WinCE5.0 SMDK2410 BSP在GEC2410开发板上的移植(9)-BINFS在Nand上的实现(OS镜像的烧写与加载)

板子上有64M的Nand Flash,我们就将系统镜像存储在Nand Flash中.PB首先通过以太网下载OS镜像到RAM,然后eboot再将其烧写到Nand Flash中.系统上电eboot启动后再读取Nand Flash中的系统镜像,将其加载到RAM中运行.
第一步:将OS镜像写入到Nand Flash中的BINFS文件系统,然后可以在eboot中进行读取并加载到RAM中运行

BINFS是Binary ROM Image File System,CE5.0的联机文档是这么说的:
The binary ROM Image File System (BINFS) is a file system that reads the binary image (.bin) file format generated by Romimage.exe. The .bin file format organizes data into specific sections. Each section contains a section header that specifies the starting address, length, and checksum values for that section. Romimage.exe writes data organized by logical sections, such as an application's text or .data region, to the .bin file.
//因为Flash前18个block被保留,而GetMBRSectorNum得到的是第一个空闲的Block,因此这里手动设定MBR的Block //g_dwMBRSectorNum = GetMBRSectorNum(); g_dwMBRSectorNum = (IMAGE_START_BLOCK) * g_FlashInfo.wSectorsPerBlock;
BP_LowLevelFormat (18, g_FlashInfo.dwNumBlocks, dwFlags);
另外我们的nand.c中会调用变量dwLastWrittenLoc,在bootpart.cpp中需要extern "C"的声明
extern "C" {DWORD g_dwLastWrittenLoc;}  // Stores the byte address of the last physical flash address written to

g_dwImageStartBlock = IMAGE_START_BLOCK; //Try to initialize the boot media block driver and BinFS partition. if ( !BP_Init((LPBYTE)BINFS_RAM_START, BINFS_RAM_LENGTH, NULL, NULL, NULL) ) { OALMSG(OAL_WARN, (TEXT("WARNING: OEMPlatformInit failed to initialize Boot Media./r/n"))); g_bSmartMediaExist = FALSE; } else { g_bSmartMediaExist = TRUE; }
这里IMAGE_START_BLOCK就是BINFS在NandFlash起始的block bumber,实际值为0x12,即BINFS从block 18开始,之前的block的用来保存Nboot,eboot等(虽然现在eboot实现在nor flash中,并未用到,但为了可能用到因而暂时保留一个区).实际上block 18是MBR,block 19才开始是OS镜像的区域
(4) OEMMultiBINNotify
   //g_pOEMMultiBINNotify = OEMDownloadFileNotify;
    g_pOEMMultiBINNotify = OEMMultiBINNotify;
void OEMMultiBINNotify(const PMultiBINInfo pInfo) { BYTE nCount; DWORD g_dwMinImageStart; OALMSG(OAL_FUNC, (TEXT("+OEMMultiBINNotify./r/n"))); if (!pInfo || !pInfo->dwNumRegions) { OALMSG(OAL_WARN, (TEXT("WARNING: OEMMultiBINNotify: Invalid BIN region descriptor(s)./r/n"))); return; } if (!pInfo->Region[0].dwRegionStart && !pInfo->Region[0].dwRegionLength) { return; } g_dwMinImageStart = pInfo->Region[0].dwRegionStart; OALMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("/r/nDownload BIN file information:/r/n"))); OALMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("-----------------------------------------------------/r/n"))); for (nCount = 0 ; nCount < pInfo->dwNumRegions ; nCount++) { OALMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("[%d]: Base Address=0x%x Length=0x%x/r/n"), nCount, pInfo->Region[nCount].dwRegionStart, pInfo->Region[nCount].dwRegionLength)); if (pInfo->Region[nCount].dwRegionStart < g_dwMinImageStart) { g_dwMinImageStart = pInfo->Region[nCount].dwRegionStart; if (g_dwMinImageStart == 0) { OALMSG(OAL_WARN, (TEXT("WARNING: OEMMultiBINNotify: Bad start address for region (%d)./r/n"), nCount)); return; } } } memcpy((LPBYTE)&g_BINRegionInfo, (LPBYTE)pInfo, sizeof(MultiBINInfo)); OALMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("-----------------------------------------------------/r/n"))); OALMSG(OAL_FUNC, (TEXT("_OEMMultiBINNotify./r/n"))); }

BOOL WriteDiskImageToSmartMedia(DWORD dwImageStart, DWORD dwImageLength, BOOT_CFG *pBootCfg) { BYTE nCount; DWORD dwNumExts; PXIPCHAIN_SUMMARY pChainInfo = NULL; EXTENSION *pExt = NULL; DWORD dwBINFSPartLength = 0; HANDLE hPart, hPartEx; DWORD dwStoreOffset; DWORD dwMaxRegionLength[BL_MAX_BIN_REGIONS] = {0}; DWORD dwChainStart, dwChainLength; dwChainStart = dwChainLength = 0; OALMSG(OAL_FUNC, (TEXT("+WriteOSImageToBootMedia/r/n"))); OALMSG(OAL_INFO, (TEXT("+WriteOSImageToBootMedia: ImageStart: 0x%x, ImageLength: 0x%x, LaunchAddr:0x%x/r/n"), dwImageStart, dwImageLength, pBootCfg->dwLaunchAddr)); //在eboot的BootCfg结构中添加几个参数用来保存nk.bin的相关信息,如内存加载地址,Image大小等 /* typedef struct { ULONG Signature; // Config signature (used to validate). USHORT VerMajor; // Config major version. USHORT VerMinor; // Config minor version. ULONG ConfigFlags; // General bootloader flags. ULONG IPAddr; // Device static IP address. ULONG SubnetMask; // Device subnet mask. BYTE BootDelay; // Bootloader count-down delay. BYTE LoadDeviceOrder; // Search order for download devices. USHORT CS8900MAC[3]; // Crystal CS8900A MAC address. BOOL bLoadNandOSImage; //launch existing OS image from Nand Flash? DWORD dwLaunchAddr; // Kernel region launch address. DWORD dwLoadAddress; //OS RAM Image load address DWORD dwTtlSectors; //OS RAM Image sectors DWORD dwStoreOffset; //OS RAM Image offset DWORD dwJumpAddress; //OS RAM Image Jump Address DWORD dwImageType; //OS RAM Image ImageType CHAININFO chainInfo; } BOOT_CFG, *PBOOT_CFG; */ pBootCfg->dwLoadAddress = dwImageStart; pBootCfg->dwStoreOffset = 0; pBootCfg->dwTtlSectors = FILE_TO_SECTOR_SIZE(dwImageLength); // If there isn't a SmartMedia card in the system, it'll be kind of hard to write an image to it... // if (!g_bSmartMediaExist) { EdbgOutputDebugString("WARNING: Smart Media device doesn't exist - unable to store image./r/n"); return(FALSE); } // Look in the kernel region's extension area for a multi-BIN extension descriptor. // This region, if found, details the number, start, and size of each BIN region. // for (nCount = 0, dwNumExts = 0 ; (nCount < g_BINRegionInfo.dwNumRegions); nCount++) { // Does this region contain nk.exe and an extension pointer? // pExt = (EXTENSION *)GetKernelExtPointer(g_BINRegionInfo.Region[nCount].dwRegionStart, g_BINRegionInfo.Region[nCount].dwRegionLength ); if ( pExt != NULL) { // If there is an extension pointer region, walk it until the end. // while (pExt) { DWORD dwBaseAddr = g_BINRegionInfo.Region[nCount].dwRegionStart; pExt = (EXTENSION *)OEMMapMemAddr(dwBaseAddr, (DWORD)pExt); OALMSG(OAL_INFO, (TEXT("INFO: OEMLaunch: Found chain extenstion: '%s' @ 0x%x/r/n"), pExt->name, dwBaseAddr)); if ((pExt->type == 0) && !strcmp(pExt->name, "chain information")) { pChainInfo = (PXIPCHAIN_SUMMARY) OEMMapMemAddr(dwBaseAddr, (DWORD)pExt->pdata); dwNumExts = (pExt->length / sizeof(XIPCHAIN_SUMMARY)); OALMSG(OAL_INFO, (TEXT("INFO: OEMLaunch: Found 'chain information' (pChainInfo=0x%x Extensions=0x%x)./r/n"), (DWORD)pChainInfo, dwNumExts)); break; } pExt = (EXTENSION *)pExt->pNextExt; } } else { // Search for Chain region. Chain region doesn't have the ROMSIGNATURE set DWORD dwRegionStart = g_BINRegionInfo.Region[nCount].dwRegionStart; DWORD dwSig = *(LPDWORD) OEMMapMemAddr(dwRegionStart, dwRegionStart + ROM_SIGNATURE_OFFSET); if ( dwSig != ROM_SIGNATURE) { // It is the chain dwChainStart = dwRegionStart; dwChainLength = g_BINRegionInfo.Region[nCount].dwRegionLength; OALMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("Found the Chain region: StartAddress: 0x%X; Length: 0x%X/n"), dwChainStart, dwChainLength)); } } } // Determine how big the Total BINFS partition needs to be to store all of this. // 目前不会进入 if (pChainInfo && dwNumExts == g_BINRegionInfo.dwNumRegions) // We're downloading all the regions in a multi-region image... { DWORD i; OALMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("Writing multi-regions/r/n"))); for (nCount = 0, dwBINFSPartLength = 0 ; nCount < dwNumExts ; nCount++) { dwBINFSPartLength += (pChainInfo + nCount)->dwMaxLength; OALMSG(OAL_ERROR, (TEXT("BINFSPartMaxLength[%u]: 0x%x, TtlBINFSPartLength: 0x%x /r/n"), nCount, (pChainInfo + nCount)->dwMaxLength, dwBINFSPartLength)); // MultiBINInfo does not store each Regions MAX length, and pChainInfo is not in any particular order. // So, walk our MultiBINInfo matching up pChainInfo to find each regions MAX Length for (i = 0; i < dwNumExts; i++) { if ( g_BINRegionInfo.Region[i].dwRegionStart == (DWORD)((pChainInfo + nCount)->pvAddr) ) { dwMaxRegionLength[i] = (pChainInfo + nCount)->dwMaxLength; OALMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("dwMaxRegionLength[%u]: 0x%x /r/n"), i, dwMaxRegionLength[i])); break; } } } } else // A single BIN file or potentially a multi-region update (but the partition's already been created in this latter case). { dwBINFSPartLength = g_BINRegionInfo.Region[0].dwRegionLength; OALMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("Writing single region/multi-region update, dwBINFSPartLength: %u /r/n"), dwBINFSPartLength)); } // Open/Create the BINFS partition where images are stored. This partition starts immediately after the MBR on the Boot Media and its length is // determined by the maximum image size (or sum of all maximum sizes in a multi-region design). // Parameters are LOGICAL sectors. // EdbgOutputDebugString("Partiotion block numer: 0x%d/r/n",(IMAGE_START_BLOCK+1)*PAGES_PER_BLOCK); hPart = BP_OpenPartition( (IMAGE_START_BLOCK+1)*PAGES_PER_BLOCK, // next block of MBR SECTOR_TO_BLOCK_SIZE(FILE_TO_SECTOR_SIZE(dwBINFSPartLength))*PAGES_PER_BLOCK, // align to block PART_BINFS, TRUE, PART_OPEN_ALWAYS); if (hPart == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { OALMSG(OAL_ERROR, (TEXT("ERROR: WriteOSImageToBootMedia: Failed to open/create partition./r/n"))); return(FALSE); } // Are there multiple BIN files in RAM (we may just be updating one in a multi-BIN solution)? // 实际上目前我们只下载一个bin文件,即nk.bin,也就是g_BINRegionInfo.dwNumRegions=1 for (nCount = 0, dwStoreOffset = 0; nCount < g_BINRegionInfo.dwNumRegions ; nCount++) { DWORD dwRegionStart = (DWORD)OEMMapMemAddr(0, g_BINRegionInfo.Region[nCount].dwRegionStart); DWORD dwRegionLength = g_BINRegionInfo.Region[nCount].dwRegionLength; // Media byte offset where image region is stored. dwStoreOffset += nCount ? dwMaxRegionLength[nCount-1] : 0; // Set the file pointer (byte indexing) to the correct offset for this particular region. // if ( !BP_SetDataPointer(hPart, dwStoreOffset) ) { OALMSG(OAL_ERROR, (TEXT("ERROR: StoreImageToBootMedia: Failed to set data pointer in partition (offset=0x%x)./r/n"), dwStoreOffset)); return(FALSE); } // Write the region to the BINFS partition. // if ( !BP_WriteData(hPart, (LPBYTE)dwRegionStart, dwRegionLength) ) { EdbgOutputDebugString("ERROR: StoreImageToBootMedia: Failed to write region to BINFS partition (start=0x%x, length=0x%x)./r/n", dwRegionStart, dwRegionLength); return(FALSE); } // update our TOC? // if ((pBootCfg->dwLoadAddress == g_BINRegionInfo.Region[nCount].dwRegionStart) && pBootCfg->dwTtlSectors == FILE_TO_SECTOR_SIZE(dwRegionLength) ) { pBootCfg->dwStoreOffset = dwStoreOffset; pBootCfg->dwJumpAddress = 0; // Filled upon return to OEMLaunch pBootCfg->dwImageType = g_ImageType; // copy Kernel Region to SDRAM for jump memcpy((void*)pBootCfg->dwLoadAddress, (void*)dwRegionStart, dwRegionLength); OALMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("Updateded TOC!/r/n"))); } //这个if用来保存multi-bin信息,目前不会进入 else if( (dwChainStart == g_BINRegionInfo.Region[nCount].dwRegionStart) && (dwChainLength == g_BINRegionInfo.Region[nCount].dwRegionLength)) { // Update our TOC for Chain region pBootCfg->chainInfo.dwLoadAddress = dwChainStart; pBootCfg->chainInfo.dwFlashAddress = FILE_TO_SECTOR_SIZE(g_dwLastWrittenLoc); pBootCfg->chainInfo.dwLength = FILE_TO_SECTOR_SIZE(dwMaxRegionLength[nCount]); OALMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("Written Chain Region to the Flash/n"))); OALMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("LoadAddress = 0x%X; FlashAddress = 0x%X; Length = 0x%X/n"), pBootCfg->chainInfo.dwLoadAddress, pBootCfg->chainInfo.dwFlashAddress, pBootCfg->chainInfo.dwLength)); // Now copy it to the SDRAM memcpy((void *)pBootCfg->chainInfo.dwLoadAddress, (void *)dwRegionStart, dwRegionLength); } } hPartEx = BP_OpenPartition( NEXT_FREE_LOC, USE_REMAINING_SPACE, PART_DOS32, TRUE, PART_OPEN_ALWAYS); if (hPartEx == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { OALMSG(OAL_WARN, (TEXT("*** WARN: StoreImageToBootMedia: Failed to open/create Extended partition ***/r/n"))); } OALMSG(OAL_FUNC, (TEXT("-WriteOSImageToBootMedia/r/n"))); return TRUE; }
读就比较简单了,通过bootpart库的API去读取BINFS分区的文件(nk.nb0),放入指定的内存区域,然后就可以在OEMLaunch中跳转运行CE OS了.
BOOL ReadRamImageFromBootMedia( ) { HANDLE hPart; SectorInfo si; DWORD chainaddr,flashaddr; DWORD i; OALMSG(OAL_INFO, (TEXT("+ReadOSImageFromBootMedia/r/n"))); if (!g_bSmartMediaExist) { OALMSG(OAL_ERROR, (TEXT("ERROR: WriteRawImageToBootMedia: device doesn't exist./r/n"))); return(FALSE); } if ( !OEMVerifyMemory(g_BootConfig.dwLoadAddress, sizeof(DWORD)) || !OEMVerifyMemory(g_BootConfig.dwJumpAddress, sizeof(DWORD)) || !g_BootConfig.dwTtlSectors ) { OALMSG(OAL_ERROR, (TEXT("ReadOSImageFromBootMedia: ERROR_INVALID_ADDRESS: (address=0x%x, sectors=0x%x, launch address=0x%x).../r/n"), g_BootConfig.dwLoadAddress, g_BootConfig.dwTtlSectors, g_BootConfig.dwJumpAddress)); return FALSE; } // Open the BINFS partition (it must exist). // hPart = BP_OpenPartition( NEXT_FREE_LOC, USE_REMAINING_SPACE, PART_BINFS, TRUE, PART_OPEN_EXISTING); if (hPart == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { OALMSG(OAL_ERROR, (TEXT("ERROR: ReadOSImageFromBootMedia: Failed to open existing partition./r/n"))); return(FALSE); } // Set the partition file pointer to the correct offset for the kernel region. // if ( !BP_SetDataPointer(hPart, g_BootConfig.dwStoreOffset) ) { OALMSG(OAL_ERROR, (TEXT("ERROR: ReadOSImageFromBootMedia: Failed to set data pointer in partition (offset=0x%x)./r/n"), g_BootConfig.dwStoreOffset)); return(FALSE); } // Read the kernel region from the Boot Media into RAM. // if ( !BP_ReadData( hPart, (LPBYTE)(g_BootConfig.dwLoadAddress), SECTOR_TO_FILE_SIZE(g_BootConfig.dwTtlSectors)) ) { OALMSG(OAL_ERROR, (TEXT("ERROR: ReadOSImageFromBootMedia: Failed to read kernel region from partition./r/n"))); return(FALSE); } if (!g_BootConfig.chainInfo.dwLoadAddress) { chainaddr = g_BootConfig.chainInfo.dwLoadAddress; flashaddr = g_BootConfig.chainInfo.dwFlashAddress; for ( i = 0; i < (g_BootConfig.chainInfo.dwLength); i++ ) { OALMSG(TRUE, (TEXT("chainaddr=0x%x, flashaddr=0x%x/r/n"), chainaddr, flashaddr+i)); if ( !FMD_ReadSector(flashaddr+i, (PUCHAR)(chainaddr), &si, 1) ) { OALMSG(OAL_ERROR, (TEXT("TOC_Write ERROR: Unable to read/verify TOC/r/n"))); return FALSE; } chainaddr += 512; } } OALMSG(OAL_FUNC, (TEXT("_ReadOSImageFromBootMedia/r/n"))); return(TRUE); }
//g_bDownloadImage为是否从PB下载nk.bin的标志,如果为0则直接从Flash中读取OS镜像 if (!g_bDownloadImage) { if ( !ReadRamImageFromBootMedia( ) ) { OALMSG(OAL_ERROR, (TEXT("OEMPlatformInit ERROR: Failed to load kernel region into RAM./r/n"))); // return FALSE; } } // If the user requested that a disk image (stored in RAM now) be written to the SmartMedia card, so it now. // //将下载的nk.bin烧写到flash中 if (g_bDownloadImage && (g_BootConfig.ConfigFlags & TARGET_TYPE_NAND)) { WriteDiskImageToSmartMedia(dwImageStart,dwImageLength,&g_BootConfig); //保存新的加载信息到BOOT_CFG结构中. WriteBootConfig(&g_BootConfig); }
// If a launch address was provided, we must have downloaded the image, save the address in case we // want to jump to this image next time. If no launch address was provided, retrieve the last one. // if (dwLaunchAddr && (g_BootConfig.dwJumpAddress != dwLaunchAddr)) { g_BootConfig.dwJumpAddress = dwLaunchAddr; } else { dwLaunchAddr= g_BootConfig.dwJumpAddress; OALMSG(OAL_INFO, (TEXT("INFO: using TOC[%d] dwJumpAddress: 0x%x/r/n"), g_dwTocEntry, dwLaunchAddr)); }
EdbgOutputDebugString ( "5) Program disk image into SmartMedia card: %s/r/n", (pBootCfg->ConfigFlags & TARGET_TYPE_NAND)?"Enabled":"Disabled"); EdbgOutputDebugString ( "L) Lauch From Existing Flash Image By Default:%s/r/n",(pBootCfg->bLoadNandOSImage)?"Enabled":"Disabled");
case '5': // Toggle image storage to Smart Media. pBootCfg->ConfigFlags = (pBootCfg->ConfigFlags ^ TARGET_TYPE_NAND); bConfigChanged = TRUE; break; case 'L': case 'l': pBootCfg->bLoadNandOSImage = ~pBootCfg->bLoadNandOSImage; bConfigChanged = TRUE; break;
if (!g_bDownloadImage) { return(BL_JUMP); }

你可能感兴趣的:(WinCE5.0 SMDK2410 BSP在GEC2410开发板上的移植(9)-BINFS在Nand上的实现(OS镜像的烧写与加载))