
//JMVC _LargeFile.cpp
#include "H264AVCVideoIoLib.h"

#include "LargeFile.h"

#include <errno.h>

#if defined( MSYS_WIN32 )
# include <io.h>
# include <sys/stat.h>
# include <fcntl.h>
// heiko.schwarz@hhi.fhg.de: support for BSD systems as proposed by Steffen Kamp [kamp@ient.rwth-aachen.de]
#define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64
# include <sys/ioctl.h>
# include <sys/types.h>
# include <fcntl.h>
# include <dlfcn.h>
# include <cerrno>
# include <unistd.h>
# include "../tllog.h"

LargeFile::LargeFile() :
	m_iFileHandle( -1 )

    if( -1 != m_iFileHandle )
		::close( m_iFileHandle );

ErrVal LargeFile::open( const std::string& rcFilename, enum OpenMode eOpenMode, int iPermMode )
    ROT( rcFilename.empty() );
	ROF( -1 == m_iFileHandle );

	int iOpenMode;

#if defined( MSYS_WIN32 )

	if( eOpenMode == OM_READONLY )
		iOpenMode = _O_RDONLY;
	else if( eOpenMode == OM_WRITEONLY )
		iOpenMode = _O_CREAT | _O_TRUNC | _O_WRONLY;
	else if( eOpenMode == OM_APPEND )
    //append mode does not imply write access and the create flag
    //simplifies the program's logic (in most cases).
		iOpenMode = _O_APPEND | _O_CREAT | _O_WRONLY;
	else if( eOpenMode == OM_READWRITE )
		iOpenMode = _O_CREAT | _O_RDWR;  //zhh_将创建文件的标志位设置为1,这样open函数无法读写这个文件的时候就会创建他。
		return Err::m_nERR;

	iOpenMode |= _O_SEQUENTIAL | _O_BINARY; //以顺序存取模式打开文件

	m_iFileHandle = ::open( rcFilename.c_str(), iOpenMode, iPermMode );
#elif defined( MSYS_UNIX_LARGEFILE )

	if( eOpenMode == OM_READONLY )
		iOpenMode = O_RDONLY;
	else if( eOpenMode == OM_WRITEONLY )
		iOpenMode = O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY;
	else if( eOpenMode == OM_APPEND )
		iOpenMode = O_APPEND | O_CREAT | O_WRONLY;
	else if( eOpenMode == OM_READWRITE )
		iOpenMode = O_CREAT | O_RDWR;
		AOT( 1 );
		return Err::m_nERR;

  // heiko.schwarz@hhi.fhg.de: support for BSD systems as proposed by Steffen Kamp [kamp@ient.rwth-aachen.de]
	//m_iFileHandle = open64( rcFilename.c_str(), iOpenMode, iPermMode );
  m_iFileHandle = ::open( rcFilename.c_str(), iOpenMode, iPermMode );


  // check if file is really open
  ROTS( -1 == m_iFileHandle );

  // and return
	return Err::m_nOK;

ErrVal LargeFile::close()
    int iRetv;

	ROTS( -1 == m_iFileHandle );
	iRetv = ::close( m_iFileHandle );

	m_iFileHandle = -1;
	return ( iRetv == 0 ) ? Err::m_nOK : Err::m_nERR;

//iOffset  偏移量,  iOrigin  原始位置
ErrVal LargeFile::seek( Int64 iOffset, int iOrigin )
	Int64 iNewOffset;
	ROT( -1 == m_iFileHandle );

#if defined( MSYS_WIN32 )
	iNewOffset = _lseeki64( m_iFileHandle, iOffset, iOrigin );
#elif defined( MSYS_UNIX_LARGEFILE )
  // heiko.schwarz@hhi.fhg.de: support for BSD systems as proposed by Steffen Kamp [kamp@ient.rwth-aachen.de]
	//iNewOffset = lseek64( m_iFileHandle, iOffset, iOrigin );
  iNewOffset = ::lseek( m_iFileHandle, iOffset, iOrigin );
	return ( iNewOffset == -1 ) ? Err::m_nERR : Err::m_nOK;

Int64 LargeFile::tell()
    ROTR( -1 == m_iFileHandle, -1 );
    Int64 iOffset;
#if defined( MSYS_WIN32 )
	iOffset = _telli64( m_iFileHandle );//读写文件指针位置
#elif defined( MSYS_UNIX_LARGEFILE )
  // heiko.schwarz@hhi.fhg.de: support for BSD systems as proposed by Steffen Kamp [kamp@ient.rwth-aachen.de]
	//iOffset = lseek64( m_iFileHandle, 0, SEEK_CUR );
  iOffset = ::lseek( m_iFileHandle, 0, SEEK_CUR );//移动文件指针的读写位置
  ROT( iOffset == -1 )

  // and return
	return iOffset;

ErrVal LargeFile::read( Void *pvBuffer, UInt32 uiCount, UInt32& ruiBytesRead )
    int iRetv;

	ROT( -1 == m_iFileHandle );
	ROT( 0 == uiCount );
	ruiBytesRead = 0;

	iRetv = ::read( m_iFileHandle, pvBuffer, uiCount );
	if( iRetv != (Int)uiCount )
		//need to handle partial reads before hitting EOF
		//If the function tries to read at end of file, it returns 0. 
		//If the handle is invalid, or the file is not open for reading, 
		//or the file is locked, the function returns -1 and sets errno to EBADF.
		if( iRetv > 0 )
			//partial reads are acceptable and return the standard success code. Anything
			//else must be implemented by the caller.
			ruiBytesRead = iRetv;
			return Err::m_nOK;
		else if( iRetv == -1 )
			return errno;
		else if( iRetv == 0)
			return Err::m_nEndOfFile;
			AOF( ! "fix me, unexpected return code" );
			return Err::m_nERR;
		ruiBytesRead = uiCount;

	ROF( iRetv == (Int)uiCount );

	return Err::m_nOK;

ErrVal LargeFile::write( const Void *pvBuffer, UInt32 uiCount )
    int iRetv;

	ROT( -1 == m_iFileHandle );
	ROT( 0 == uiCount );

	iRetv = ::write( m_iFileHandle, pvBuffer, uiCount );
	ROF( iRetv == (Int)uiCount );

	return Err::m_nOK;
#if !defined(AFX_LARGEFILE_H__7E94650C_CCB2_4248_AEF5_74966C842261__INCLUDED_)
#define AFX_LARGEFILE_H__7E94650C_CCB2_4248_AEF5_74966C842261__INCLUDED_

#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000

#if defined( MSYS_LINUX )
# if (!defined( MSYS_UNIX_LARGEFILE )) || (!defined(_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE) )
#  error Large file support requires MSYS_UNIX_LARGEFILE and _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE defined
# endif

class H264AVCVIDEOIOLIB_API LargeFile  
	enum OpenMode


	ErrVal open( const std::string& rcFilename, enum OpenMode eOpenMode, int iPermMode=0777 );
	bool is_open() const { return -1 != m_iFileHandle; }

	ErrVal close();
	ErrVal seek( Int64 iOffset, int iOrigin );
	Int64 tell();

	ErrVal read( Void *pvBuffer, UInt32 uiCount, UInt32& ruiBytesRead );
	ErrVal write( const Void *pvBuffer, UInt32 uiCount );

	Int getFileHandle() { return m_iFileHandle; }

	Int m_iFileHandle;

#endif // !defined(AFX_LARGEFILE_H__7E94650C_CCB2_4248_AEF5_74966C842261__INCLUDED_)

