
BeanUtils PropertyUtils 区别以及 java.util.Date 发生异常问题:
BeanUtils 外还有一个名为 PropertyUtils 的工具类,它也提供 copyProperties() 方法,作用与 BeanUtils 的同名方法十分相似,主要的区别在于后者提供类型转换功能,即发现两个 JavaBean 的同名属性为不同类型时,在支持的数据类型范围内进行转换,而前者不支持这个功能,但是速度会更快一些。 BeanUtils 支持的转换类型如下:

    * java.lang.BigDecimal
    * java.lang.BigInteger
    * boolean and java.lang.Boolean
    * byte and java.lang.Byte
    * char and java.lang.Character
    * java.lang.Class
    * double and java.lang.Double
    * float and java.lang.Float
    * int and java.lang.Integer
    * long and java.lang.Long
    * short and java.lang.Short
    * java.lang.String
    * java.sql.Date
    * java.sql.Time
    * java.sql.Timestamp

这里要注意一点, java.util.Date 是不被支持的,而它的子类 java.sql.Date 是被支持的。因此如果对象包含时间类型的属性,且希望被转换的时候,一定要使用 java.sql.Date 类型。否则在转换时会提示 argument mistype 异常。
解决方法一:如果变为 java.sql.Date 这样用 BeanUtils 用可以和 String 进行 copy property .
Address1 addr3= new Address1();
       System. out .println( "test" , 56, "-" ));
       addr2.setDate(Date.valueOf( "2007-5-9" ));
//     PropertyUtils.copyProperties(addr2, addr3);
       BeanUtils.copyProperties(addr3, addr2);
       System. out .println(addr3.getDate());
解决方法二:自定义Converter的方法:Defining Your Own Converters
The ConvertUtils class supports the ability to define and register your own String --> Object conversions for any given Java class. Once registered, such converters will be used transparently by all of the BeanUtils methods (including populate()). To create and register your own converter, follow these steps:
  • Write a class that implements the Converter interface. The convert() method should accept the java.lang.Class object of your application class (i.e. the class that you want to convert to, and a String representing the incoming value to be converted.
  • At application startup time, register an instance of your converter class by calling the ConvertUtils.register() method.
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import org.apache.commons.beanutils.Converter;
public class CustomerDateConverter implements Converter {
    private final static SimpleDateFormat DATE_FORMATE_SHOW = new SimpleDateFormat( "yyyy-MM-dd" );
    public Object convert(Class type, Object value){
       // TODO Auto-generated method stub
       if (type.equals(java.util.Date. class ) ) {
              try {
                  return DATE_FORMATE_SHOW .parse(value.toString());
              } catch (ParseException e) {
                  // TODO Auto-generated catch block
       return null ;
public java.lang.Object convert(java.lang.Class type,
                                java.lang.Object value)
Convert the specified input object into an output object of the specified type.
type - Data type to which this value should be converted ( 要转换的类型)
value - The input value to be converted   ( 输入的值)
The converted value
测试代码 :
       System. out .println( "test" , 56, "-" ));
Address1 addr1= new Address1(); //Address1 中的 date String
Address2 addr2= new Address2(); //Address1 中的 date java.util.Date
        Addr1.setDate( "2007-2-6" );
        CustomerDateConverter dateConverter = new CustomerDateConverter (); 
        ConvertUtils.register(dateConverter,Date. class );  
// 上面两句是关键!
        BeanUtils.copyProperties(addr2, addr1);
        System. out .println(addr2.getDate().toLocaleString()); 
