms> DOC_ACCESS_PATH(16)=(5)docs <2190114 ms> DOCUMENT_TABLE(15)=(23)wwv_flow_file_objects$ <2190114 ms> PATH_ALIAS(11)=(1) <2190114 ms> REQUEST_CHARSET(16)=(9)AL32UTF8 <2190114 ms> REQUEST_IANA_CHARSET(21)=(6)UTF-8 <2190114 ms> SCRIPT_PREFIX(14)=(5)/pls <2190114 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 2 Charset Id : 873 <2190114 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 3 Charset Id : 873 <2190114 ms>StrArrPosBind pos 6 Charset Id : 873 <2191384 ms>(wpd.c,1958) Begin header parsing... <2191384 ms>(wpd.c,2007) Got a line (47 bytes): X-ORACLE-IGNORE: IGNORE <2191384 ms>(wpd.c,2025) X-ORACLE-IGNORE parsed <2191384 ms>(wpd.c,2007) Got a line (47 bytes): X-ORACLE-IGNORE: IGNORE <2191384 ms>(wpd.c,2025) X-ORACLE-IGNORE parsed <2191384 ms>(wpd.c,2007) Got a line (47 bytes): X-ORACLE-IGNORE: IGNORE <2191384 ms>(wpd.c,2025) X-ORACLE-IGNORE parsed <2191384 ms>(wpd.c,2007) Got a line (47 bytes): X-ORACLE-IGNORE: IGNORE <2191384 ms>(wpd.c,2025) X-ORACLE-IGNORE parsed <2191384 ms>(wpd.c,2007) Got a line (77 bytes): Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 <2191384 ms>(wpd.c,2106) Parsed header - Content-Type:text/html; charset=UTF-8 <2191384 ms>(wpd.c,2007) Got a line (41 bytes): Content-length: 6769 <2191384 ms>(wpd.c,2080) Parsed header - Content-Length:6769 <2191384 ms>(wpd.c,2007) Got a line (1 bytes): <2191384 ms>(wpd.c,2014) End of headers detected <2191394 ms>(wpcs.c, 76) Executed 'begin dbms_session.reset_package; end;' (rc=0) <2191394 ms>(wpd.c,1816) Going to close cursor <2191394 ms>DeinitCursor <2191394 ms>(wpx.c,662) Normal completion <2191394 ms>(wpx.c,690) Shutdown has been called <2191394 ms>(wpx.c,702) Going to logoff <2191394 ms>Logoff: Pooling this connection <2191394 ms>[ReqEndtime: 23/May/2012:17:36:41] <2191394 ms>[ReqExecTime: 1280 ms]
问题三、$Apache_Home/modplsql/conf/文件夹中 marvel.conf和 dads.conf
Alias /i/ /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/HTMLDB/htmldb/images/ <Location /pls/htmldb> Order deny,allow PlsqlDocumentPath docs AllowOverride None PlsqlDocumentProcedure wwv_flow_file_manager.process_download PlsqlDatabaseConnectString localhost.localdomain:1521:zzlhy ServiceNameFormat PlsqlNLSLanguage AMERICAN_AMERICA.AL32UTF8 PlsqlAuthenticationMode Basic SetHandler pls_handler PlsqlDocumentTablename wwv_flow_file_objects$ PlsqlDatabaseUsername HTMLDB_PUBLIC_USER PlsqlDefaultPage htmldb PlsqlDatabasePassword wangmz Allow from all </Location>如果修改以下项时,无法打开 http://localhost:7782/pls/htmldb页面,错误和问题二相同。
PlsqlDatabaseConnectString localhost.localdomain:1521:zzlhy ServiceNameFormat在$Apache_Home/modplsql/logs/_pls_htmldb/中的日志内容如下:
<4310984 ms>[ReqStartTime: 23/May/2012:18:12:19] <4310984 ms>Request ID ReqID:3277_1337767939 <4310984 ms>Connecting to database with connect string : "zzlhy" <4311074 ms>ORA-12154 LogOn ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified <4311074 ms>Stale Connection due to Oracle error 12154 <4311074 ms>Logoff: Closing connection due to stale connection <4311074 ms>[ReqEndtime: 23/May/2012:18:12:19] <4311074 ms>[ReqExecTime: 90 ms]打开 http://localhost:7782/pls/htmldb/htmldb_admin,用户名必须是admin,密码则是dads.conf中 PlsqlDatabasePassword 的值。