
使用Xdoclet2的Eclipse插件Doclipse,发现里面仅提供了Plugin的Tag的提示。而如果要自已写Plugin的时候就发现这个插件没有提供最原始的Tag的提示,即Qtags。参考了Doclipse的文档之后想自已动手写一个XML文件来提供提示功能。(Doclipse插件除了提供默认的Plugin 配文件,还可以从用户指定的一个文件查找符合格式的Plugin配置文件)。后来发现Xdoclet2的源码中的Plugin里居然有Qtags的Plugin,这样一来,代码比较搞笑,在Qtags的源码里面使用Qtags的标签生成Qtags标签提示文件。而我再次去Doclipse的包里找的时候,却没发现有Qtags的配置,郁闷。于是只有自已配Ant脚本,手动生成Qtags的配置文件。
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

  <description>@ tags</description>
  <tag target="class" doc="" name="@command.class">
    <attribute required="true" doc="" name="name"/>
    <attribute required="false" doc="" name="generate"/>
  <tag target="" doc="class level tag to specify deprecated aliases of current tag. those will be
bombed on creation" name="@qtags.alias"/>
  <tag target="class method" doc="specify one of the allowed values for tag or parameter" name="@qtags.allowed-value"/>
  <tag target="method" doc="specify default value for tag or tag parameter. this can be used only
on method level." name="@qtags.default"/>
  <tag target="class" doc="class level tag to specify deprecation of \@-tag." name="@qtags.deprecated"/>
  <tag target="class" doc="class level tag to specify that marked interface shall be not generated
itself. ( But methods will be used ) This is necessary to allow tag interface inheritance. ( For example,
hibernate has load of collection tags which share a lot of common parameters. )" name="@qtags.ignore"/>
  <tag target="method" doc="Specify the token used in list processing" name="@qtags.list-token"/>
  <tag target="class" doc="class level tag to specify allowed locations. this tag cab ne used only on class level to specify
locations where usage is allowed. Recognized values are &quot;class&quot; &quot;method&quot; &quot;constructor&quot; &quot;field&quot;" name="@qtags.location"/>
  <tag target="class" doc="specify that this tag can be use once on given program element" name="@qtags.once"/>
  <tag target="method" doc="specify that certain value is required to be present." name="@qtags.required"/>
