strstr查找字符串, strch查找字符 (在字符串中) [Microsoft Corporation]

*char *strchr(string, c) - search a string for a character
*       Searches a string for a given character, which may be the
*       null character '\0'.
*       char *string - string to search in
*       char c - character to search for
*       returns pointer to the first occurence of c in string
*       returns NULL if c does not occur in string

char * __cdecl strchr (
        const char * string,
        int ch
        while (*string && *string != (char)ch)

        if (*string == (char)ch)
                return((char *)string);

*char *strstr(string1, string2) - search for string2 in string1
*       finds the first occurrence of string2 in string1
*       char *string1 - string to search in
*       char *string2 - string to search for
*       returns a pointer to the first occurrence of string2 in
*       string1, or NULL if string2 does not occur in string1

char * __cdecl strstr (
        const char * str1,
        const char * str2
        char *cp = (char *) str1;
        char *s1, *s2;

        if ( !*str2 )
            return((char *)str1);

        while (*cp)
                s1 = cp;
                s2 = (char *) str2;

                while ( *s1 && *s2 && !(*s1-*s2) )
                        s1++, s2++;

                if (!*s2)



