/// This template class helps to implement active objects. /// An active object uses threads to decouple method /// execution from method invocation, or to perform tasks /// autonomously, without intervention of a caller. /// /// An activity is a (typically longer running) method /// that executes within its own task. Activities can /// be started automatically (upon object construction) /// or manually at a later time. Activities can also /// be stopped at any time. However, to make stopping /// an activity work, the method implementing the /// activity has to check periodically whether it /// has been requested to stop, and if so, return. /// Activities are stopped before the object they belong to is /// destroyed. Methods implementing activities cannot have arguments /// or return values.
#include "stdafx.h" #include<iostream> #include "Poco/Activity.h" using namespace std; using namespace Poco; class AcivityTest { public: AcivityTest(): _act(this, &AcivityTest::run){} void start() { _act.start(); } void stop() { _act.stop(); } void run() { while (!_act.isStopped()) { cout<<"Runing"<<endl; Sleep(1000); } } private: Activity<AcivityTest> _act; }; int main(int argc, char** argv) { ActivityTest ts; ts.start(); Sleep(3000); ts.stop(); system("pause"); return 0; }
上面的例子可能举得很不贴切,因为它完全没有充分利用到Activity带来的多线程便利,只是为了使用而使用。一个ActivityTest类通过包含一个Activity对象并定义一个void run()入口函数(可任意取名)来初始化该对象。这可以使run函数通过Activity对象以并发的方式高效运行,并且可以随时终止它,但是前提是你在提供的入口run函数中随时监测该对象是否已经被申请停止。上面的程序中,主函数main启动了Activity对象,并且休眠3秒(这三秒完全可以做其他事情),之后停止该对象。在Activity对象入口中,每一秒检测是否被申请停止,如果未停止,则输出一行。因此程序将输出三行Runing。run函数一般可以用于完成比较费时而不是必需或者并不即时的任务。它可以是顺序的,Activity还提供了一个wait接口用于调用方等待其任务完成,这些都是在ActivityTest::run()函数完成后由Activity类自动封装实现的。有了stop()和wait()机制,就能够对Activity的行为更好地利用和控制。
#include "Poco/Foundation.h" #include "Poco/RunnableAdapter.h" #include "Poco/ThreadPool.h" #include "Poco/Event.h" #include "Poco/Mutex.h" namespace Poco { template <class C> class Activity: public Runnable { public: typedef RunnableAdapter<C> RunnableAdapterType; typedef typename RunnableAdapterType::Callback Callback; Activity(C* pOwner, Callback method): _pOwner(pOwner), _runnable(*pOwner, method), _stopped(true), _running(false), _done(false) /// Creates the activity. Call start() to /// start it. { poco_check_ptr (pOwner); } ~Activity() /// Stops and destroys the activity. { stop(); wait(); } void start() /// Starts the activity by acquiring a /// thread for it from the default thread pool. { FastMutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex); if (!_running) { _done.reset(); _stopped = false; _running = true; try { ThreadPool::defaultPool().start(*this); } catch (...) { _running = false; throw; } } } void stop() /// Requests to stop the activity. { FastMutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex); _stopped = true; } void wait() /// Waits for the activity to complete. { if (_running) { _done.wait(); } } void wait(long milliseconds) /// Waits the given interval for the activity to complete. /// An TimeoutException is thrown if the activity does not /// complete within the given interval. { if (_running) { _done.wait(milliseconds); } } bool isStopped() const /// Returns true if the activity has been requested to stop. { return _stopped; } bool isRunning() const /// Returns true if the activity is running. { return _running; } protected: void run() { try { _runnable.run(); } catch (...) { _running = false; _done.set(); throw; } _running = false; _done.set(); } private: Activity(); Activity(const Activity&); Activity& operator = (const Activity&); C* _pOwner; RunnableAdapterType _runnable; volatile bool _stopped; volatile bool _running; Event _done; FastMutex _mutex; }; }
代码比较简单,它的模板参数是它所在类C,构造函数是一个C类对象地址和一个C类void fun()函数地址,有了这三件套之后,它就可以通过RunnableAdapter适配器将C::void fun()适配成一个标准的Thread入口RunnableAdapter::run(),然后在Activity::start()中启动RunnableAdapter<C>::run函数,至于wait机制,是通过一个任务完成信号量_done来标志的,stop机制通过一个bool变量_stopped来控制。对这些变量的修改都要通过一个FastMutex::ScopLock局部锁来控制访问。另外,Activity对象不允许默认构造,赋值或复制构造,因为只有有任务它才有意义。
#include "stdafx.h" #include<iostream> #include "Poco/ActiveMethod.h" using namespace std; using namespace Poco; class ActiveObject { public: ActiveObject(): activeMethod(this, &ActiveObject::activeMethodImpl){} ActiveMethod<int, int, ActiveObject> activeMethod; protected: int activeMethodImpl(const int& i) { return i+1; } }; void main() { ActiveObject obj; ActiveResult<int> result = obj.activeMethod(5); //这一句赋值立即返回 //此时obj中的activeMethodImpl以通过新线程运行,主线程此处可以继续执行其他任务 result.wait();//等待线程分发任务完成 cout<<result.data()<<endl; system("pause"); }
template <class ResultType, class ArgType, class OwnerType, class StarterType = ActiveStarter<OwnerType> > class ActiveMethod /// An active method is a method that, when called, executes /// in its own thread. ActiveMethod's take exactly one /// argument and can return a value. To pass more than one /// argument to the method, use a struct. /// /// The way an ActiveMethod is started can be changed by passing a StarterType /// template argument with a corresponding class. The default ActiveStarter /// starts the method in its own thread, obtained from a thread pool. /// /// For an alternative implementation of StarterType, see ActiveDispatcher. /// /// For methods that do not require an argument or a return value, the Void /// class can be used. { public: typedef ResultType (OwnerType::*Callback)(const ArgType&); typedef ActiveResult<ResultType> ActiveResultType; typedef ActiveRunnable<ResultType, ArgType, OwnerType> ActiveRunnableType; ActiveMethod(OwnerType* pOwner, Callback method): _pOwner(pOwner), _method(method) /// Creates an ActiveMethod object. { poco_check_ptr (pOwner); } ActiveResultType operator () (const ArgType& arg) /// Invokes the ActiveMethod. { ActiveResultType result(new ActiveResultHolder<ResultType>()); ActiveRunnableBase::Ptr pRunnable(new ActiveRunnableType(_pOwner, _method, arg, result)); StarterType::start(_pOwner, pRunnable); return result; } ActiveMethod(const ActiveMethod& other): _pOwner(other._pOwner), _method(other._method) { } ActiveMethod& operator = (const ActiveMethod& other) { ActiveMethod tmp(other); swap(tmp); return *this; } void swap(ActiveMethod& other) { std::swap(_pOwner, other._pOwner); std::swap(_method, other._method); } private: ActiveMethod(); OwnerType* _pOwner; Callback _method; };
class ActiveRunnableBase: public Runnable, public RefCountedObject /// The base class for all ActiveRunnable instantiations. { public: typedef AutoPtr<ActiveRunnableBase> Ptr; }; template <class ResultType, class ArgType, class OwnerType> class ActiveRunnable: public ActiveRunnableBase /// This class is used by ActiveMethod. /// See the ActiveMethod class for more information. { public: typedef ResultType (OwnerType::*Callback)(const ArgType&); typedef ActiveResult<ResultType> ActiveResultType; ActiveRunnable(OwnerType* pOwner, Callback method, const ArgType& arg, const ActiveResultType& result): _pOwner(pOwner), _method(method), _arg(arg), _result(result) { poco_check_ptr (pOwner); } void run() { ActiveRunnableBase::Ptr guard(this, false); // ensure automatic release when done try { _result.data(new ResultType((_pOwner->*_method)(_arg))); } catch (Exception& e) { _result.error(e); } catch (std::exception& e) { _result.error(e.what()); } catch (...) { _result.error("unknown exception"); } _result.notify(); } private: OwnerType* _pOwner; Callback _method; ArgType _arg; ActiveResultType _result; };
StarterType::start(_pOwner, pRunnable);
template <class OwnerType> class ActiveStarter /// The default implementation of the StarterType /// policy for ActiveMethod. It starts the method /// in its own thread, obtained from the default /// thread pool. { public: static void start(OwnerType* pOwner, ActiveRunnableBase::Ptr pRunnable) { ThreadPool::defaultPool().start(*pRunnable); pRunnable->duplicate(); // The runnable will release itself. } };
ActiveResult的实现比较简单,但是代码行数较多,就不贴出来了。它主要包含一个结果ResultType _result和一个信号量Event _event,用户在获取执行结果的时候,需要先调用ActiveResult::wait()等待结果准备好,再通过ActiveResult::data()获取数据。
在构造ActiveMethod的时候,用户需要通过模板指定返回值类型ResultType(用于实例化ActiveResult和适配ActiveRunnable入口),参数类型ArgType(用于定义ActiveResult::operator()参数和适配ActiveRunnable入口),和目标函数所有者类型OwnerType(用于适配ActiveRunnable入口),并且指定目标函数地址func,和执行的对象指针pObject。ActiveMethod通过这些元素确认了任务入口原型:OwnerType::ResultType func(ArgType arg) 以及调用者:pObject。然后用户可以直接通过activeMethod(arg)的方式来传入参数并调用之前指定的入口,然后跳到了ActiveMethod::operator()中,它创建了ActiveResult,并构造一个ActiveRunnable适配器,在ActiveRunnable中分配线程执行任务,并且将结果放入刚创建的ActiveResult。至此,一次ActiveMethod的使用就完成了。看似麻烦,实际上它的最大优势就在于多线程,它屏蔽了创建线程,线程同步等机制。从用户的角度上来说,只需要构造一个ActiveMethod,然后就可以直接把它当成目标函数那样直接用ActiveResult result = activeMehod(arg)调用,而这一句赋值时立即返回的,然后主线程就做其他的事情,当需要获取执行结果时,再调用activeMethod.wait()等待结果准备好,最后通过activeMethod.data()获取结果。顺便提一点,由于ActiveRunnable实现机制的限制,ActiveMethod只支持一个参数,如果有多个自定义参数,需要使用结构体或类。