Ext Js 3.2中的Htmleditor的实例



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String path = request.getContextPath();
String basePath = request.getScheme()+"://"+request.getServerName()+":"+request.getServerPort()+path+"/";

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	<script type="text/javascript">
	  Ext.onReady(function() {
		    Ext.onReady(function() {
			Ext.QuickTips.init();  //初始化信息提示功能
			Ext.form.Field.prototype.msgTarget = 'side';   //统一指定错误提示浮动显示方式
			var config = {
				title: '心情',
				labelSeperator: ':',
				labelAlign: 'right',   //设置元素的对齐方式
				bodyStyle: 'padding: 5 5 5 5',    //设置边距
				frame: true,
				url: 'htmleditor.jsp',
				width: 700,
				renderTo: 'form1',
				items: [
				   new Ext.form.HtmlEditor({
				   	  width: 550,
		    		  height: 300,
		    		  fieldLabel: '您的心情',
		    		  enableAlignments: true,  //允许编辑器中的按钮居左,居中和居右显示
		    		  enableColors: true,      //允许前景/高亮颜色按钮显示
		    		  enableFont: true,       //允许增大、缩小字号按钮显示
		    		  enableFontSize: true,   //Enable the increase/decrease font size buttons (defaults to true)
		    		  enableFormat: true,     //Enable the bold, italic and underline buttons (defaults to true)
		    		  enableLinks: true,      //Enable the create link button. Not available in Safari. (defaults to true)
		    		  enableLists: true,      //Enable the bullet and numbered list buttons. Not available in Safari. (defaults to true)
		    		  enableSourceEdit: true,  //Enable the switch to source edit button. Not available in Safari. (defaults to true)
		    		  value: '好好学习Ext Js'
				buttons: [
				  new Ext.Button({       //定义一个确定按钮
				  	text: '确定',
				  	handler: function() {
		 		  new Ext.Button({     //定义一个重置按钮
		 		  	text: '重置',
		 		  	handler: function() {
			var form = new Ext.form.FormPanel(config);
    <div id="form1"> </div>

