Five Minds for the Future: Mental Building Blocks for the New Century

1.      The disciplined mind also knows how to work steadily over time to improve skill and understanding—in the vernacular , it is highly disciplined. Without at least one discipline under his belt , the individual is destined to march to someone else’s tune .


2.      The disciplined mind masteredat least one way of thinking – a distinctive mode of cognition thatcharacterizes a specific scholarly discipline , craft, or profession .


3.      The synthesizing mind takesinformation from disparate sources , understands and evaluates that informationobjectively, and puts it together in ways that make sense to the synthesizerand also to other persons .


4.      By virtue of its anchoring interritory that is not yet rule-governed , the creating mind seeks to remain atleast one step ahead of even the most sophisticated computers and robots .


5.      Recognizing that nowadays onecan no longer remain within one’s shell or on one’s home territory , the respectfulmind notes and welcomes differences between human individuals and between humangroups , tries to understand these “others”, and seeks to work effectively withthem .


6.      This mind conceptualizes howworkers can serve purpose beyond self-interest and how citizens can workunselfishly to improve the lot of all .


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