







Helper for resolving synthetic bridge Methods to the Method being bridged.

Given a synthetic bridge Method returns the Method being bridged. A bridge method may be created by the compiler when extending a parameterized type whose methods have parameterized arguments. During runtime invocation the bridge Method may be invoked and/or used via reflection. When attempting to locate annotations on Methods, it is wise to check for bridge Methods as appropriate and find the bridged Method.

See The Java Language Specification for more details on the use of bridge methods.

Only usable on JDK 1.5 and higher. Use an appropriate JdkVersion check before calling this class, if a fallback for JDK 1.3/1.4 is desirable.


原文 http://static.springsource.org/spring/docs/2.0.x/api/org/springframework/core/BridgeMethodResolver.html








































