1. man其实是manual的缩写(不会很多人认为它是"男人"吧),表示手册、指南的意思。
2. 其实man也包含8个部分。
man1: User programs Manual pages that describe publicly accessible commands are contained in this chapter. Most program documentation that a user will need to use is located here. man2: System calls This section describes all of the system calls (requests for the kernel to perform operations). man3: Library functions and subroutines Section 3 describes program library routines that are not direct calls to kernel services. This and chapter 2 are only really of interest to programmers. man4: Special files Section 4 describes the special files, related driver functions, and networking support available in the system. Typically, this includes the device files found in /dev and the kernel interface to networking protocol support. man5: File formats The formats for many data files are documented in the section 5. This includes various include files, program output files, and system files. man6: Games This chapter documents games, demos, and generally trivial programs. Different people have various notions about how essential this is. man7: Miscellaneous Manual pages that are difficult to classify are designated as being section 7. The troff and other text processing macro packages are found here. man8: System administration Programs used by system administrators for system operation and maintenance are documented here. Some of these programs are also occasionally useful for normal users.我们平常主要用到的是man1和man5,当我们敲出man命令时,默认的就是man1,例如man ls实际上等价的就是man 1 ls。这是最常用的,此时man会告诉我们这个命令(程序)的用法。而平常也偶尔会用到man5,比如你要查看/etc/fstab这个文件里面每一行每一列的的解释那么你就可以使用 man 5 fstab。那么你就可以得到相关解释信息。至于其他的man,估计很少会用到。
xxx@db-2:~$ ls /usr/share/man
cs de es fi fr gl hu id it ja ko man1 man2 man3 man4 man5 man6 man7 man8 nl pl pt pt_BR ru sv tr zh_CN zh_TW
其实每个manx的目录下的每个文件都是程序名或者称为命令名+x+.gz组成的,你解压之后可以看到里面是文本信息。另外,我们在man查看命令使用方法时,经常会看到第一行有command(数字),还有最后的SEE ALSO部分也是command(数字)这种信息,其实括号里面的信息就是表面你可以通过man 数字 command可以查看到相关信息,比如 man mkfs。