Degrafa has just been released, which allows you to write complex graphics tags using MXML. A core piece of Ely’s presentation relied on the new mx:Graphics tags that are going to be in Flex 4. The Degrafa team has basically done the same thing, but you can use it now instead of waiting for the next Flex release. What this means is that if you have a set of core components without specific visual designs, you can easily create skins using Degrafa in MXML. This idea of MXML skinning and skin-less base components is crucial to what Thermo is going to allow you to do.

     ----摘自We’re not waiting for Flex 4

     译文:目前,DEGRAFA允许你使用MXML标记的方式进行复杂的图形绘制。Ely的意思是,DEGRAFA将会以一个新的标签形式即mx:Graphics在FLEX4中出现。但你可以现在就使用DEGRAFA团队的开发成果,而不必苦等FLEX4。这意味着,如果要创建没有特殊外观设计需求的组件,你大可使用DEGRAFA MXML方式快速搞定,否则你需要Thermo来做这些皮肤设计。


Flex 4 will be using the Degrafa framework instead of doing separate paths and projects.  This is really exciting news, as the code that is generated from Thermo will be compatible with the Degrafa engine, which also means that code exported from Fireworks will also have Degrafa compatibilities.

Congrats to the Degrafa team!  Excellent work to the Flex team for choosing a very worthy project to partner with!



Just to clarify a little, the Flex team and Degrafa teams are working together to put appropriate concepts from Degrafa into the Flex Graphics classes. This means that in many respects Degrafa will be a superset of functionality that comes with Flex, but it is not that Degrafa and the Flex Graphics classes will be one and the same. So Thermo is not outputting Degrafa code, it is outputting Flex code, but that code is likely easily extended with Degrafa later.

----摘自Degrafa and Flex 4 are now one!
