Level: Introductory
Rick Parrish (rfmobile@swbell.net), Independent consultant, Freelance
01 Feb 2001
If you are looking for new ways to speed development of your applications, or you want to expand the number of platforms that your software supports, you need to take a look at XPCOM.
What's XPCOM, you ask? XPCOM, which stands for Cross Platform Component Object Model, is a framework for writing cross-platform, modular software. As an application, XPCOM uses a set of core XPCOM libraries to selectively load and manipulate XPCOM components. XPCOM components can be written in C, C++, and JavaScript, and they can be used from C, C++, and JavaScript with extensions for Perl and Python that are under development (see Resources).
In addition to modularity, XPCOM offers agility across platforms. It supports just about any platform that hosts a decent C++ compiler, including:
The tools you need to write XPCOM software are: a C++ compiler, a Perl interpreter, and some GNU tools.
Some applications that use XPCOM include:
Although it isn't an XPCOM application, Adobe Acrobat uses a modified version of the same JavaScript engine bundled with XPCOM. The point here is that the code base for XPCOM is well tested and widely used.
Microsoft COM and XPCOM
You might be wondering whether XPCOM is like Microsoft COM. The short answer is yes, and no. Component proxy support is one area of distinction. A component proxy is a fake component whose purpose is to impersonate another component that, for some reason, cannot be accessed directly by the code that wishes to use it. For example, the code may not be able to access a component directly because the component exists in another process, or on another machine.
Microsoft COM supports an elaborate proxy mechanism for coordinating how different types of applications talk to components, including those that run as separate programs or even on different machines. MSCOM allows you to create components with different threading models or restrict a component to a specific threading model. Components can be created as in process (running inside the application) or out of process (runs as a separate application). A single threaded component must have its own thread, and other threads must use a proxy mechanism to access it. Apartment threaded components can share a thread but still need a proxy. Free threaded components need no proxy mechanism inside the same process. It's this built-in proxy mechanism in MSCOM that provides the appropriate amount of thread safety for components that have their own threading constraints.
XPCOM is tailored toward providing modular component support at the application level, so proxy services only support multiple threads sharing an otherwise non-reentrant component. If you wish to access a component remotely, you will have to write your own proxy to marshal data back and forth to the remote object. There are some existing components that can help you do this, so it isn't actually as tough as it sounds.
At the microscopic level, XPCOM and MSCOM appear identical: Both are interface based and require every interface to derive from the same base interface. This base interface defines the three methods QueryInterface
, AddRef
, and Release
. Despite this common ideological heritage, MSCOM and XPCOM components are not compatible or interchangeable -- some sort of wrapper or glue code is required for the two to operate together. The embedding wrapper for Mozilla is a good example. It allows the browser engine to appear as an MSCOM ActiveX control while the browser engine internally operates on XPCOM components.
The biggest contrast between XPCOM and MSCOM is that XPCOM technology is open source. If you are developing MSCOM software and you are having trouble trying to understand the differences in how the MSCOM libraries load and create your components, you are at the mercy of whatever documentation is available. Fortunately, Microsoft has gone to great pains to evangelize their architecture and provide good documentation. However, if Microsoft changes the behavior of these system-level libraries, it can affect the behavior of your components, and the behavior of the applications that use them.
In contrast, the source code for the libraries that make up the XPCOM architecture are fully available for you to inspect, trace, and debug alongside your own application code. You can even modify the code base to extend the architecture yourself, as opposed to waiting for Microsoft to extend it for you (as they did when they evolved MSCOM from plain COM, to DCOM, and then COM+).
If you are not already familiar with open-source software, you may want to investigate some other notable open-source projects, such as: the Free Software Foundation's family of GNU projects, OpenBSD, Linux, OpenLDAP, OpenSSL, Apache, and others (see Resources).
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XPCOM, threads, CORBA, and more
You will also need to understand how XPCOM handles remote objects, threads, and scripting. Some XPCOM technology is inherited from OMG CORBA. CORBA is a platform- and language-neutral component technology standardized by the Object Management Group. It includes an overall architecture for procedure calls to remote objects, an Interface Definition Language (similar to that of COM and XPCOM), and a broad set of common object services.
Strictly speaking, XPCOM does not support remote objects like CORBA, but neither does XPCOM prevent you from writing a component that uses a socket or other means to talk to another component. Many XPCOM applications make use of HTTP as a means of issuing remote procedure calls to other components hosted on a Web server. There are even some components available for supporting SOAP. Another link to CORBA is XPCOM's IDL (Interface Definition Language) compiler. Called XPIDL, it was derived from an open-source CORBA IDL compiler.
XPCOM does support threads. However, thread-safe components are the exception rather than the norm as most components are written to coexist inside the same main application thread. Components can be coded thread safe, and XPCOM uses a simple scheme to determine whether a component advertises itself as thread safe.
Thread support is well represented in XPCOM even on platforms that offer little or no direct thread support. XPCOM supports scripting through an additional layer (called XPConnect) that includes a JavaScript engine and a type library mechanism. This allows JavaScript code to manipulate XPCOM components and even allows components to be implemented in JavaScript, and accessible to C++ code.
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Brief history of Mozilla
The most famous use of XPCOM is in Netscape's browser package - Communicator. About three years ago, Netscape released its browser engine source code into the open-source project Mozilla. Other software developers began looking over the Mozilla framework, and in some cases came away with working code and ideas for applications far removed from a Web browser and e-mail client. Netscape's original motivation for creating the XPCOM model was to support its own goals of writing modular cross-platform software -- the bulk of which has been written in C and C++.
For our purposes, Mozilla is also the mozilla.org Web site, which serves as home to XPCOM and is an excellent source for code and information. Back in January of 1998, at what probably marked the height of the browser wars, Netscape announced plans to release their source code to the public. In February of that same year, the mozilla.org Web site appeared online and, true to their word, Netscape posted the source files at the end of March. Readers can check the open source FAQ, free FAQ, and Mozilla FAQ for details (see Resources).
Mozilla.org is much more than just an FTP server where folks can download the latest tarball. It features:
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Licensing issues
Many companies are unfamiliar with open-source licensing and the apparent conflict between offering software for free and offering software and services for profit. The big question here is: Can I sell software written using XPCOM? The short answer is yes. Most of the various open source licenses support the idea of an "aggregated" work.
Basically, if you write a separate program that uses the XPCOM libraries, all you need to do is tell your customer that portions of your program come from Mozilla (an example would be putting a "Mozilla Powered" logo inside your program's "About" box). You also need to make the XPCOM source code available to your customer. Most folks comply with this step by providing a link to the Mozilla Web site.
You do not need to publish or provide the source code to your own original XPCOM-enabled work, unless you edit any of the XPCOM sources. You are required to share any such improvements with the community.
The origins of the various pieces of software used in Mozilla are wide and varied. Some software is dual licensed, which means you get to pick which of the licenses you plan to comply with. You will need to read the Netscape Public License (NPL), the Mozilla Public License (MPL), and the GNU Public License (GPL). You may also have to read a few other licences for pieces of software written by folks who have decided to release their work undedr a nonstandard public license.
One possible consequence is an embarrassing story about your company, as with NVIDIA's accidental violation of the GPL (see Resources). As with any legal document, you should consult an attorney if you plan to build a project around licensed software (be it open-source licensed or otherwise).
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Getting started with XPCOM
Suppose the company's CTO asks you to be lead developer on your own XPCOM project. Here's what you and any prospective team members will need to know to be competent for such a project. The programmers in your group will need to know C and C++ well. XPCOM makes use of C-style macros and C++ templates for smart pointers. Someone unfamiliar with these will have a hard time understanding the existing Mozilla code base, which serves as a giant living body of sample source code.
Anyone with any flavor of COM experience is a big plus -- but even so, there will be a learning curve both in the coding infrastructure (templates and macros) and in the actual development tools. The body of code is robust enough that there is bound to be something the average programmer hasn't seen before. If you are lucky, you can find someone -- even an outside consultant -- with some XPCOM experience to serve as a mentor to help new project members along and expedite their proficiency.
Barring that, the mozilla.org Web site is an excellent resource for information, as are the Mozilla newsgroups where developers like you and I can post technical questions, submit code fragments for review, and voice opinions on the future direction of XPCOM. Beware that a reorganization of the newsgroups is imminent -- but you can expect a timely announcement on the Web site that will describe the changeover.
Here are some of the most helpful sites:
In addition to C++, you and your fellow developers need to know how to use an IDL compiler and understand the core XPCOM interface. You should also be able to describe the purpose of the interface methods QueryInterface
, AddRef
, and Release
(in your sleep, and backwards and forwards).
You'll need to understand the difficult component topic of aggregation. Aggregation is a means for placing a component inside another larger component where the larger component delegates the responsibility of some of its interfaces to the internal component. This is nothing more than information hiding, which is one of the tenets of object-oriented programming. The issue of aggregation arises from the fact that all XPCOM interfaces must include the QueryInterface
method. This means that your code, when using a component, has the ability to switch from one interface to another. This creates a problem when trying to write a new component that extends another, existing component. The QueryInterface
method on the pre-existing component must somehow be able to respond to requests for new, additional interfaces introduced by the new derived component without any prior knowledge of the new code. If that sounds a bit wicked, it is.
Finally, your project's testing and QA team members will need to know how to write shell scripts and JavaScript. They will also need a working knowledge of the operating systems your cross-platform project intends to support. Their scripting knowledge will help expedite the writing of test scripts, and automate regression testing.
Although it doesn't guarantee success, having these skills will allow your team -- whether one person or many -- to be productive in leveraging what XPCOM has to offer.
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We've just surveyed the XPCOM terrain from a distance to get an idea of what it can do and what is required to make it work. In later articles, we'll actually land, do some exploring, take soil samples, and generally get our coding hands dirty. We'll look at setting up a proper development environment, adding XPCOM functionality to an application to permit component use, writing our own components, and we'll learn to test in an ad-hoc fashion and systematically regression test using JavaScript.
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About the author
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Rick Parrish has held an interest in computers since high school and in electronics even longer. He originally pursued an education in electrical engineering but discovered that software, unlike hardware, did not require smelly vats of ferric chloride or run the risk of burnt fingers just to perform a design change. Rick has been programming in C/C++ for A LONG TIME(tm) but has also done heaps of work in VB, Delphi(Pascal), and a handful of assembly languages. He still manages to squeeze in a project or two that requires hot solder. His current opinions are that while Windows 2000 is neat-o, Ogg Vorbis is cool, and the Linux 2.4 kernel with IPTables definitely rocks! He is currently interested in starting an open source project to develop tools for software modeling design. Rick can be reached at rfmobile@swbell.net. |
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