[root@zhoutianzuo azuo]# bash install_fs.sh Filesystem already created Filesystem already mounted going to fetch Usage: grep [OPTION]... PATTERN [FILE]... Try `grep --help' for more information. Usage: grep [OPTION]... PATTERN [FILE]... Try `grep --help' for more information. Usage: grep [OPTION]... PATTERN [FILE]... Try `grep --help' for more information.
#!/bin/bash # Settings !!!*** PLEASE MODIFY THESE ***!!! export ARCH="i386" export MIRROR="http://centos.ustc.edu.cn/centos/6.3/os/i386/Packages/" export TMPDIR=`pwd`"/tmp" export ROOT_FS=`pwd`"/CentOS6-x86-root_fs" export RPM_DIR=`pwd`"/RPMS" export CHROOTCMD="linux32 chroot" export RPMCMD="rpm" export PACKAGES="packages.$ARCH" export ARCHES="$ARCH i686 noarch" export DEBUG="" export DUPES="" export TEXT_BROWSER="lynx" function doGetRPM() { rpmfile="" if [ ! -z "$DEBUG" ]; then echo "grep $1 $PACKAGES | grep $2 | wc -l" fi rpmfilescount=`grep ^$1 $PACKAGES | grep $2 | wc -l` #echo "filecount=$rpmfilescount" if [ "$rpmfilescount" -eq 0 ]; then if [ ! -z "$DEBUG" ]; then echo "No RPMs found for $1 - $2" fi else if [ "$rpmfilescount" == "1" ]; then # echo "Found "`$grep` rpmfile=`grep ^$1 $PACKAGES | grep $2` else if [ ! -z "$DEBUG" ]; then echo "Too many packages matching $1: $rpmfilescount" fi rpmfile=`grep ^$1 $PACKAGES | grep $2 | sort | head -n 1` fi fi } function getRPM() { for arch in $ARCHES; do doGetRPM $1- $arch if [ ! -z "$rpmfile" ]; then return fi done for arch in $ARCHES; do doGetRPM $1 $arch if [ ! -z "$rpmfile" ]; then return fi done echo "No RPM package found for $1" exit 1 } function fetch() { base=$1 getRPM $base local=$RPM_DIR"/$rpmfile" echo "fetch() base=$base, local=$local, rpmfile=$rpmfile" if [ ! -e "$local" ]; then echo "Downloading $base ($rpmfile)" wget -c -O $local "$MIRROR$rpmfile" fi } function rpminstall() { base=$1 fetch $base stripped=`echo $base | sed 's+\.noarch++g' | sed 's+\.$ARCH++g'` exists="0" if [ ! -z "$DUPES" ]; then exists=`$RPMCMD -qa --root $TMPDIR | grep $stripped | wc -l` fi if [ "$exists" -ne "0" ]; then echo "skipped: $stripped" else $RPMCMD -Uvh --root $TMPDIR $local rm -fr $TMPDIR/var/lib/rpm/__db* fi } function rpminstallgroup() { echo "SIZE="$# list="" while [ $# -ne 0 ] do package=$1 fetch $package stripped=`echo $1 | sed 's+\.noarch++g' | sed 's+\.$ARCH++g'` exists="0" if [ ! -z "$DUPES" ]; then exists=`$RPMCMD -qa --root $TMPDIR | grep $stripped | wc -l` fi if [ "$exists" -ne "0" ]; then echo "skipped: $stripped" else list="$list $local" fi shift done # echo "installing list=$list" # echo "installcommand=$RPMCMD -ivh --root $TMPDIR $list" $RPMCMD -Uvh --root $TMPDIR $list rm -fr $TMPDIR/var/lib/rpm/__db* } # Making the filesystem if [ ! -e "$ROOT_FS" ]; then dd if=/dev/zero of=$ROOT_FS bs=1024 count=1 seek=1572864 mkfs.ext4 -L ROOT -F $ROOT_FS else echo "Filesystem already created" fi if [ ! -e "$TMPDIR" ]; then mkdir $TMPDIR mount -o loop $ROOT_FS $TMPDIR else echo "Filesystem already mounted" fi mkdir -p $RPM_DIR #rpm bug? mkdir -p $TMPDIR/var/lock/rpm mkdir -p $TMPDIR/var/lib/rpm if [ ! -e "$TMPDIR/var/lib/rpm" ]; then echo "initrpm:" echo "$RPMCMD --initdb --root $TMPDIR" $RPMCMD --initdb --root $TMPDIR rm -fr $TMPDIR/var/lib/rpm/__db* fi if [ ! -e "$TMPDIR/dev" ]; then mkdir $TMPDIR/dev mknod $TMPDIR/dev/null c 1 3 fi #Get the list of packages if [ ! -f $PACKAGES ]; then if [ -x "`which ${TEXT_BROWSER}`" ]; then ${TEXT_BROWSER} -dump $MIRROR |grep rpm\$ |awk -F "CentOS/" '{print $2}' >$PACKAGES else echo "error :$PACKAGES does not exists, and I could not build it with ${TEXT_BROWSER}" echo "errot :$PACKAGES should contain a list of all rpms on your mirror site" exit 1 fi fi echo "going to fetch" # pretend to have a kernel (we don't need one): KERNEL=`grep kernel-2.6 $PACKAGES` fetch $KERNEL $RPMCMD -Uvh --justdb --force --nodeps --root $TMPDIR $local rm -fr $TMPDIR/var/lib/rpm/__db* mkdir -p $TMPDIR/etc # create an /etc/fstab echo "LABEL=ROOT / auto defaults 1 1" >>$TMPDIR/etc/fstab echo "none /dev/pts devpts gid=5,mode=620 0 0" >>$TMPDIR/etc/fstab echo "none /proc proc defaults 0 0" >>$TMPDIR/etc/fstab echo "tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,size=768M 0 0" >>$TMPDIR/etc/fstab mkdir -p $TMPDIR/usr/kerberos # Installing the base packages # no deps for these - got problems otherwise... packages="glibc-common glibc libsepol pam passwd usermode setup filesystem basesystem util-linux libgcc tzdata compat-libtermcap zlib zip man-pages bash ncurses info gawk vim-common libattr libacl libstdc++ pcre grep cracklib-dicts glib2 centos-release chkconfig sed iputils rootfiles ethtool audit-libs popt libsysfs sysfsutils cpio less gzip readline tar db4 iproute mingetty libselinux libsemanage sysvinit binutils module-init-tools hwdata logrotate rsyslog udev procps diffutils libcap vim-minimal findutils device-mapper e2fsprogs-libs e2fsprogs net-tools shadow libudev device-mapper-libs lvm2-libs lvm2 MAKEDEV psmisc bzip2-libs libxml crypto-utils expat sqlite tcp_wrappers gdbm coreutils-libs gmp coreutils cracklib python openssl libgssglue krb5-libs libselinux-python initscripts db4 glibc-headers audit-libs-python policycoreutils libselinux-python ustr libsemanage bzip2 dash kbd dracut dmraid nss-softokn nss fipscheck python-iniparse" for package in $packages; do fetch $package $RPMCMD -Uvh --force --noscripts --nodeps --root $TMPDIR $local rm -fr $TMPDIR/var/lib/rpm/__db* done mkdir $TMPDIR/etc/profile.d $CHROOTCMD $TMPDIR useradd rpm packages="rpm rpm-libs" for package in $packages; do fetch $package $RPMCMD -Uvh --force --nodigests --noscripts --nodeps --root $TMPDIR $local rm -fr $TMPDIR/var/lib/rpm/__db* done # some extras packages="which nspr python-libs libidn libssh2 cyrus-sasl-lib openldap nss-util nss-softokn-freebl libcom_err libcurl curl python-pycurl ca-certificates dbus-libs pakchois libgpg-error libgcrypt libtasn1 gnutls xz-libs python-iniparse keyutils-libs crontabs cronie cronie-anacron krb5-libs m2crypto python-urlgrabber elfutils-libelf elfutils-libs elfutils fipscheck-lib openssh ncurses-base ncurses-libs libedit openssh-clients tcp_wrappers-libs tcp_wrappers openssh-server wget elfutils lua file-libs file dhcp db4 db4-utils libffi libusb- libuser libblkid libuuid libcgroup " for package in $packages; do rpminstall $package done rpminstallgroup libproxy libproxy-bin libproxy-python rpminstallgroup rpm rpm-libs for package in pth pinentry gnupg2 gpgme pygpgme neon rpm-python yum-metadata-parser; do rpminstall $package done rpminstallgroup yum-[0-9] yum-plugin-fastestmirror for package in yum-plugin-keys yum-plugin-post-transaction-actions yum-plugin-protectbase yum-utils; do rpminstall $package done echo "cleaning rpm db" # re-install yum/rpm from inside... mount -t proc none $TMPDIR/proc cp /etc/resolv.conf $TMPDIR/etc rm -f $TMPDIR/var/lib/rpm/* #rm -f $TMPDIR/var/lib/rpm/__db* #for db in Group Requirename Obsoletename Sigmd5 Sha1header Triggername Conflictname Basenames Requirename; do # rm -fr $TMPDIR/var/lib/rpm/${db} #done rm -fr $TMPDIR/var/cache/yum $CHROOTCMD $TMPDIR rpm --rebuilddb fetch centos-release cp $local $TMPDIR/ $CHROOTCMD $TMPDIR rpm -Uvh --nofiledigest --nodigest --nosignature --force /centos-release*rpm rm $TMPDIR/centos-release*rpm $CHROOTCMD $TMPDIR rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-6 $CHROOTCMD $TMPDIR rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/* mkdir -p $TMPDIR/var/cache/yum/$ARCH/6/base/packages/ cp RPMS/*rpm $TMPDIR/var/cache/yum/$ARCH/6/base/packages/ mkdir -p $TMPDIR/var/cache/yum/$ARCH/6/updates/packages/ cp RPMS/*rpm $TMPDIR/var/cache/yum/$ARCH/6/updates/packages/ #$CHROOTCMD $TMPDIR yum reinstall --releasever=6 -y --nogpgcheck centos-release #$CHROOTCMD $TMPDIR rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/* $CHROOTCMD $TMPDIR yum install -y yum basesystem #$CHROOTCMD $TMPDIR yum install --releasever=6 -y --nogpgcheck yum basesystem #$CHROOTCMD $TMPDIR rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/* $CHROOTCMD $TMPDIR yum install -y openssh-server openssh-clients $CHROOTCMD $TMPDIR yum update rm -fr $TMPDIR/var/cache/yum # ldconfig the newly installed libraries ldconfig -r $TMPDIR # create the ubd devices if [ ! -e "$TMPDIR/dev/ubda" ]; then if [ -e "$TMPDIR/dev" ]; then for ((i=0; i<8; i++)) do let=$(echo $i|tr '0-7' 'a-z') mknod $TMPDIR/dev/ubd$let b 98 $[16 * $i] for ((p=1; p<=16; p++)) do mknod $TMPDIR/dev/ubd$let$p b 98 $[16 * $i + $p] done done else echo "/dev not found!" exit 1 fi fi # basic devices so we can boot without an initrd: cp -avpr /dev/console /dev/null /dev/zero $TMPDIR/dev mkdir $TMPDIR/dev/pts # use yum to update the system echo "/dev/ROOT / ext4 rw 0 0" > $TMPDIR/etc/mtab # tweak the inittab to only use tty0 and add it to securetty for cf in /etc/init/start-ttys.conf /etc/sysconfig/init; do mv $cf $cf.bak cat $cf.bak | sed 's/1-6/0/g' > $cf rm $cf.bak done echo "tty0" >> /etc/securetty #enable shadow passwords $CHROOTCMD $TMPDIR pwconv #Remove the root password sed -i -e "s/^root:\*:/root::/" $TMPDIR/etc/shadow # We need an /etc/hosts file! echo " localhost localhost.localdomain" > $TMPDIR/etc/hosts # make the first network interface start with dhcp # Use ifcfg-eth0 from currrent directory if we have it, otherwise create $CHROOTCMD $TMPDIR yum install -y dhclient if [ ! -f "ifcfg-eth0" ]; then echo "DEVICE=eth0" >> $TMPDIR/ifcfg-eth0 echo "BOOTPROTO=dhcp" >> $TMPDIR/ifcfg-eth0 echo "ONBOOT=yes" >> $TMPDIR/ifcfg-eth0 else cp "ifcfg-eth0" $TMPDIR/ifcfg-eth0 fi cp $TMPDIR/ifcfg-eth0 $TMPDIR/etc/sysconfig/networking/devices/ifcfg-eth0 cp $TMPDIR/ifcfg-eth0 $TMPDIR/etc/sysconfig/networking/profiles/default/ifcfg-eth0 mv $TMPDIR/ifcfg-eth0 $TMPDIR/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 echo "NETWORKING=yes" > $TMPDIR/etc/sysconfig/network echo "HOSTNAME=localhost.localdomain" >> $TMPDIR/etc/sysconfig/network echo "" > $TMPDIR/etc/resolv.conf # clear rest of image dd if=/dev/zero of=$TMPDIR/blank >& /dev/null sync rm $TMPDIR/blank umount $TMPDIR/proc umount $TMPDIR rmdir $TMPDIR echo "Done!"