因为HTTP服务属于public service, 不需要在远程机器上安装agent,但是如果需要监控.131的本地资源,比如磁盘,CPU等,就需要安装一个软件。
icinga提供了两种模式,一种叫做active check,就是server .111轮询.131,这种效率不搞,不推荐。还有另一种模式,passive check, 是等待远程agent发送消息。
1. 当运行
./nsca -c ../sample-config/nsca.cfg
出现权限不足时,简单点,直接用chmod -R 777 修改该目录权限
2. 10.3.6中选择xinetd方式,Ubuntu下先要安装:
apt-et install xinetd
3. 把一些文件拷贝的131机器上后,没有必要创建什么incinga用户,直接用root就可以测试
4. .111 icinga server上linux.cfg文件配置如下:
define host{ use linux-server ; Inherit default values from a template host_name StaticFileServer ; The name we're giving to this host alias static filer server for 3D and jenksins server for CloudEngine ; A longer name associated with the host address ; IP address of the host contact_groups admins ; Host groups this host is associated with } # check that web services are running define service{ host_name StaticFileServer service_description HTTP check_command check_http use generic-service action_url notification_interval 0 ; set > 0 if you want to be renotified } define service{ use generic-service ; template to inherit from name passive-service ; name of this template active_checks_enabled 0 ; no active checks passive_checks_enabled 1 ; allow passive checks check_command check_dummy!0 ; use "check_dummy", RC=0 (OK) check_period 24x7 ; check active all the time check_freshness 0 ; do not check if check result is stale register 0 ; this is a template, not a real service } define service{ use passive-service ; template to inherit from host_name StaticFileServer ; host where send_nsca is located service_description Diskspace ; service to be checked }
6. commands.cfg中已经定义了check_dummy命令,不需要修改
7. .131上运行命令测试发送数据:
echo -e "StaticFileServer\tDiskspace\t0\t/var=78%\n" | /usr/local/icinga/bin/send_nsca -H -c /usr/local/icinga/etc/send_nsca.cfg
-H后面是icinga server的IP地址
8. 最后看日志中有了:
[1368620324] EXTERNAL COMMAND: PROCESS_SERVICE_CHECK_RESULT;StaticFileServer;Diskspace;0;/var=78% [1368620332] PASSIVE SERVICE CHECK: StaticFileServer;Diskspace;0;/var=78%
9. web 页面上也能看到一行记录。
总结:NSCA就是解决了监控终端发送消息给服务器的通信问题,监控脚本要自己编写,用来采集数据。因此这个架构很灵活,可以随便发挥。不过就是做的事情不少,后面会尝试整体解决方案:Check_MK, 如果能够在这上面二次开发,功能就非常强大了。