CListCtrl和CImageList 的使用

An "image list" is a collection of same-sized images, each of which can be referred to by its zero-based index. Image lists are used to efficiently manage large sets of icons or bitmaps. All images in an image list are contained in a single, wide bitmap in screen device format. An image list may also include a monochrome bitmap that contains masks used to draw images transparently (icon style). The Microsoft Win32 application programming interface (API) provides image list functions that enable you to draw images, create and destroy image lists, add and remove images, replace images, merge images, and drag images.

This control (and therefore the CImageList class) is available only to programs running under Windows 95/98 and Windows NT version 3.51 and later.



CListCtrl Class:

Encapsulates the functionality of a "list view control," which displays a collection of items each consisting of an icon (from an image list) and a label. 

简而言之,他封装了 "list view control,"的功能,能显示icon和标签集合,icon是来源于image list。

因此,可以看出,CListCtrl是CImageList 使用的“客户”。

CListCtrl使用起来也是有要求的 :

List view controls can display their contents in four different ways, called "views." :

Icon view 、Small icon view、 List view 、Report view


一般的 CListCtrl控件的初始化是在OnInitDialog()这个函数里进行的,看一个实例:

HICON hicon[3];
 int n;
 m_imagelist = new CImageList();
 m_imagelist->Create(48, 48, ILC_COLORDDB, 8, 8);
 hicon[0] = AfxGetApp()->LoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME);
 hicon[1] = AfxGetApp()->LoadIcon(IDI_ICON2);
 hicon[2] = AfxGetApp()->LoadIcon(IDI_ICON3);
 for (n = 0; n < 3; n++) {

 CString color[3] = {_T("one"), _T("two"), _T("three")};
 CListCtrl *pLC = (CListCtrl *)GetDlgItem(IDC_LIST1);
 pLC->SetImageList(m_imagelist, LVSIL_NORMAL  );

 for (n = 0; n < 3; n++) {
  pLC->InsertItem(n, color[n], n);

Create(48, 48, ILC_COLORDDB, 8, 8);函数的使用方法决定了显示的时候的位图的大小,而SetImageList(m_imagelist, LVSIL_NORMAL  );第二个参数也是有讲究的,msdn上有3种:

CImageList* SetImageList(
   CImageList* pImageList,
   int nImageListType 



Pointer to the image list to assign.


Type of image list. It can be one of these values:

  • LVSIL_NORMAL   Image list with large icons.

  • LVSIL_SMALL   Image list with small icons.

  • LVSIL_STATE   Image list with state images.

我试过了,有的时候并不是都可以很好的工作,nomal和small在程序里可以用,但是state不可以,原因在于位图的格式,前两者使用的时候icon才有效,state images我也不晓得是个啥玩意,毕竟才初学。
