Continue To Analyze the State Machine Framework


Continue To Analyze the State Machine Framework

Today is the first day to code our application. We works will, so I have some time to do this analyze. It’s tired for me to work 14 hours, so I can do it for a little time.

Now, let’s begin today’s work. At yesterday’s analyze, we got the addTransition() function.


  Adds a transition associated with the given /a signal of the given /a sender

  object, and returns the new QSignalTransition object. The transition has

  this state as the source, and the given /a target as the target state.


QSignalTransition *QState::addTransition(QObject *sender, const char *signal,

                                         QAbstractState *target)


    if (!sender) {

        qWarning("QState::addTransition: sender cannot be null");

        return 0;


    if (!signal) {

        qWarning("QState::addTransition: signal cannot be null");

        return 0;


    if (!target) {

        qWarning("QState::addTransition: cannot add transition to null state");

        return 0;


    int offset = (*signal == '0'+QSIGNAL_CODE) ? 1 : 0;

    const QMetaObject *meta = sender->metaObject();

    if (meta->indexOfSignal(signal+offset) == -1) {

        if (meta->indexOfSignal(QMetaObject::normalizedSignature(signal+offset)) == -1) {

            qWarning("QState::addTransition: no such signal %s::%s",

                     meta->className(), signal+offset);

            return 0;



    QSignalTransition *trans = new QSignalTransition(sender, signal);



    return trans;


Here I make a mistake yesterday. I copy another overload function. I’m sorry.

int offset = (*signal == '0'+QSIGNAL_CODE) ? 1 : 0;

This line is a judge to make sure that it is a signal or not. Then, they get the Meta object to make sure if the signal or slot still exists.

const QMetaObject *meta = sender->metaObject();

    if (meta->indexOfSignal(signal+offset) == -1) {

        if (meta->indexOfSignal(QMetaObject::normalizedSignature(signal+offset)) == -1) {

            qWarning("QState::addTransition: no such signal %s::%s",

                     meta->className(), signal+offset);

            return 0;



If they pass the test, they will create an object of QSignalTransition. Then call the setTargetState () function.

QSignalTransition *trans = new QSignalTransition(sender, signal);

    trans->setTargetState (target);

    addTransition (trans);

So, let’s look at the setTargetState() function.


  Sets the /a target state of this transition.


void QAbstractTransition::setTargetState(QAbstractState* target)



    if (!target)



        setTargetStates(QList<QAbstractState*>() << target);


Here, they call another overload function, continue.


  Sets the target states of this transition to be the given /a targets.


void QAbstractTransition::setTargetStates(const QList<QAbstractState*> &targets)




    for (int i = 0; i < targets.size(); ++i) {

        QAbstractState *target =;

        if (!target) {

            qWarning("QAbstractTransition::setTargetStates: target state(s) cannot be null");






    for (int i = 0; i < targets.size(); ++i)



Here, they save the state point.

Now, let’s come to the last function, start () function.

void QStateMachine::start()




    if (initialState() == 0) {

        qWarning("QStateMachine::start: No initial state set for machine. Refusing to start.");




    switch (d->state) {

    case QStateMachinePrivate::NotRunning:

        d->state = QStateMachinePrivate::Starting;

        QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "_q_start", Qt::QueuedConnection);


    case QStateMachinePrivate::Starting:


    case QStateMachinePrivate::Running:

        qWarning("QStateMachine::start(): already running");




At the begin to start the state machine framework, they call the initialState ().


  Returns this state's initial state, or 0 if the state has no initial state.


QAbstractState *QState::initialState() const


    Q_D(const QState);

    return d->initialState;


It’s easy to understand.

Before this, this sentence calls the QStateMachinePrivate object.


After this function, they called the invokeMethod () function.

That’s all for this code. I must work for our application. Tomorrow, I will to know how to be trigger this state machine and change the state.


November 7, 2009 23:19



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