9.4: Video streaming content over a cellular network longer than 10 minutes must use HTTP Live and include a baseline 64 kbps audio-only HTTP Live stream
其实前两天就看到网上有一些关于这个问题得贴子。所谓美国公司做标准,中国公司做配件,真是如此。当年Age of empirer一句big daddy揭露了山姆大叔想做所有人老爹得野心,如今比尔下去了,steven再次上来抡起大锤:我的地盘听我的,顺我者昌,逆我者亡,连搞个视频点播的客户端都要规定,你点播的视频文件格式复合指定得规范,否则就不能上架,其实这个跟点播的客户端没有一毛钱关系。
苹果公司正在从一个梦幻的偶像转变成威严,不能侵犯得上帝。一部App Store Review Guidelines就像一步苹果的国际法,不仅指手划脚,而且还有很多保护性的强制措施,例如:
9.1 Apps that do not use the MediaPlayer framework to access media in the Music Library will be rejected
9.2 App user interfaces that mimic any iPod interface will be rejected
原来还从没看过具体内容,今天小看一下,通篇的will be rejected,跟以前的某某律,xxx者斩何其相似,苹果威武。
11.2 Apps utilizing a system other than the In App Purchase API (IAP) to purchase content, functionality, or services in an app will be rejected
11.3 Apps using IAP to purchase physical goods or goods and services used outside of the application will be rejected
HTTP Live Streaming is required when streaming video feeds over the cellular network in order to provide an optimal user experience and utilize cellular best practices. This protocol automatically determines the bandwidth available to users and adjusts the bandwidth appropriately, even as bandwidth streams change. This allows you the flexibility to have as many streams as you like, as long as 64 kbps is set as the baseline feed.