DB design log4

May 8

To begin with, today's work is further ameliorating the achieved logging and registering system. I made a convert on the nomination conformity. Since my duty is taking charge of the entire customer operation part, I affixed "customer" to every previous written jsp page and saved the change.

Furthermore, with the previous code writing experience, a better view on our project had been compromised in my mind and I roughly divided the whole customer-oriented interface into three level, encompassing the page level, javabeans level and database connection pool management level. For every seperated level, I plan to got a breakthrough.

After that today's task is conspicuous, the realizing of database connection pool. I successfully rule out a small but adequate connection pool and adjust it to the selected mysql DBMS. It takes quite a long time to do the job. Notwithstanding, the process of finding and revising bugs is extremely exulverant.

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