%% 本文讲述数据分析 %% 先加载数据
load distriAnalysisData; % 设置figure大小,位置。 figure('units','normalized','position',[ 0.2099 0.6269 0.4354 0.2778]); subplot(1,2,1); plot(sort(B),'.'); xlabel('series'); ylabel('observations'); title('1D scatter plot'); subplot(1,2,2); hist(B); xlabel('bins'); ylabel('frequency of observations'); title('Histogram'); % 设置figure,背景颜色 set(gcf,'Color',[1 1 1],'paperpositionmode','auto');
B是一个20000*1的数组 figure('units','normalized','position',[ 0.2099 0.6269 0.4354 0.2778]); [N c] = hist(B,round(sqrt(length(B)))); bar(c,N); % N表示每个直方条的宽度 title('Alternate binning, bin size = sqrt(n)'); xlabel('bins'); ylabel('frequency of observations'); title('Histogram, with an optimal bin size to reveal underlying structure of data'); set(gcf,'Color',[1 1 1],'paperpositionmode','auto');
%% 最后我们将以一个混合的正太分布去满足直方图配置。我们将去评估我们的模型 sigma_amp1 mu分别是均值,标准差 sigma_ampl = [79.267229 8.121365 5 6.254915 5.062882 11.117357 577.45966 531.38438 962.45674 1800 1800 357.92132]; mu=[29 38 51 70 103 133]; % Gaussian mixture model f_sum=0;x=1:200; for i=1:6 f_sum=f_sum+sigma_ampl(i+6)./(sigma_ampl(i)).*exp(-(x-mu(i)).^2./(2*sigma_ampl(i).^2)); end subplot(2,1,1); clear h; h(1)=plot(c,env,'Linewidth',1.5);hold on; h(2)=plot(c,f_sum,'r','Linewidth',1.5); axis tight legendflex(h,{'Histogram Profile','Gaussian Mixture Model'},'ref',gcf,'anchor',{'ne','ne'},'xscale',.5,'buffer',[-50 -50]); title({'After a model is fit to the data, investigate the residuals to assess how much ','of the variability in the data has been accounted for by the model'}); subplot(2,1,2); plot(c,env-f_sum,'.'); axis tight; title(['Residuals = signal - fit, Mean Squared Error = ' num2str(sqrt(sum(abs(env-f_sum).^2)))]); set(gcf,'Color',[1 1 1],'paperpositionmode','auto');