; #########################################################################
; A simple useful toy, Shellex takes a command line which is a drive
; and directory path. Set it as a shortcut on your desktop with the
; path you require and it will start a window in explorer where you
; specify.
; If you set it with a URL, it will open that as well in your default
; browser so you can have a favourite site parked on your desktop that
; is only a double click away.
; #########################################################################
.model flat, stdcall ; 32 bit memory model
option casemap :none ; case sensitive
include /MASM32/INCLUDE/windows.inc
include /MASM32/INCLUDE/kernel32.inc
include /MASM32/INCLUDE/shell32.inc
include /masm32/include/user32.inc
include /MASM32/INCLUDE/masm32.inc
includelib /MASM32/LIB/kernel32.lib
includelib /MASM32/LIB/shell32.lib
includelib /masm32/lib/user32.lib
includelib /MASM32/LIB/masm32.lib
; #########################################################################
m_MsgBox macro lpstrMsg, lpstrCaption , dwIcon
invoke MessageBox, NULL, lpstrMsg, lpstrCaption, dwIcon
m_szusg db "usage: AppName <arg1> <arg2> <arg3>" ,13,10,/
" arg1 <调用文件的完整路径>" ,13,10,/
" arg2 <超时单位:秒>" ,13,10,/
" arg3 <超时是否弹对话框0-不弹 1-弹>",13,10,/
"例如: shell.exe //server/bbb$/zzz.bat 10 0",0 ;使用帮助
m_szusg2 db "第三个参数必须是数字0或1",0
m_help_caption db "使用帮助",0
m_error_txt db "连接服务器失败",13,10,"或服务器文件不存在",13,10,13,10,"为2008奥运加油",0
open db "open",0
m_FilePatch db 128 dup (0) ; buffer for command line
m_CLine1 db 8 dup(0)
m_CLine2 db 8 dup(0)
m_nCount dword ?
m_Arg3 dword ?
invoke GetCL,1,ADDR m_FilePatch
invoke GetCL,2,ADDR m_CLine1
invoke GetCL,3,ADDR m_CLine2
cmp eax,1
jne CLine_Error
invoke atol,ADDR m_CLine1
mov m_nCount,eax
invoke atol,ADDR m_CLine2
mov m_Arg3,eax
.if m_Arg3 != 0 && m_Arg3 != 1
jmp CLine_Error2
invoke ShellExecute,0,ADDR open,ADDR m_FilePatch,NULL,NULL,SW_HIDE
.if eax <= 32
.while TRUE
.if m_nCount == 0
.if m_Arg3 == 1
m_MsgBox ADDR m_error_txt, ADDR m_FilePatch, MB_ICONERROR
invoke ExitProcess, NULL
;m_MsgBox ADDR FilePatch, ADDR m_m_caption, MB_ICONERROR
invoke Sleep,1000
dec m_nCount
jmp @B
invoke ExitProcess,eax
m_MsgBox ADDR m_szusg, ADDR m_help_caption, MB_ICONERROR
jmp @B
m_MsgBox ADDR m_szusg2, ADDR m_help_caption, MB_ICONERROR
jmp @B
end start
; #########################################################################