1968年的图灵奖获得者-Richard Wesley Hamming


Richard Wesley Hamming (02/11/1915—01/07/1998)

1968 第三 奖获


(Turing Award Citation)



For his work on numerical methods, automatic coding systems, and error-detecting and error-correcting codes.


( Richard Hamming ) 数字方法,自动编码系统和错误检测和错误纠正编码领域的杰出贡献。


Richard Hamming 就 是著名的汉明码的发明人。汉明码是一种多重(复式)奇偶检错系统。它将信息用逻辑形式编码,以便能够检错和纠错。用在汉明码中的全部传输码字是由原来的信 息和附加的奇偶监督位组成的。每一个这种奇偶位被编在传输码字的特定比特位置上。实现得合适时,这个系统对于错误的数位无论是原有信息位中的,还是附加监 督位中的都能把它分离出来。






检错和纠错: http://oldchild.nbc.net.cn/jsjsj/asm/jchjc.htm




Hamming Code: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamming_code


通常,编码理论(Coding Theory)属于信息理论(Information Theory)的范畴


Coding Theory: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Information_theory

Information Theory: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Information_theory



Turing Award Lecture(图灵奖演讲文章)

“One Man’s View of Computer Science”, Journal of the ACM, 16(1):3-12, January 1969

ABSTRACT : A number of observations and comments are directed toward suggesting that more than the usual engineering flavor be given to computer science. The engineering aspect is important because most present difficulties in this field do not involve the theoretical question of whether certain things can be done, but rather the practical question of how can they be accomplished well and simply. The teaching of computer science could be made more effective by various alterations, for example, the inclusion of a laboratory course in programming, the requirement for a strong minor in something other than mathematics, and more practical coding and less abstract theory, as well as more seriousness and less game playing.


Richard W. Hamming :


Richard W. Hamming 1915211日出生于美国芝加哥,199817日去世与加州MontereyHamming博士是一位杰出的数学家,他对计算机科学和通讯领域的贡献包括:Hamming Code(汉明码) Hamming Window, Hamming numbers, Sphere-packing(或称之Hamming Bound)Hamming Distance

Richard W. Hamming1937年于芝加哥大学( University of Chicago )获得其学士学位,1939年于University of Nebraska获得其硕士学位 1942年在UIUC( University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)获得其数学博士学位。其博士论文题目是:Problems in the Boundary Value Theory of Linear Differential Equations

汉明码(Hamming Code)的工作主要是在1950年完成的.

Richar W. HammingammHHH一生获得的荣誉很多,主要的如下

  • Association for Computing Machinery Turing Award, 1968.
  • Fellow of the IEEE, 1968.
  • IEEE Emanuel R. Piore Award, 1979.
  • Member of the National Academy of Engineering, 1980.
  • University of Pennsylvania Harold Pender Award, 1981.
  • IEEE Richard W. Hamming Medal, 1988.
  • Eduard Rhein Award, 1996.

The Richard W. Hamming Medal is an award given annually by IEEE for 'exceptional contributions to information sciences, systems and technology'.

Richard W. Hamming的历史照片


