
If you are working on an EB-A8 RTSM model the debugger automatically boots ARM Linux if required.

DS-5 provides a selection of examples to help you get started:

  • Bare-metal software development examples that illustrate armcc managed builder,bare-metal debug, performance optimization, and measurement techniques. The code is located in the archive file, examples_directory\Bare-metal_examples.zip(非操作系统例子)。

  • ARM Linux examples that illustrate build, debug, and performance analysis of simple C/C++ console applications, shared libraries, and multi-threaded applications. These examples run on a Real-Time System Model (RTSM) that is preconfigured to boot ARM Linux. The code is located in the archive file, examples_directory\Linux_examples.zip.(Linux平台下的例子)。

  • Optional packages with source files, libraries, and prebuilt images for running the examples. These can be downloaded from the DS-5 Downloads page on the ARM website or from the DS-5 installation media.(可选软件包包含了运行例子所需的源文件、库和已经编译好的镜像文件)
    — Linux distribution project with header files and libraries for the purpose of rebuilding the ARM Linux examples
    — Linux SD card image for the BeagleBoard configured for DS-5
    — Linux SD card image for the BeagleBoard-xM configured for DS-5.

You can extract these examples to a working directory and build them from the command-line,or you can import them into Eclipse using the import wizard. All examples provided with DS-5 contain a preconfigured Eclipse launch script that enables you to easily load and debug example code on a target.(将DS-5自带的例子解压到工作目录后,可以通过命令行和Eclipse两种方式进行编译,具体的可以查看帮助文档)

Each example provides instructions on how to build, run and debug the example code. You can access the instructions from the main index, examples_directory\docs\index.html.

This example can be built with either the GCC supplied with DS-5 (arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc) or the ARM Compiler (armcc) by settingTOOLCHAIN=gcc or TOOLCHAIN=armcc in the makefile. The makefile defaults to building withTOOLCHAIN=gcc. When building with the ARM Compiler, GCC's headers and library files must also be present.(编译器的选择)

The build produces both stripped and unstripped versions of the ELF executablegnometris and a shared library libgames-support.so. The unstripped(未剥夺的,即包含调试信息) (debug) versions contain debug information for loading into DS-5 Debugger on the host. Smaller stripped (no debug) versions for downloading to the target are created by stripping off the debug information(去掉了调试信息).

The example stripped executable gnometris and shared library libgames-support.so must be loaded onto the target, before the example can be run/debugged.

Real-Time System Model (RTSM)实时系统模块

Real-Time System Models (RTSM) enable development of software without the requirement for actual hardware. The functional behavior of the model is equivalent to real hardware from a programmers view.没有硬件也可以做嵌入式。

Absolute timing accuracy is sacrificed to achieve fast simulated execution speed. This means that you can use a model for confirming software functionality, but you must not rely on the accuracy of cycle counts, low-level component interactions, or other hardware-specific behavior.实时系统模块用时间换取快速模拟执行速速。即,你可以用这个模块来确认软件功能,但是软件功能必须不依赖于周期计数,低层次的组成部分的相互作用,或其他硬件的具体行为的准确性。

RTSM 模拟器


通过 DS-5 应用版本中的 Cortex-A8 RTSM,不需要硬件目标就可以开发 Linux 应用程序。 RTSM 是 ARM 硬件平台的一个实时模拟模型,其中包括运行复杂的操作系统和应用程序所需的处理器、内存控制器和外设。

借助于 Cortex-A8 RTSM,不需要任何硬件就可以基于 ARM 处理器开发 Linux 应用程序。

  • 在典型的桌面 PC 上模拟速度超过 250MHz
  • 将使用主机 PC 上的资源模拟外设接口,包括 LCD 控制器、键盘、鼠标、触摸屏、UART 和以太网控制器

DS-5 包括一个移植到 Cortex-A8 RTSM 的基于 ARM 处理器的 Linux 发行版示例。 当从 Eclipse 中启动时,此模型自动引导 Linux 并进入可加载和调试应用程序的状态。

DS-5 includes a Cortex™-A8 RTSM that is preconfigured to boot ARM Linux.

Bare metal projects require a software license for the ARM Compiler to successfully build an ELF image.

Project types(项目类型)

Different project types are provided with Eclipse, depending on the requirements of yourproject.
注意:Bare metal projects require a software license for the ARM Compiler to successfully build anELF image.

Bare-metal Executable非操作系统可执行文件
Uses the ARM Compiler toolchain to build a bare-metal executable ELF image.

Bare-metal Static library非操作系统静态库
Uses the ARM Compiler toolchain to build a library of ELF object format

members for a bare-metal project.
注意:It is not possible to debug or run a stand-alone library file until it is linked into an image.

Uses the GNU Compilation Tools to build a Linux executable ELF image.

Shared Library共享库
Uses the GNU Compilation Tools to build a dynamic library for a Linux application.

Static library静态库
Uses the GNU Compilation Tools to build a library of ELF object format members for a Linux application.
注意:It is not possible to debug or run a stand-alone library file until it is linked into an image.

Makefile project
Creates a project that requires a Makefile, that you can write yourself, to build the project.
注意:Eclipse does not modify Makefile projects.

Build configurations:Debug、Release。
