nested exception is java.sql.SQLException: Unknown type '246 in column 1 of 3 in binary-encoded result set. 问题


nested exception is java.sql.SQLException: Unknown type '246 in column 1 of 3 in binary-encoded result set.

之所以这里又重申了一下,是因为网上说 :"当Mysql 5.0表数据类型设计为DECIMAL时,在spring,hibernate项目运行会出现246错误: "     貌似我没有这个问题.我的查询语句如下:
    String sql = "select a.contentId,sum(if( is null,0,1)),ifnull(,0) " +
                      "from (select w.contentId id,sum(if(w.contentId is null,0,1))sm " +
                      "from wapcontent w,wapuserdownlog l " +
                      "where w.contentId=l.ContentID " +
                      "group by w.contentId) rs " +
                      "right join useraccesslog a on " +
                      "group by a.contentId order by  sum(if( is null,0,1)) desc";


出现此结果,网上还有一种说法说是 mysql的jar包过低,低于3.0.17就会有此问题,但是我的是3.1.7的(appfuse+webwork1.8.2 默认包版本),不过最终问题的确是包的问题,当我将项目的包替换为mysql-connector-java-5.0.3bin.jar 之后,该问题不再出现
