.Net FrameWork1.1 安装错误:Internal Error: 2908(转)

今天一个干净的机器安装.Net FrameWork1.1 ,遇到了一个错误,怎么也安装不上!

Many people experience failure when installing .Net Framework 1.1 Redist. Usually you see a MSI dialog says “Internal Error 2908.”. Later you will see another dialog says “Error 1935. An error occured during the installation of component xxxx. HRESULT: -2147319761”.

The problem usually is because a broken previous install. Rename %windir%/system32/mscoree.dll and re-install usually does the trick.

This works because MSI uses existence of %windir%/system32/mscoree.dll to tell if a .Net framework is already installed. If MSI believes a .Net framework is already installed, it will use the existing .Net framework to install assemblies into GAC. Renaming mscoree.dll tricks MSI to believe .Net framework is not present. In that case MSI will do a fresh install. Fresh installs rarely fail. 

FYI: http://blogs.msdn.com/junfeng/archive/2004/01/31/65457.aspx

按照上述的方法果然解决,开始还小心翼翼的把mscoree.dll 备份了一个,然后改了名字,发现安装好以后系统又产生了一个新的mscoree.dll 。后来一切正常,还是非常感谢Junfeng
