哇!Delphi 2007 for PHP


这里有详细介绍: http://www.codegear.com/Products/Delphi/DelphiforPHP/tabid/237/Default.aspx

delphi for php是一个web ide。据说: "Up until Delphi for PHP, there hasn’t been a RAD visual development environment and there's not been a component architecture for PHP that allows you to build reusable components," said David Intersimone, CodeGear vice president of developer relations and chief evangelist.
    Delphi® for PHP is the first completely integrated visual Rapid Application Development (RAD) environment for PHP.而且,它把VCL也引入了php,叫VCL for PHP,而且是纯php的。
     Delphi for PHP makes it easy to create your own components and install customized packages to use in the IDE. The VCL for PHP makes it simple for you to develop new classes, because every component is built in pure PHP. Simply place components into forms and use them in your applications. VCL for PHP components have built-in properties, methods, and events that make web interface development a snap.  Delphi for PHP is the fast and easy way to build powerful and reliable PHP web applications.


这里有一篇info world的报道:

CodeGear extends Delphi for PHP, Vista, AJAX

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