The jbi component is implemented by the ServiceMix Camel module and provides integration with a JBI Normalized Message Router, such as the one provided by Apache ServiceMix .
See below for information about how to use StreamSource types from ServiceMix in Camel. |
The following code:
from("jbi:endpoint:" )
Automatically exposes a new endpoint to the bus, where the service QName is { }MyService and the endpoint name is MyEndpoint (see URI-format ).
When a JBI endpoint appears at the end of a route, for example:
to("jbi:endpoint:" )
The messages sent by this producer endpoint are sent to the already deployed JBI endpoint.
The separator that should be used in the endpoint URL is:
For more details of valid JBI URIs see the ServiceMix URI Guide .
Using the jbi:service: or jbi:endpoint: URI formats sets the service QName on the JBI endpoint to the one specified. Otherwise, the default Camel JBI Service QName is used, which is:
You can append query options to the URI in the following format, ?option=value&option=value&...
Name | Default value | Description |
mep | MEP of the Camel Exchange | Allows users to override the MEP set on the Exchange object. Valid values for this option are in-only , in-out , robust-in-out and in-optional-out . |
operation | Value of the jbi.operation header property | Specifies the JBI operation for the MessageExchange . If no value is supplied, the JBI binding will use the value of the jbi.operation header property. |
serialization | basic | Default value (basic ) will check if headers are serializable by looking at the type, setting this option to strict will detect objects that can not be serialized although they implement the Serializable interface. Set to nocheck to disable this check altogether, note that this should only be used for in-memory transports like SEDAFlow, otherwise you can expect to get NotSerializableException thrown at runtime. |
convertException | false | false : send any exceptions thrown from the Camel route back unmodified true : convert all exceptions to a JBI FaultException (can be used to avoid non-serializable exceptions or to implement generic error handling |
jbi:service: (override the MEP, use InOut JBI MessageExchanges)
jbi:endpoint:urn:foo:bar:MyService:MyEndpoint?mep=in (override the MEP, use InOnly JBI MessageExchanges)
(overide the operation for the JBI Exchange to {}AddNumbers)
If you are using a stream type as the message body, you should be aware that a stream is only capable of being read once. So if you enable DEBUG logging, the body is usually logged and thus read. To deal with this, Camel has a streamCaching option that can cache the stream, enabling you to read it multiple times.
from("jbi:endpoint:" ).streamCaching().to("xslt:transform.xsl" , "bean:doSomething" );
From Camel 1.5 onwards, the stream caching is default enabled, so it is not necessary to set the streamCaching() option.
In Camel 2.0 we store big input streams (by default, over 64K) in a temp file using CachedOutputStream . When you close the input stream, the temp file will be deleted.
If you have some Camel routes that you want to deploy inside JBI as a Service Unit, you can use the JBI Service Unit Archetype to create a new Maven project for the Service Unit.
If you have an existing Maven project that you need to convert into a JBI Service Unit, you may want to consult ServiceMix Maven JBI Plugins for further help. The key steps are as follows:
Your pom.xml should look something like this to enable the jbi-service-unit packaging:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:schemaLocation="" >
<name>A Camel based JBI Service Unit</name>
<!-- creates the JBI deployment unit -->
<extensions>true </extensions>