
1.AndroidManifest.xml file missing!

解决方法:If you see an error about AndroidManifest.xml, or some problems related to an Android zip file, right click on the project and select Android Tools > Fix Project Properties. (The project is looking in the wrong location for the library file, this will fix it for you.)

2.Errors running builder 'Integrated External Tool Builder' on projec xxx

解决方法:  On your project "project", right click ->Properties>Builders Remove the missing builder

3.invalid resource directory name

原因: android的res目录是固定的,只能是下面的几种,如果加了其他的目录,它会报‘invalid resource directory name'的错误,其实加了其它系统不认的目录,系统也不能提供相应

支持的目录: anim  drawable  layout  values  xml  raw  color
