KPI Matcher

Trinity uses the Matcher as the sample collector.

 Trinity listens to BAC's BUS and delivers every sample to the Matcher.
The Matcher uses the CIs/KPIs selectors to determine which element accepts that sample.

Tracking the samples handled by Matcher requires turning on the DEBUG mode in:
<Processing machine>\HPBAC\conf\core\Tools\log4j\mercury_online_engine\
Change-$loglevel, trinity.file.appender


To-, trinity.file.appender


In order to realize what sample in mapped to a sample number turn on the TrinitySample DEBUG mode in the same file
Change-$loglevel, trinity.file.appender

To-, trinity.file.appender

Follow this log file:
<Processing machine>\HPBAC\log\mercury_online_engine\Trinity.log
<Processing machine>\HPBAC\log\mercury_online_engine\TrinitySamples.log

Note: Do not forget to turn off the DEBUG mode when done; The Matcher log appender in commented in default.

<!-- <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:trackback=""> <rdf:Description rdf:about="" dc:identifier="" dc:title="Matcher" trackback:ping="" /> </rdf:RDF> --> Labels parameters
