What is the purpose of the USB?

What is the purpose of the USB?

       Mass storage, HID, RNDIS and CDC/ACM.

What is massstorage?

In computing, mass storage refers to the storage oflarge amounts of data in a persisting and machine-readable fashion. Storage mediafor mass storage include hard disks, floppy disks, flash memory, optical discs,magneto-optical discs, magnetic tape, drum memory, punched tape and holographicmemory. Mass storage include devices with removable media. It does not includerandom access memory(RAM), whick is volatile in that it loses its contentsafter power loss.


What is HID?

The USB human interface device class(USB HID Class) isa USB device class that describe human interface devices such as keyboards,mice, game controllers and alphanumeric display devices.


What is RNDIS?

Remote NDIS is specification for network devices ondynamic plug and play IO bus such as USB.


What is CDC/ACM?

USB CDC(communications device class)/ACM(abstractcontrol model) is a vendor-independent publicly documented protocol that can beused for emulating serial ports over USB.

