



[source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bicubic_interpolation]


[source:  R. Keys, (1981). "Cubic convolution interpolation for digital image processing". IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing 29 (6): 1153–1160.]

对待插值的像素点(x,y)(x和y可以为浮点数),取其附近的4x4邻域点(xi,yj), i,j = 0,1,2,3。按如下公式进行插值计算:



#include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <fstream>

using namespace cv;
using namespace std;

#define PI 3.14159265

float BiCubicPoly(float x);
void MyScaleBiCubicInter(Mat& src, Mat& dst, float TransMat[3][3]);
 * @function main
int main( int argc, char** argv )
  // load image
  char* imageName = "images/Lenna_256.png";

  Mat image;
  image = imread(imageName,1);
	  cout << "No image data" << endl;
	  return -1;

  // show image
  namedWindow("image", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
  imshow("image", image);
  Mat dst;
  float transMat[3][3] = { {2.0, 0, 0}, {0, 2.0, 0}, {0, 0, 1} };
  MyScaleBiCubicInter(image, dst, transMat);

  namedWindow("out_image", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
  imshow("out_image", dst);

  imwrite("Lenna_scale_biCubic2.jpg", dst);


  return 0;

float BiCubicPoly(float x)
	float abs_x = abs(x);
	float a = -0.5;
	if( abs_x <= 1.0 )
		return (a+2)*pow(abs_x,3) - (a+3)*pow(abs_x,2) + 1;
	else if( abs_x < 2.0 )
		return a*pow(abs_x,3) - 5*a*pow(abs_x,2) + 8*a*abs_x - 4*a;
		return 0.0;


void MyScaleBiCubicInter(Mat& src, Mat& dst, float TransMat[3][3])
	CV_Assert(src.depth() != sizeof(uchar));
	// calculate margin point of dst image
	float left =  0;
	float right =  0;
	float top =  0;
	float down =  0;

	float x = src.cols * 1.0f;
	float y = 0.0f;
	float u1 = x * TransMat[0][0] + y * TransMat[0][1];
	float v1 = x * TransMat[1][0] + y * TransMat[1][1];
	x = src.cols * 1.0f;
	y = src.rows * 1.0f;
	float u2 = x * TransMat[0][0] + y * TransMat[0][1];
	float v2 = x * TransMat[1][0] + y * TransMat[1][1];
	x = 0.0f;
	y = src.rows * 1.0f;
	float u3 = x * TransMat[0][0] + y * TransMat[0][1];
	float v3 = x * TransMat[1][0] + y * TransMat[1][1];

	left =  min( min( min(0.0f,u1), u2 ), u3);
	right =  max( max( max(0.0f,u1), u2 ), u3);
	top =  min( min( min(0.0f,v1), v2 ), v3);
	down =  max( max( max(0.0f,v1), v2 ), v3);

	// create dst image
	dst.create(int(abs(right-left)), int(abs(down-top)), src.type());

	CV_Assert( dst.channels() == src.channels() );
	int channels = dst.channels();

	int i,j;
	uchar* p;
	uchar* q0;
	uchar* q1;
	uchar* q2;
	uchar* q3;
	for( i = 0; i < dst.rows; ++i)
		p = dst.ptr<uchar>(i);
		for ( j = 0; j < dst.cols; ++j)
			x = (j+left)/TransMat[0][0]  ; 
			y = (i+top)/TransMat[1][1] ;

			int x0 = int(x) - 1;
			int y0 = int(y) - 1;
			int x1 = int(x);
			int y1 = int(y);
			int x2 = int(x) + 1;
			int y2 = int(y) + 1;
			int x3 = int(x) + 2;
			int y3 = int(y) + 2;

			if( (x0 >= 0) && (x3 < src.cols) && (y0 >= 0) && (y3 < src.rows) ) 
				q0 = src.ptr<uchar>(y0);
				q1 = src.ptr<uchar>(y1);
				q2 = src.ptr<uchar>(y2);
				q3 = src.ptr<uchar>(y3);
				float dist_x0 = BiCubicPoly(x-x0);
				float dist_x1 = BiCubicPoly(x-x1);
				float dist_x2 = BiCubicPoly(x-x2);
				float dist_x3 = BiCubicPoly(x-x3);
				float dist_y0 = BiCubicPoly(y-y0);
				float dist_y1 = BiCubicPoly(y-y1);
				float dist_y2 = BiCubicPoly(y-y2);
				float dist_y3 = BiCubicPoly(y-y3);

				float dist_x0y0 = dist_x0 * dist_y0;
				float dist_x0y1 = dist_x0 * dist_y1;
				float dist_x0y2 = dist_x0 * dist_y2;
				float dist_x0y3 = dist_x0 * dist_y3;
				float dist_x1y0 = dist_x1 * dist_y0;
				float dist_x1y1 = dist_x1 * dist_y1;
				float dist_x1y2 = dist_x1 * dist_y2;
				float dist_x1y3 = dist_x1 * dist_y3;
				float dist_x2y0 = dist_x2 * dist_y0;
				float dist_x2y1 = dist_x2 * dist_y1;
				float dist_x2y2 = dist_x2 * dist_y2;
				float dist_x2y3 = dist_x2 * dist_y3;
				float dist_x3y0 = dist_x3 * dist_y0;
				float dist_x3y1 = dist_x3 * dist_y1;
				float dist_x3y2 = dist_x3 * dist_y2;
				float dist_x3y3 = dist_x3 * dist_y3;

					case 1:
					case 3:
							p[3*j] =    (uchar)(q0[3*x0] * dist_x0y0 +
												q1[3*x0] * dist_x0y1 +
												q2[3*x0] * dist_x0y2 +
												q3[3*x0] * dist_x0y3 +
												q0[3*x1] * dist_x1y0 +
												q1[3*x1] * dist_x1y1 +
												q2[3*x1] * dist_x1y2 +
												q3[3*x1] * dist_x1y3 +
												q0[3*x2] * dist_x2y0 +
												q1[3*x2] * dist_x2y1 +
												q2[3*x2] * dist_x2y2 +
												q3[3*x2] * dist_x2y3 +
												q0[3*x3] * dist_x3y0 +
												q1[3*x3] * dist_x3y1 +
												q2[3*x3] * dist_x3y2 +
												q3[3*x3] * dist_x3y3 ) ;

							p[3*j+1] =  (uchar)(q0[3*x0+1] * dist_x0y0 +
												q1[3*x0+1] * dist_x0y1 +
												q2[3*x0+1] * dist_x0y2 +
												q3[3*x0+1] * dist_x0y3 +
												q0[3*x1+1] * dist_x1y0 +
												q1[3*x1+1] * dist_x1y1 +
												q2[3*x1+1] * dist_x1y2 +
												q3[3*x1+1] * dist_x1y3 +
												q0[3*x2+1] * dist_x2y0 +
												q1[3*x2+1] * dist_x2y1 +
												q2[3*x2+1] * dist_x2y2 +
												q3[3*x2+1] * dist_x2y3 +
												q0[3*x3+1] * dist_x3y0 +
												q1[3*x3+1] * dist_x3y1 +
												q2[3*x3+1] * dist_x3y2 +
												q3[3*x3+1] * dist_x3y3 ) ;

							p[3*j+2] =  (uchar)(q0[3*x0+2] * dist_x0y0 +
												q1[3*x0+2] * dist_x0y1 +
												q2[3*x0+2] * dist_x0y2 +
												q3[3*x0+2] * dist_x0y3 +
												q0[3*x1+2] * dist_x1y0 +
												q1[3*x1+2] * dist_x1y1 +
												q2[3*x1+2] * dist_x1y2 +
												q3[3*x1+2] * dist_x1y3 +
												q0[3*x2+2] * dist_x2y0 +
												q1[3*x2+2] * dist_x2y1 +
												q2[3*x2+2] * dist_x2y2 +
												q3[3*x2+2] * dist_x2y3 +
												q0[3*x3+2] * dist_x3y0 +
												q1[3*x3+2] * dist_x3y1 +
												q2[3*x3+2] * dist_x3y2 +
												q3[3*x3+2] * dist_x3y3 ) ;

							float thre = 198.0f;
							if( (abs(p[3*j]-q1[3*x1]) > thre) || (abs(p[3*j+1]-q1[3*x1+1]) > thre) ||
								(abs(p[3*j+2]-q1[3*x1+2]) > thre) )
								p[3*j] = q1[3*x1];
								p[3*j+1] = q1[3*x1+1];
								p[3*j+2] = q1[3*x1+2];



