Eclipse Debug无法查看变量信息

    Create your working folder. I chose d:\ root folder
    Inside your working folder create the source folder i.e. jdk7_src and output folder jdk_debug
    From your JDK_HOME folder get the file and unzip it inside jdk7_src
    Select what you will compile and delete the rest. For all of them you might need additional steps. I have chosen the folders:
    From your JDK_HOME\jre\lib get the file rt.jar and put in the work folder (this is only for convenience to not specify too large file names in the command line).
    Execute the command: dir /B /S /X jdk7_src\*.java > filelist.txt to create a file named filelist.txt with the list of all java files that will be compiled. This will be given as input to javac
    Execute javac using the command:
    javac -J-Xms16m -J-Xmx1024m -sourcepath d:\jdk7_src -cp d:\rt.jar -d d:\jdk_debug -g @filelist.txt >> log.txt 2>&1 This will compile all the files in the jdk_debug folder and will generate a log.txt file in your working folder. Check the log contents. You should get a bunch of warnings but no error.
    Go inside the jdk_debug folder and run the command: jar cf0 rt_debug.jar *. This will generate your new runtime library with degug information.
    Copy that new jar to the folder JDK_HOME\jre\lib\endorsed. If the endorsed folder does not exist, create it.
