


VoltDB 1.2 enhancements include


  • New data availability features. Version 1.2 introduces two important data availability enhancements. The first is network partition tolerance, which allows VoltDB to automatically detect, isolate and manage network failures. This is a critical feature for distributed database infrastructures including those deployed into public clouds such as Amazon’s EC2. The second availability feature, node rejoin, allows VoltDB database nodes that have been taken offline (e.g., for maintenance or repair) to “rejoin” the cluster while the database is live. Node rejoin dynamically resynchronizes all node data.
  • Improved developer accessibility. Version 1.2 adds two new client libraries – PHP and Ruby (the latter contributed by a VoltDB community developer). In addition, the VoltDB C++ client library now includes connection pooling, and the HTTP/JSON client library now includes authentication and significantly improved performance.
  • New consoles for provisioning, management and monitoring. New in the Enterprise Edition of version 1.2, the VoltDB Enterprise Manager (VEM) provides database and systems administrators with browser-based tools for managing production VoltDB databases. VEM offers a flexible suite of consoles for performing many common administrative and diagnostic activities.





