OCC class hierarchy



Open CASCADE Technology » Module ModelingData » Toolkit TKG3d  »  Package Geom

Geom_Surface Class Reference

Describes the common behavior of surfaces in 3D 
space. The Geom package provides many 
implementations of concrete derived surfaces, such as 
planes, cylinders, cones, spheres and tori, surfaces of 
linear extrusion, surfaces of revolution, Bezier and 
BSpline surfaces, and so on. 
The key characteristic of these surfaces is that they 
are parameterized. Geom_Surface demonstrates: 

  • how to work with the parametric equation of a 
    surface to compute the point of parameters (u, 
    v), and, at this point, the 1st, 2nd ... Nth derivative, 
  • how to find global information about a surface in 
    each parametric direction (for example, level of 
    continuity, whether the surface is closed, its 
    periodicity, the bounds of the parameters and so on), and 
  • how the parameters change when geometric 
    transformations are applied to the surface, or the 
    orientation is modified. 
    Note that all surfaces must have a geometric 
    continuity, and any surface is at least "C0". Generally, 
    continuity is checked at construction time or when the 
    curve is edited. Where this is not the case, the 
    documentation makes this explicit. 
    The Geom package does not prevent the construction of 
    surfaces with null areas, or surfaces which self-intersect. 

#include <Geom_Surface.hxx>

Inheritance diagram for Geom_Surface:
