
OmniBSI™ represents a revolution in the mass production of CMOS image sensors (CIS), adopting a radically different approach to traditional pixel architectures. Using Backside Illumination (BSI) technology, OmniBSI offers CIS architectures for generations to come by enabling continued improvements in sensitivity, color reproduction and image quality while continuing the design shrink down to 0.9 µm pixels. 

OmniBSI technology involves turning the image sensor upside down and applying the color filters and micro lenses to the backside of the pixels so that light is collected through the backside of the sensor. OmniBSI effectively reverses the arrangement of layers so that metal and dielectric layers reside below the sensor array, providing the most direct path for light to travel into the pixel, which optimizes the fill factor to deliver best-in-class low-light sensitivity. 

This approach differs from conventional front side illumination (FSI) architectures, where light travels to the photo-sensitive area through the front side of the pixel. This requires the light to first pass through transistors, dielectric layers and metal circuitry, which can block or deflect it into neighboring pixels, causing a reduced fill factor and additional problems such as cross talk between pixels. 

