vss unable to open log file


1. Get on the computer where Source Safe is located.
2. In the root path of the source safe directory. (e.g. G:/UHT-SSDB) right
click and select properties.
3. Select the Security Tab
4. Make sure the user has read and write access to this folder and all sub
folders and files within the folder.


If this is on a share you will also need to do the following:
1. After you are done on the security Tab from the steps above, select the
Sharing Tab. 点“安全”选项卡,
2. Click the Permissions button.点“权限”按钮
3. Give the user permissions to this share. 赋于用户权限(其实最简单的办法是赋给everyone 完全控制的权限,如果系统要求比较严格的话,那就添加指定的用户并赋于相应的权限)
